Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Alright, i've thought about this for a long time (like 2 seconds) and i had finally decide on what to blog about. It's a topic that i had rarely blog but since i had nothing to talk about, then heck, i shall talk about this topic. (And no, it's not Christianity. It's an overused topic to me already. But i might talk about it sometime soon. *scratches chin with an evil gleam in eyes*)

Anyway, behold. For i shall talk about... PASSIONfruit.

It had been a long time since i had last talked to Ames. He just talk to me on MSN out of a sudden, in which we linked it to music. Right. Actually we have nothing much to talk about other than music. Since it was music itself which led us to know each other. And he's one damn good musician.

Sheesh. I'm jealous. =x

Anyway, back to passion. For those who knows me well enough, you should know that my passion is sleeping. OOPS. I mean, music. It has came to a point that i want to live for music. Using music. With music.

It could seemed to be the most random thing of all. Or even the dumbest thing of all. People was asking me, questioning me, scolding me, telling me off (and the list goes on) about why would i want to go into this audio stream. I could have went into business, IT, sciences or even JC. Why in the world would i want to choose to walk in this audio field. Why would i even want to study in RP.

My answer is simple. Because i love music.

I know some people who is working in the audio field are being heavily endorsed by advertisers. They earn great bucks with that. But that's not what i'm looking for. Even without endorsment, i would still choose to work with music. Even without any benefits, i would still choose to work with music.

Even if i have to be laughed at or ridiculed at, i will still choose to take this audio path.

Sometimes, it's just like...

Will you still believe in God when you know that God will never bless you. Or answer your prayers. Or let you gain entry to heaven. You know that it's fruitless to believe in God, now, will you still believe in Him?

Or will you still love your child even when you know that that damn kid will do all things to hurt you, steal money, DO DRUGS, have sex or what so ever. Will you still love your child?

I presume both answers will be a yes. Because if one thing is close to your heart, you would have stand strong in it regardless of what's the price.

Same theory.

To others, i might seem dumb and idiotic to come into RP and do audio and sound managment when i can go to some other courses which seemed to have a better prospect in my life. But let me first ask my favourite question, HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Passion is not something i deem as my past time. Once i got tired of it, i'll change. If i get tired of my passion so easily or if it can be so easily changed, i wouldn't even consider that as my passion. It'll just merely be another phrase of my life.

Think about this. Will it be my true passion if i only think about going in this course if i had bad grades. Once i know i had better grades, i changed my mind and go into another stream. Will this be what i truly want to be.

People call me naive. They think that i'm killing myself. But think again. Can the world survive without media? One of the strongest influence in the world is our everyday seen, media. The biggest impact on teenagers nowadays would be songs. Music. From religion to interests, all are tightly interwined with music.

So, tell me again that working with music is future-less.

Key to this is on how well can you work with music. Hardwork is never enough. Luck will never be everything. Tactics will not bring you far. Now, think about it. ><.

Anyway, no one should doubt the love i had for music. People tell me that i would grow out of it, but i can't see myself growing out of it. BECAUSE PASSION IS NOT A PHRASE OF LIFE WHERE I CAN GROW OUT OF.

Right. I had finished trying to act cheem. Now for the usual random rants.

YES. I simply hate taking bus 169 home. I normally go home at around 6 plus which just ever so fatefully coincides with those blue collared workers who also got off from work. It's not that i'm trying to be job-ist (word comes from sexist and racist), it's just that some people just STINK.

There's always better people which is OS People. These are still okay. Those are the Occasionally Stink People. Which still isn't too bad.

But another portion will be the GW People. Sometimes a whiff of them makes me foam at the mouth. But if i were to be at the end of the bus and them being all at the front, i might still be able to survive the journey home. Those are the Gag Worthy people.

And now comes the best part. I had this uncle standing behind me on the bus. I caught his smell the minute he step up the bus. He's definitely under the OMGWTHITS People. Once he step on the bus, i started to fear for my life. He's the OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SMELL People.

I can literally smell him for a good ten feet away. Though it's not like that want it, but it would be nice if they could get some deodorant for Pete's sake. Look, get a D-E-O-D-O-R-A-N-T.

Even smokers smell like flowers in comparison to them.

I gag. I foam. I die.

This is a growing epidemic. It's scary.


Moving on.

I've just realized. When April and i gets together and talk, weird stuff would sure to be talked about. Some of them are quite explicit and i shouldn't say it in here. Lest i want Haylie to talk about it class. =x

And also. Talking to those two ITE guys made me feel so atas. Use sarcasm. It works and they don't get it. Therefore, having the feeling of superiority.

Anyway, i think i've ranted enough for this entry. It's already 10.01pm. Nice number.

P/s: WOOOSH. Lovelife just mailed me. I'm happy.

P/p/s: No one should use the word, "woosh" when i'm around.

P/p/p/s: Now it's 10.14pm. I should publish this out already.

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