Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wait for me.
I will start blogging soon enough.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Things Men Should Know About Women
Was reading Holly Jean and came across this. So true, oh so true.1. When we tell you our problems, we do not expect you to fix them. We just want you to listen. 2. It’s cheating as soon as you’re doing something you wouldn’t want us to catch you doing. 3. When we ask questions we already know the answers to. We're not trying to trap you, we want to give you a chance to come clean. 4. We don’t like hairy backs. Shave it, wax it, whatever… but don’t shave your chest… or legs. 5. While standing in a queue somewhere, kiss us on the back of our shoulders or neck.... I think this works magic (and it sure makes waiting a whole lot better!) 6. Don’t talk about the porn you've watched/ girls you've shagged.. (even though we ask you about that, we don't actually want to know... I don't know why we ask really, we just do unexplainable things like that some times) 7. We find you sexy when you’re driving, fixing things, working out, playing an instrument (well), and concentrating on a task. 8. We aren’t as obsessed with your size as you are. (No matter what your size, your tongue my friend, is indispensable!) 9. Women can take care of themselves, but it’s sweet when you’re protective over us. Small things like calling to make sure we made it home safely goes a long way. (That’s also why we pretend we can’t open the jar, so you can demonstrate how you are able to take care of us.) 10. Yes we throw an odd tantrum or two from time to time. But if you cant handle us at our worst then you don't deserve us at our best. Sunday, October 24, 2010
Everything is wrong baby.I think you're busted. 你不會知道,但我還是希望有天你會懂 女人不吵了、不鬧了、不叫了,就是真的不愛了 女人說要離開,是傷心了,是你讓他失望了. 女人明知道你們之間沒有未來,卻情願留在你身邊做個普通朋友,不是她太賤,只是她捨不得 . 女人故意在你面前提到別的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一下你,讓你多在乎她一點 . 女人不主動打電話、發信息給你,不是不想你,是她不夠自信,你接到電話、短信時,是否也同樣的想念她 . 如果女人不愛你,是不會對你發脾氣的,不要報怨自己的女朋友脾氣太怪,女人只對她愛的人發脾氣. 女人不是不知道你還有別的女人,她選擇獨自傷心卻不揭穿你,是害怕揭穿後給了你一個離開她的藉口. 女人總是在你面前假裝很開心,不是她沒心沒肺,成天傻樂,只是為了在你面前留下最美的樣子. 男人 其實你不懂 1 她總是問:你在哪呢?你現在在幹嗎? (她很想念你,只是想跟你說說話,你不給她發信息,她很 矛盾,怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你.換了別人,愛幹嘛幹嘛,她不關心.所以請你一有時間就問候她一 下,讓她放心,讓她知道你心裡有她,她不會煩你.她總是主動聯繫你,她會覺得她賤.) 2 她說:我不開心了,我好煩. (不要怪她無理取鬧,更不能覺得她在煩你,她不是真的不開心,她只是想你了.只是想要你會來安慰她一下,哪怕是:乖,別鬧了,聽話!) 3 她說:不要感冒了./路上小心./自己多注意…… (不要嫌她煩.因為她知道你不傻,甚至是很聰明的.她只想讓你知道她心裡有你,她很想關心你) 4 她總說自己又長胖了或者長得不夠漂亮. (不要覺得她是在自卑或嫉妒別人,她只是怕自己在你眼中不夠完美.她已經在為你改變了.) 5 她總說她想要幫你,要你有什麼事一定要告訴她. (其實她知道她幫不了你什麼,她只想讓你知道你還有她,她永遠在會你身邊陪你,會一直的支持你,) 6 她看到你跟別的女生親近一些就會生氣,發小脾氣. (別說她小氣,不信任你,她其實是在吃醋,這表示她十分在乎你.即使心裡難受也會自己安慰自己.) 7 無論做什麼她總會征求你的意見. (不是她沒主見,太過依賴你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你為先.) 8 不管在哪裡她總是緊緊的和你站在一起. (她只是在告訴你她信任你.) 9 她愛憂傷,總是會多想. (不要覺得她是想太多,只是有時她會覺得缺乏安全感.) 10 她假裝生氣轉身離開. (其實,她不是真的想走,只是離開的時候希望被挽留.) 11 她會突然冷淡你,或是向你撒嬌. (別怪她孩子氣,她只是想讓你哄哄她.) 12 也許有一天她會跟你說分手. (其實,這個時候她已經喜歡你好久,只是不確定這份感情是不是對的.她只是要你的安全感,你的捨不得,你的不要走……) 男生敢不敢啊? 1.把fb密碼告訴她。 2.銀行的密碼告訴她。 3.冬天允許她把手放到你身體裡。 4.可以讓她隨時翻你手機。 5.行街時,要拉著她的手,不許放。 6.不許先掛她電話。 7.不許對她大聲說話。 8.要給她介紹你所有的朋友。 9. 陪她逛街時不能說累。 10.把她的的相片放在手機屏幕上。 11.不說她傻。 12.不說她笨。 13.不傷她心。 14. 不欺負她。 15.不兇她。 16.不對她摔東西。 17.要會逗她笑。 18.會說甜言蜜語。 19.要說到做到。 20. 有事隨叫隨到。 21.允許她掏你口袋。 22.要鼓勵她打扮。 23.不許說她醜。 24.不許說她胖。 25.陪她看 電視。 26.不許嫌她手藝不好(再難吃也要誇好)。 27.大節小節都要送禮物給她(不在乎禮物的貴賤)。 28.無論她什麼時候餓,都要陪她吃飯。 29.吵架一定是你先道歉。 30.每年去不同的地方(沒錢就去不同的公園)。 31.發現美女時,不許斜眼。 32.她撒嬌的時候你要配合。 33.要陪她一起瘋。 34.行街累 了,就背她。 35.要學會做飯給她吃。 36.每天要打電話給她。 37.她打電來時一定要接。 38.不叫她做不願意的 事。 39.她煮飯時,要陪她一起。 40.答應她的事不能討價還價。 41.有快樂時要和她一起分享。 42.有痛苦時要和 她一起分擔。 43.為她,做個大男人。 44.不許和前女朋友聯繫。 45.她生病時要監督她吃藥。 46.為她洗腳。 47.要陪她散步。 48.要相信她。 49.不許拿她和前女友比較。 50.不許騙她。 這些 你敢做到嗎? Friday, October 22, 2010
10 reasons why women cheat
Number 10Not enough sex Remember the good old days when you could stay up forever fooling around? Then responsibility entered the mix — and kids — and before you knew it, sleep was more important than sex. Well, women want to feel wanted. If you’re not making her feel that way, she could seek it elsewhere. To keep that spark alive, ask her out on date nights, send her provocative e-mails at lunch, and by all means, don’t let life get in the way of kissing, cuddling and sex. Number 9 Being the bad girl Just as men feel the urge to sow their wild oats, some women have an inner sex kitten just waiting to be unleashed — and when the beast escapes from the cage, look out. This frisky behavior usually rears its ugly head in response to some sort of life change — major weight loss, new job, new friends, mid-life crisis, etc. Keep the lines of communication open and she’ll be more likely to talk to you about what’s going on instead of spilling her guts to a stranger in the night. Number 8 Self-esteem Sex can be an instant pick-me-up; a self-esteem booster that makes women feel sexier, more beautiful and more loved. If your wife or girlfriend has self-esteem issues, it doesn’t mean she’s automatically going to cheat — and it’s certainly not your fault if she does — but there are ways to make her feel secure in the relationship that could help her from straying. Pay attention to her, ask her questions and don’t hold back on compliments — a little flattery goes a long way with women. Number 7 Revenge/payback for past wrongs No, you didn’t cheat, but whether you blew your retirement fund in Vegas or got caught in a big lie, you did break her trust (and, possibly, her heart). She feels wounded and betrayed — and wants to hurt you the same way you hurt her. To regain her trust, it’s not enough just to tell her you’re sorry; you have to show her. Actions speak louder than words. Number 6 Lack of intimacy You have it all: the house, the two-car garage and the two-and-a-half bathrooms — at least on the outside. But inside, the relationship is lacking the one thing women want most: intimacy. It’s not just sex that makes women feel connected in a relationship; it’s touching, kissing, cuddling, and communicating. Women crave it, and she could seek it elsewhere if she’s not getting it at home. To improve intimacy, spend quality time together, give her a foot massage, make a romantic dinner for two — anything that will give her a sense of unity and closeness. Number 5 Feeling neglected/ignored/underappreciated Women wear many hats in a relationship — housekeeper, errand-runner, grocery shopper, babysitter, etc. When she feels more like a maid than a girlfriend/wife, that’s when she could stray. The fact that you spend all your time at work or on the golf course gives her double reason to seek attention elsewhere. No, you can’t quit your job, but you can thank her for all her selfless deeds — and do your share around the house. Number 4 Your emotional withdrawal Women are emotional beings. Not only do they need physical support, but they also need emotional support. Once you retreat from the relationship, she sees it as a sign that things are through — a breakup is inevitable. So, she’s not really cheating, she’s moving on. To avoid this, be present in the relationship. Yes, that means sharing your icky feelings, but it’s better than the alternative, right? Number 3 Bedroom boredom Sex can become monotonous if you let it — the same position; the same setting; the same person. An affair adds adventure and gets her adrenalin flowing. To avoid routine, avoid repetition. Sweep her away for the weekend, make out at the movies, kiss her for no reason at all… The unexpected adds excitement. Number 2 Exit strategy Instead of breaking up with you, she cheats on you. That way she doesn’t have to deal with the broken relationship, which is much harder to fix. An affair is the easy way out — or at least that’s how she sees it. That’s another reason communication is key. Let her know that she can talk to you about anything and that you love her enough to work through any bumps in the relationship road. Number 1 Revenge for your cheating Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Because you cheated, she wants to get back at you and give you a dose of your own medicine. Cheating is her vengeance, her chance to even the playing field. No, you can’t undo your indiscretion, but you can ask for her forgiveness, assure her it will never happen again and suggest couples therapy to help you get through this tough time. Thursday, October 7, 2010
So many things. I'm so weak. And confused.But I will hang on. Just like how I've did ever since 12 years ago. I've been doing it and I will still be doing it. Even if it means I'll be left half dead and alone. 'Cause honestly... I don't have much choice, do I? Give me the determination, please. And oh. It'll be pork ribs with potatoes ramen today. Yum yum!! |
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Things Men Should Know About Women
10 reasons why women cheat
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J