Thursday, February 21, 2008
Random post
I'm so broke. I'm so broke. I'm so broke that my fingernail broke.

(... ...)

Alright fine, they're still intact.

See, nails are still FINE.

And they're still hitting happily against the keyboard as i type. Nothing much to blog today, since nothing much happened in my life today. Total sian-sation. The only thing i wonder is that how come i can spend like $50 and i didn't even realized it.

Shucks. Let me see what i bought.

And these cost me $50? Freak!!

Let me see in detail what i spent in all. Those pathetic stuff cost me $50? Damn. Unbelievable.

Topup - $10 (To heck with adult fares)
Sunglasses - $9.90 (The Bluez is so much better then Power9. At least they have free glasses pouches, unlike Power9, which you have to BUY it yourself. If you want, that is. Plus their glasses are cheaper than Power9. And nicer looking too.)
Ring - $14
Fake nails - $9.90 (I got nails and the glue. But i didn't have the nail remover. SAD)
Spray - $7.95 (I still think going for a reborn is better, in a complete destroying-hair-mode now)
Arcade - A MERE DOLLAR (Praise me. Lowest record i ever spent in an arcade)

Total - $52.75

Right, and i didn't remember spending that much. Shucks. Anyway, i lost in Rock Fever 5 today. I died at second stage. THAT humiliating act didn't even happen to me when i was a noob in RF. (cause April was playing 'co-operation' mode with me. So even if my stage failed, i still can move on) That's like SO SAD. But the main reason is that i was chatting on the phone using headset while playing it. I was talking so happily that i didn't realize that the game had already started. Very idiotic. Could only bring the dots up to like the purple area. (Around half the line). But still, FAIL. Very angry. Decided not to talk on phone while playing RF5 le. Other than losing, people might think i'm siao, if they didn't notice my headset.

By the way, i saw KIAN LENG and Johnathan at Causeway. Didn't go up and say hi to them. Ugine will, i guess. Since it's him having personal grudges with them, not me. But i had a sudden thought.
What is Kian Leng goes to RP which coincidentally, it's the school i was posted to. WORSE, what if he's going to the same course as me? He failed his Mathematics, means he cannot go business. Only can go to Humanities course, or MEDIA. Damn, i'm taking the media stream. Means, he might be in my course. Double damn. He will think i can't study. Then he will say i leave the leaders to study, then still cannot make it. He will snub me. He will despise me. He will laugh at me. He will humiliate me. He will DIE if he ever does any of the above!!!!!

BAH. Who cares about that small fry who can't even pass his E MATHS. Alright, though i might be in no position to talk about his Mathematics, for i only scored a mere B3. Very bad, i thought i could get at least a A2. I was confident to get like 90 upon 100 for Paper 2. And 55 upon 80 for Paper 1. I could get around 80 upon 100 after conversion. But i heard that A1 for E maths this year is around 90 or 95. Very scary. BUT ALL I KNOW IS THAT, I DID VERY BADLY FOR PAPER1. Didn't put my heart in doing it at all. Was day dreaming and sleeping half of the time. Paper 2 couldn't even save my paper 1. Resulting in a pathetic B3. SO NO EXCUSE FOR GETTING A B3. Sad.

Ahem, and i digress. I was saying, i might be no position to talk about him AT ALL, with my own pathetic set of scores. But at least, i sat for A Maths, and i passed. *coughs, C6 pass, COUGHS* Right, it was a borderline pass, but still, i passed. I had never passed A maths in my entire Secondary School life. I can score like SINGLE DIGITS for A maths overall PRELIM. My mum even asked me to give up on my A maths. And believe me, I GAVE UP. Didn't study much, only studied the morning before. In actual fact, i only studied on the morning itself before all the O level papers. God must have been very kind to me to let me have such grades. *smiles*

Damn, i digress again.

Anyway, back to my nails. (Changing topics at the speed of light) Seriously, i shouldn't cut my nails?

Look at my FAT fingers. So fat. Eww!!!

And here comes the saviour, FAKE NAILS. It looks okay like this. But look at the underside.

See the nail jutting out? Seriously, i shouldn't cut my real nails off? It look pretty hideous from the underside. And i'm sadly, a perfectionist.

(... ...)



My poor toe. Couldn't see the blood from this angle. Taken this after bathing. So the skin was a little 'soggy'. Plus i forgot to switch to macro mode when taking this picture. Pain sia. Now, the scab is so happily staying on my toe, AND NEW SKIN IS GROWING OVER IT. Tell me, GROSS OR NOT.

Fine, gross topics about my poor toe shall end abruptly here too.

RANDOM PHOTOS TIME (not a lot anyway)

As much as i HATE emo-ness, i started to LOVE pretending to be emo when i'm taking pictures. Proof? Here's proof.

Emo? Nah, just for taking pictures. I HATE ALL EMO-NESS AND EMO-NERS. FOLIATE OFF FROM MY LIFE!!!

Anyway, there's always these times where my computer hates me and refuses to run properly.

The bad IE in action.

Random jumping of topics again

Thea, Ugine and me are all users of Billabong wallets. *all hail and bows*

Sheesh, i just spotted a rose in trouble. It looks like it's dying. ROSE, HANG ON. I go and find JACK. (Where's that Titanic DVD when i need it?) Right, i don't have Titanic DVD. Or VCD. I didn't have that show at all. Shucks.

Me : Rose, are you okay? You looked like you're dying.

Rose : Y..e..s... *gasps for breathe* I thi.. nk i can't... go on any *fits of cough*

Me : Rose, stay strong. You can do it. DOCTOR, ANY DOCTOR AROUND?? *shouting in the empty void deck below my block*

Rose: My dar...ling child *coughs* Tha..nks.. But *gasp for breathe* save my child. Save him... from death... *gasp*

Me: A child? Who? Where? How?

Rose: My tum... tummy... *breathes her last and died*

Me: Right, tummy. Tummy. Where will a rose considered her tummy. *opening her petals*


Serious. Her child. *gasp again*

There's this Tao Tai Lang in the Japanese folklore. So, i shall name this Mei Tuo Zhai. Mei is from Mei Gui (rose). And Tuo Zhai is Takuya in Chinese if i'm not wrong (named after him since that keychain is from him)


I love myself so much that i can't help but salute to myself.

(... ...)

Why? Got prob arz?

(... ...)


Previous Posts:
April very se (horny) I do not wake up to be a coolie Damn that 360 guy I'm so traumatized. So traumatized. Sonic Arts I'm so bo-liao Hate my blog outlook Go do the quizzes at on it) now Not a place for you to make a story Ham hams
Previous Months:
January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010

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And my boyf.
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