Friday, October 31, 2008
just got to rant
Today is an awesome day!!! But once i came online, everything crashed.I'm not disappointed with F5. I seriously am not. It's just that, somehow i just wish, people can be more responsive. Why couldn't guys take the initiative, take the lead. Why must they always sit back and wait for things to happen. Is it just Singaporean guys or what? I don't know. But it seems that almost EVERY Singaporean guy i've met IS like that. (Yes, it's still is. Not was. I haven't met one which made me changed my mind.) Just one day. Just one day is enough to let me see how does a ME guy reacts, in comparison to a SG guy. A ME guy pays for a girl, treat girls stuff and send her home. And not to mention, be very considerate and concerned for a girl (who's sick. Yes*waves*, me) And what does a SG guy do? We go Dutch (not that i mind), say goodbyes at the MRT station that we part with (or the one that's on their way back) and refuses to respond, and take charge. I don't know. But listen to this. Someone younger than most of you out there does this. Yes, someone younger. (and yes, i'm only telling my personal guy friends to think about it. No offense to the other guys out there. ^^) Think about it. When was the last time you lend your spare phone to a girl whose phone was missing due to some reasons? When was the last time you treat a girl FOR THE ENTIRE DAY? When was the last time you insisted on paying for a girl? When was the last time you even held a door open for a girl? When was the last time you let a girl order first before you do? When was the last time you let a girl up the escalator up before you do? When was the When i'm talking about this girl, i'm not saying girlfriends or crushes or even close/best/regular friends. I'm talking about someone you met online. Someone you had only met over Myspace and MSN and nothing else. It's the first time in your entire life that you met her, for you only know this girl online, will you do this for her? Although i'm in no position to speak, but let's just see what happened to my very own friends? Let's see how can i put across this in the most subtle way? CAN YOU FUCKING BE MORE RESPONSIVE? I don't even need you to make decisions, i just need you to tell me things... EARLIER!!! You were in all the conversations, actively chatting. Fine, i shall give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't know earlier, but couldn't you tell me you couldn't make it without me asking just TWO days before the event. When i asked you guys to organize, to choose a place, why couldn't all of you tell me on the spot, you couldn't make it. When Jeff tells me he can't make it, why couldn't you others use this chance to tell me too? I'm not trying to blame anyone. In fact, i think the only one who should be blamed ought to be me. I shouldn't even try to trust you with things, maybe the only person i could trust to do things are Tobi and myself. It's supposed to be a happy occasion. But all thanks to my dumb judgement, i ultimately ruined this whole thing. FORGET IT. FORGET IT LE LURS!!! *SCREAMS!!!!* But setting aside all those, Can apologies to her honestly be ever enough? And i'm so sorry to Gary too. For i didn't know that Atzuki moved to Liang@Court. *bows* Alright, i shall talk about my day later. For i really got to rant now. Phoneless I will sleep early... and have enough sleep!!! Why the sudden determination, you ask? Because i found one good reason to do so! As usual, i slept around 5 plus after watching Shimmy's live cam (and of course, his vids *winks*) And i slept through, waking up at 1330. Wanting to count the hours i've slept, i felt around for my phone. It's not on my bedtop, not on the floor, not on my bed, not on my study table, not in the living room. I panicked. For two FULL seconds. *smacks forehead* Then i called myself, trying to hear either the ringtone or vibration of the phone. But i couldn't get through. And yes, i was starting to feel annoyed at that time. So i called my dad. Surprisingly, he's able to pick up the phone. (He told all of us last night that his phone is down) And so, feeling a bit for relieved, i confirmed with him if he was using my phone. So YES he was. *grumbles* But he said I was the one gave the phone to him when he asked. I was puzzled because i remembered sleeping all the way through without waking up at all. And dad told me briefly what happened. He said he tried to wake me up and ask me for Momo's phone. I replied and even passed him my phone. HELL NO DID I REMEMBER DOING THAT. Of course i believe my Dad. And of course i also believed that i was so freakingishly tired that my body was awake and doing stuff but my head is still asleep. And that dumb action caused me to be phoneless for a day. Yikes!!! So yes, as i was saying. I found one reason to sleep early, and yes. THIS is the reason. -.- unless you Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... Gazing out the dull, toneless windows, wondering where the world went so wrong... says me on the other hand, i hateit they managed to make basketball look gay we had to watch it.. as a prose study in music class Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... Gazing out the dull, toneless windows, wondering where the world went so wrong... says haha.. i know right? whilst most classes do mozart, bach, beethoven... we do a bunch of prancing guys in basketball outfits singing :P plus the teach suggested doing the sing along But we were all out of the door by then ^_^ Yes, that was random. ^^ And i hate guys who can't make decisions... Or people who wakes me up in the morning by contacting me. Unless you're dead, please don't call/SMS me. Oh wait. You can't text me if you're dead. Good. (: karma Yes, i'm back up and running. Thanks to panadol extra. No more pounding even when i'm not moving. Much less the sharp pain when i'm tried to move. Or the suicidal ache when i coughed. ALL OF THEM ARE GONE!!! Panadol, you rock!! So yes, let's talk about The Coffin. Yes, you guessed it. It's a no-pictures-kind-of-blog again. No wonder my hits are like dropping drastically. But then again, i'm positively lazy to transfer pictures. Much less upload. :X Oh right, back to Coffin. ALL FIVE OF US DECIDED THAT WE WERE SCAMMED!!! The thriller looks so drool-worthy, but the movie proves itself otherwise. And to think we're watching on Halloween's Eve. *shakes head* I wouldn't say the plot was horrible, and on the other hand, i thought it wasn't too bad. But if we're considering on the genre itself, it does shine a bad light. It's supposed to be Horror-PG, but the fact is that, it's not the least horrifying. Not one sight made me close my eyes and shriek. There was a lot of places where they can build up on the atmosphere. How do you make a specific sound louder? One way is to tune that specific sound louder or u can turn the other sounds softer. So how do make a specific scene scarier? By either building up the plot, or making it suddenly pop out. But neither happened. ): And to think we were so excited about the moving. We heard it was good but alas... ... Fine, it wasn't that bad either. Surprisingly, there's values learnt. ^^ Yes, be shocked. Karma. The wheel. Watch it to know. The most you'll be wasting is $6. And so, my favorite word nowadays will be... ... KARMA!!! ^^ Yes, i've no idea why too. *smiles* Thursday, October 30, 2008
not making sense
Every crash and beat is a painful knock. Anyway, ever since i got rudely woken up, i ran to AMK Hub to meet the rest for a movie. And i thought i would be one of the latest to arrive, but to think only Yong, Hafiz and Darren were there. Then i went to order my Freppe and guess what i saw. Yes, REFLECTION'S MAGAZINE!!! At MaCafe. And while waiting for Meiling, Hafiz smoked two sticks. And we were grumbling so much that he threw away the cigarette without smoking the whole stick. For both times. After that, we walked over to Jubilee to buy the tickets for Coffin. And we walked back to AMK to play pool. But no, i didn't play any. For i have no idea how to play. The guys played til we were late. And by the time we reached Jubilee, we had missed the first ten minutes of the movie. Anyway, verdict for Coffin? It's totally not scary at all. All of us were expecting it to be horrifying, but in the end, we felt scammed by it. But even having said that, there was one girl in the cinema who suddenly screamed (She's even scarier than the movie itself) and we went stone stone before laughing at her (softly of course). And poor Yong. Meiling kept on grabbing his arm. So i told Meiling to stop doing it, just bite Yong if she has to. Then Yong said that the next one to screamed in the theatre would be him and that's what we want right? *winks* After that, i went to Woodlands to buy my concealer. And i feel freakingishly broke today. Yikes. P/s: If you feel that i'm not making sense, don't worry. It's true. My head is pounding worse than the day. Damn. ): I'm feeling so much better!!!
All thanks to panadol ^^ Ouch I feel like pangseh-ing. But i can't. Cause i promised. Damn. *wills the ache away* And i hope i'll be able to put on my contacts. For the pain is behind my eyes kind of aches. Ouch. ): I'm dead As title. Just almost. yawns That is IT. One more time i get rudely interrupted in the morning, i will... i will... i will... I will I know!!! I will... switch my hand phone off!!! HA. So no one can contact me. *owwww* My head. It's pounding... HARD. *smiles* I hate getting woken up by phones for 2 consecutive days.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
can't believe
I can't believe it!!! I can't believe it!!! I can't believe it!!! I can't believe the fact that i'm talking about Christianity on a peaceful mode. I can't believe the fact that i feel like checking out CHC. I can't believe the fact that i ain't the anti-christian today. I can't believe the fact that GL and i changed roles today. I can't believe the fact that i talked with Gary about VK clothings. I can't believe the fact that Garydoes buy VK stuff. I can't believe the fact that i'm going to watch a horror movie tomorrow. I can't believe the fact that both Ben and GL have to sleep by 11pm. *stuns* I can't believe the fact that Fin knows me. (Wait, who's Fin? No, other than the fact that he's a EMP senior.) I can't believe the fact that i only know a few seniors in EMP. (Mentor, Sai & Brandon) I can't believe the fact that Sai finally remembers my name. I can't believe the fact that ... ... I'VE WRITTEN SO MANY I-CAN'T-BELIEVE FACTS!!!
happy day The happiest thing that had once happened not too long ago... *me walks past* *saws someone for the first time in real life but umpteen times online* *points to me and said hi* OMIGOSH, HE RECOGNIZES ME? *thinks calmly to myself* Yes right, bullshit. How can i be calm in this situation? *walks over* *grabs him to take a picture* *walks off leaving him stunned there* No. I ain't that violent YET... So none of those happened... YET And yes, i was damn happy that day. ^^ Paiseh seh I'm always proud to be a Singaporean. But after watching this... ... Although i still take pride in being one, but i still hope that no one would stereotype all Singaporeans to be so uncivilized like them. Or all Singaporean aunties on the other hand. I'm so glad my Momo doesn't do that at all. xD 習慣了痛的感覺 就永遠不會在感覺到它了 在孤單的邊界徘徊 展開雙翼 只能在黑暗中獨行 沒人能接納 沒人能了解 派出的使者 和平的代表 讓黑暗中的影子在白天下步行 沒人了解吸血鬼的傷 沒人能知道他的痛處 孤單的帝王 在自己的王宮裏 舔著嘴角的血 露出了笑容 也許只有吞噬人類的畏懼 的害怕 的黑暗 或許只有這樣才能生存 吸血鬼的存在也許就不過是這樣而已 自己雖然知道只需要多以一步 只需要多一步 就能跨越這一切 來到光明中的吸血鬼 不過權威 勢力 對於吸血鬼來説 才是王道 卑微的人類 向吸血鬼屈服吧 讓她能在這種短暫的幸福裏 忘記自己的傷 的疼 這條路 是吸血鬼自己選上的 再苦 再難 也得靠自己的雙翼來走完 即使羽毛掉光了 用爬的 吸血鬼也不會退縮 習慣了痛的感覺 就永遠不會在感覺到它了
Jolted awake Somebody scream En en yea Don't stop don't stop Pump that... ... *jolts up from dream* *a weird dream may i say* *pens it down in drafts* *replies SMS* *lies down* *tries to sleep* *feels very awake* *counts the number of hours i slept* DAMN!! If it isn't for the thought that counts, i prolly would have killed you. Yes you, Amon. Thanks for waking me up. And the SMS of concern too. (: Ah well. I guess not all is bad too. For i have to wake up at some unearthly hour tomorrow, of NINE AM!!! It's positively very unearthly for me. I hope i wouldn't fall asleep on the long bus rides. Nor get car sickness. And more peeps would be there tomorrow. P/s: I hope the mail ain't send to me because i am one of those who needs to wear the wrist corsages. Please NOO!!! Cafes cafes cafes I feel so positively well. To the point my eyes feel like bleeding. Alright, it's not bleeding, as much as you wish to say, "Bleeding again ar?" But it's just that it's so glassy that it seems FEELS like bleeding. I hope it's just a feeling and would end here. *cross fingers* And yes. I'm trying to make myself sleepy. Because hell no can i fall asleep like this. Geez. Plus plus, other than trying to make myself sleepy, i'm also trying to make myself sneeze. No, it's not that kind where you want to sneeze but can't, mine is that it's so blocked that you can't breathe. So i hope by sneezing, it can clear up my blocked nose a little. But no, no such luck of sneezing. The last sneeze i got was like an hour ago. Damn. And my eyes are watering again. Damn. Plus my skin is getting from bad to worse. And to think i didn't apply any makeup these days. Didn't go out, you see. Double damn. Anyway, moving on from my rants. As i was saying. I moved on and found some cafes. And i saw something that sounds better than De Coder's. It has a cheaper set meal than DC's, but i wonder what is in their set meal. Shall find out more tomorrow. For i'm trying very hard to breathe through my mouth. Set meal or ala carte? Of course BOTH. Set meal plus one ala carte. That's what i call EAT TILL YOU DIE FROM BLOATING!!! Alright, GIVE ME MY PEPPER!!! (before i kill someone for it) I really need to sneeze now. YES!!! I just sneezed (without pepper of course). Never felt so good. And yes, one side of my nose is working properly now. YAY!!! I really hope someone can hug me while i try my best to sleep while snuffling. I'll take anyone. Even Momo and Dada. But then again, logically wise, i might spread the virus to them and so no one would want to hug me to sleep at this moment. Damn. makan kaki I want someone who could go around eating with me. I initially wanted to go to Waraku, for i can still remember the times when my entire family went to Marina to just have that meal. It was GOOD!! Or rather, not too bad i would say. And the prices are quite average too. More ice cream available in compared to Sakae too. Although i know Sakae is not exactly one of the best sushi places, but there's so many of them around the neighbourhood area, tell me how can i not be tempted by it? So yes, as i was saying. I want a makan kaki. Someone who can go around eating with me. Damn. No makan kaki found. ): And yes. Why the sudden thought you ask? Because i've just asked Frez and he said that Malays can't have food at places where they serve pork. Even though they aren't touching the meat. Sheesh. So perpectually no Japanese or Taiwanese food with them. Oww. Or subway. I so want a makan kaki. Or a damn rich boyfriend. *grins* msn Deng deng deng (MSN sounds) Deng deng deng Deng deng deng Deng deng deng *rubs eyes* *sits up from couch* *goes to my bed* *plonk myself on it* *open MSN windows* *sees everyone left MSN conference* WHAT DE?!?!!!! *scrolls through conference* *sees that no one talked about anything purposeful* *feels very awake* DAMN!!! Tuesday, October 28, 2008
![]() Mr Flu. How are you? Do you really have to visit me? It totally sucks to be sick. Don't even have the feel to blog. ): I totally need to get some sleep soon. Damn. Monday, October 27, 2008
It's freaky when your own Momo says you resemble a dead person.And especially so when it's not my granddad or grandmum. *shivers* Moving the rocks A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. He had with him his box of cars and trucks, his plastic pail, and a shiny, red plastic shovel. In the process of creating roads and tunnels in the soft sand, he discovered a large rock in the middle of the sandbox. The boy dug around the rock, managing to dislodge it from the dirt. With a little bit of struggle, he pushed and nudged the rock across the sandbox by using his feet. (He was a very small boy, and the rock was very large.) When the boy got the rock to the edge of the sandbox however, he found that he couldn't roll it up and over the little wall. Determined, the little boy shoved, pushed, and pried, but every time he thought he had made some progress, the rock tipped and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy grunted, struggled, pushed, & shoved; but his only reward was to have the rock roll back, smashing his chubby fingers. Finally he burst into tears of frustration. All this time the boy's father watched from his living room window as the drama unfolded. At the moment the tears fell, a large shadow fell across the boy and the sandbox. It was the boy's father. Gently but firmly he said, "Son, why didn't you use all the strength that you had available?" Defeated, the boy sobbed back, "But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had!" "No, son," corrected the father kindly. "You didn't use all the strength you had. You didn't ask me." With that the father reached down, picked up the rock and removed it from the sandbox. Do you have "rocks" in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you don't have what it takes to lift them? There is One who is always available to us and willing to give us the strength we need. Isn't it funny how we try so hard to do things ourselves. ![]() I don't have a heavenly father, But i do have a real living father, Whom i love with all my heart. One, who is so alive and living, Someone right here. Someone who is always here with me Beside me Through thick and thin Through good moments and bad Through smiles and pain One whom i think and know Is just as good and if not better Than any other heavenly fathers in the sky Dada, i really do do DO love you!! ("V")s Singapore Chinese Culture Alright peeps... SO... What is culture? WAIT!! Don't leave yet! I understand it's the one week hols and none of you would even wish to hear all these which have this odd resemblance to the module we have... *nods head while voice trails off* BUT IF YOU LEAVE, THIS PUPPY HERE WILL GET IT FROM ME. *laugh menacingly* You sure you still want to leave now? *grins* Alright, i digress. So yes, as i was about to say, for someone who are so in love with Mandarin (see previous entry for proof : yes, i do blog in Mandarin once in a while, and what's with that face? -.-) *coughs* I digress, once again. Right, as i was saying, for someone who are so in love with Mandarin, prolly i should be serious and blog about something nutritional for the brain once in a while... HEYS, what's with the 'whatever-she-can't-be-serious' look? I'm offended now. ): Bah, *waves hand in a bimbotic manner*, in any way, PRESENTING WHAT I THINK ABOUT CHINESE CULTURE (SINGAPOREAN STYLE LAH) Dada and Momo will never know this. (: And so literally, Dada and Momo is making their appearance here for a reason. I was being inculcated the idea of being closely knitted together as a family since young. And not only me, my entire maternal side of the family (who were all been through chinese education and chinese education alone) stood in that idea. We have a very firm stand on the roles of the family just like the closeness of one another. And yes, how can i forget the hitting of knuckles by grandma during dinners if we can't hold our chopsticks properly. And the must-have ceremony of offering tea to the elder during weddings. Not to forget, my personal favourite, JIA TOU!!! Speaking of that, we're going to jia tou on the 20th December this year. *winks* It's still a little secret which i can't spill yet. And so, if you're wondering what jia tou is, it literally means 'eating table' but what it truly mean is wedding banquet. And this brings me to the next thing which i think plays a role in the Chinese culture. DIALECTS!!! How many of you have heard of mothers scolding their children 'Si Gin Na' on MRTs and that had secretly bring a smile to your face? Admit it, you did... didn't you? Or at least, i did. I remember the time when i was walking with my friends along the streets, shopping. And there was this mother tugging her child while scolding him at the same time. My friend heard something that the mother scolded and asked me with a confused look, "So what in the world did that woman blabbered. The Si... what what?" I laughed at her and explained while feeling this joy in myself. This is what i call a common language that only SGeans can understand. (: And yes. This is not just it. I feel particularly happy being a Chinese and you know why? Because we have tons of festivals (and most of them involves yummy food) Think about mooncakes, zhong zi, tang yuan, ba gua... ... I'm salivating already. *wipes mouth* And that's not all. There's not just food. Think about the chance of setting fire to playgrounds with candles, throwing sparklers down the HDB at the twits downstairs who are always irritating you out ... ... The possibility is simply ENDLESS!!! But that's not the best thing. This is the awesome part. Urhhs. Yes, those are red packets, as much as they don't look like it. And this is what i call AWESOME!! Money, money, money. I'm not sure how many of you are honest enough to admit, but this is honestly the best part in having all the festivals. Admit it!!! Fine fine. I'm almost hitting the word limit and i guess i should end here. Once again, i've failed to turn this into a serious entry. *shakes head* As much as i've this feeling that one of all these Or even IF it does, mine will never appear. For mine is not serious enough. I definitely have no qualms in turning this into a source-base kind of post, but it's just that... CRAP IT. I'm not a serious girl at all. I love fun and ... FUN!!! *smiles* P/s: I understand most of us would have the urge of setting fires to the playgrounds and throwing sparklers down the HDB, but NO, you aren't suppose to do that. P/p/s: And why do i even bother adding this 'P/s'? Because none of you ever gets my jokes. Geez. *shakes head* 原諒 人生並不只是道選擇題 並不是四選一這麽得簡單 人生並不是僅有黑白灰 並不是只有對與不對 很多時候 並不是別人能不能夠原諒自己 很多時候 別人其實已經原諒自己了 很多時候 只有我們自己還不能夠原諒自己 很多時候 就只需要自己打開心房 原諒自己…… 那就夠了 並不是別人不能夠原諒你 而是你自己無法原諒自己 看似這麽難 這麽複雜的事情 其實只需要原諒自己 就是這麽的簡單 揭開 釋放 解脫 Sunday, October 26, 2008
Boring post
Prolly i might start liking Mayday.I like how they sound on TV right now. *jumps with them* [o.O]!! Oopsies :X *listening to Mayday's songs through my Anyway, i almost thought that today would be a boring day. Because i initially had nothing planned for today. Then suddenly, i appear in Jie's house. Yeaps, you guessed it. I FINALLY MASTERED THE ART OF TELEPORTING!!! Not. I've no idea why. But Momo suddenly asked me to go over. So after spending half an hour on the really uncomfy ride towards Tampiness, i finally reached there with an aching butt. And i totally love their design. Their tiles. Their living room. Their bedroom. Their dining room. Their kitchen. Their study room. Their master bedroom. Their toilets. Their plasma TV. Their all-surround speakers. Their full length mirror. Their glass door. Yes. As i was saying... *coughs* I like their entire house. And after that, i didn't take any more pictures of their house. For i was literally running all over the place, exploring it. *grins* And if you're wondering, yes, it's also this guy who spoilt my piano keys. *glares* And also the one who made me ran after him the entire day. And i had also learned gibberish and baby language from him. xD So, enough with others. Everything else should be me, me, ME!!! So after that, we went to TM to eat. And after that, i got my longly desired mango sorbet!! P/s: Time to download songs. JA!! rock on All of us would have something deep in our hearts... Something that we wouldn't want others to know To think To talk to us about We hide We avoid We do all things to run away But at the end of the day It will still come back to haunt us To find us To make us face them... straight on. -- Thoughts inspired from reading someone's blog from W35L. Rock on, dude!! Survey Last person to make you smile? - Gary Who can you blame for your bad mood today? - My head? Did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl? - Only like... All the time? Do you think you are an argumentative person? - Not really. Unless someone stepped on my tail. *grins* Skittles or Starburst? - Skittles i guess. Though i'm not a fan of either. According to your ex are you hot? - I doubt so. Do you care what others think about you? - Sometimes yes but most of the time, no. If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? - Laugh at her and ask if she had taken her medication. How was last night? - Not too bad~ Who are all the people you have text messages from in your phone? - Urhhs, people. Lazy to grab my cellphone Have you ever been kissed in a car? - Yes and no If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean? - Effing tired Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again? - Not yet How are you feeling right now? - Tired Last time you laughed? - Half an hour ago Have you ever stripped for money? - Nope and have no desire to Last nap? - 6 hours back What did you do on Saturday? - SLEEP!! Excited about anything? - Sleeping!! Who were the first 2 people you heard this morning? - Jie and Jay Chou's voice. Sheesh What's a happy time you've had in the past week? - When we were at Pizza Hut What did your last text message you received on your cell say? - Urhhs. No idea? Have you ever liked anyone that treated you like crap? - Yeaps and i vowed to never do that again Has anyone disappointed you recently? - Doh? What are you listening to? - The pounding behind my eyes Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? - Nopes Have you ever had a difficult relationship? - Doh? Have you ever stayed in a hotel? - Fei Hua!! What is in your pocket? - Fabric Where would you like to be right now? - Beside Wataru. (Sorry Tooru.) Ever been told you were loved by someone who didn't mean it? - Not sure? But hope not though. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? - I hope? Who's the last person you talked to on the phone? - I wonder... How'd your day go? - Tiring Are you a big fan of thunderstorms? - Nah Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? - Yes. But i am so going to choke on 2nd hand smoke though. So many smoker friends. GEEZ!! Were you happy when you woke up today? - Half half Touch or classic? Isn't iPods just the smexiest MP3s around? Shoo off you go if you hate iPods. And no, in case you're wondering, i'm not a Apple-worshiper. It's just that i love iPods. Now now. I'm torn between iTouch and classic. Both of them just look so GOOD!! ![]() And yes. The almighty comparison. Both fulfill the things i want it to do and has the color i want. So the basic requirements are both there. But here comes the tricky part. The price. Classic 120GB - $398 Touch 16GB - $498 Classic WINS!! Functions. Classic 120GB - "Touch-wheel" Touch 16GB - Touchscreen & Wireless Touch WINS!! Design. Classic 120GB - Fat ass Touch 16GB - Sleek, chio and ... ... CHIO!!! Touch WINS!!! Classic VS Touch 1 : 2 Touch wins!!! But... ... It's $100 more with a hell lot lesser memory. ): How to choose? HOW? Anyway, moving on to a happier subject. Who knows Gary? So yes, this is him. But i'm very very very hungry now!!! P/s: Yes i know. I'm materialistic. Tons of peeps had already said that to me. *winks* Saturday, October 25, 2008
![]() I had forgiven you. It's high time to start climbing out of that pit and start forgiving yourself. P/s: See the ring in the picture? It's GONE!!! It flew out and away and never to found again when i was hammering GL for being excessively irritating while i was in the handicapped toilet. Good thing is that it only cost $1. *smiles* ![]() And yes, i should never be seen without eyeliner.
Food I ultimately detest boredom. Because it makes me feel like eating. *growls* MCD Gelare Sakae Yam Paste Prawns Cold platter Chicken potato salad Chips Pizza Hut Ikea's meatballs with mashed potato Waraku's potato pizza Chocolate fondue ARGHS!!! Give me food!! OKto Alright, i'm honestly positively bored. Maybe i should start watching Okto. I haven't watch them yet but soon. SOON!!! I missed out 5 days of Arts Central and i'm not very happy about this. But since i've programmed my TV yesterday to receive Okto, i should be able to start watching it. *runs around in euphoria* Friday, October 24, 2008
Finally. This week is finally over.HOLIDAYS, HERE I COME!!! *runs to comfy bed* *jumps into comfy bed* *rolls about in comfy bed* So yes, i actually did make a point to wake up and go to school today. It's pure willpower that make me able to roll out of my warm inviting bed. (It was raining somemore leh) But willpower is not enough to make me stay for the entire 3 meetings. To be precise, i couldn't even stand staying in the class for 2 meetings. We ran off at 11.01am. We were damn close in getting caught red-handed in zharbo-ing by the faci. The faci was already in class when we are still walking down the stairs to the 4th level. (Our class is on the 5th) Good thing we chose to not take the lift. If not, we will be so paiseh. Imagine if we take the lift. Lift door opens. Faci walks out. Saw us. We DIE. But thank gosh that didn't happen. *winks* And so, we took the stairs to the 4th floor before taking the fire lift. While we were at the 4th level, i went over to Tobi's class and stood at the porthole. To my surprise, they had a very full and hardworking class. Oh yes, i forgot to say. Clever Ben added me on MSN today. (: Alright, after peeking and getting ignored, the 9 of us went to Galilee and slacked over there. We got literally nothing to do and we started to play some really kiddish games. Yes, we played kiddish games. Evon, Pei Shan and me. We made a lot lot lot of noise while playing. And we realized, a lot of other peeps zharbo-ed too. After that, we went to the Quiet Room and played our own games. William, Jeremy and Darren played Warcraft, Evon blogshopped and played her, Pei Shan played her Viwawa's DaiDee and i played by Step Mania. Yes, we were that bored. Around 12 plus close to 1, we finally decided to move our lazy butts and get moving to Causeway. Evon and i decided to walk across the field patch because we thought it was nearer. (Remember your Pythagoras' Theorem?) And William niam-ed us while on the way there. He was saying that “我們有好路不走,走這種鬼路” And so we started to argue with this just one sentence. He added on that “女人就是這麽笨,要走這種路” Then i retorted that “男人也是一樣的苯,傻傻地跟著女人走著種路” *grins* And no. No offense at all. It's just a joke. No generalization were being made. And after the huge patch of field walking, i saw Brandon at the MRT station. He was like wagging his finger at me. Brandon: Hor hor. Me: Oops. Brandon: Tsk. Me: You also what. Look at the time liao. Brandon: I today got no school. Cannot say me. Me: Damn!! Yes. It's the season for FYP. And after that, i initially wanted to get my long-desired Gelare, but no, i didn't get them in the end. ): But we got pizza hut instead. *smiles* Alferdo sauce is seriously totally EWWISH!!! Bleh. But their cream of mushroom is yumm yumm yummilicious. *licks lips* And yes, William is a very nice friend and sat with us throughout the 2 plus hours in Pizza Hut without eating. Who asked him to eat at Cafe Galilee beforehand. *grins* While eating, we all talked about a lot of things. And suddenly i asked him his horoscope and he told me it's Aries. Then i told him some little things about Aries and he said it was true. YAY!! See, horoscopes is good. And some of it is still true. *smiles* But sadly, i didn't read up much about Libra or Gemini. I don't have a lot of friends in this two horos, but now i know i have. So i MIGHT (note: might) study a bit more on them. Alright, after that we went Metro with Evon for her to get her foundation. And believe us, it was damn long. William and Darren (and yes, me too) was complaining all the way. And oh yes. Did i mention that i was praised today? And oh yes yes. Did i also mention that i have this sudden craving for beef? And of course, my Gelare's cookies n cream with Australian's Mango Sorbet ice? *rolls about* Zharboed Reasons as to why i zharbo-ed: Because i'm tired to think and lazy to stay in class. Despite the fact that today's problem isn't too hard. Reasons as to why i want to go back to class after i zharbo-ed: Because i'm bored with nothing to do. But i'm not going to go back because i'm already marked partial. So might as well go out. Peace out. Thursday, October 23, 2008
scary movie 3
Class ended freakingishly late today. I totally have no idea how come our Cognitive faci can manage to drag our lesson until 5 plus.And did i mention i tried to load Scary movie 3 for more than 5 times? It always load halfway, then decides to jam there. BAH. And i found this really yummy stuff at W1. I'm so going to go there every morning. (: Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Scary movie
Omigosh. Omigosh. OMIGOSH!! 27th is coming. 27th is coming. 27TH IS COMING!! Momo's birthday is on the 27th. Momo's birthday is on the 27th. MOMO'S BIRTHDAY IS ON THE 27TH!! Alright. It's time to panic and run around in circles... in an orderly manner. Fine, i guess i got to get something for her. But what? *scratches chin* Dinner and cakes are too common. I need something else. Think, Joycelyn, THINK!!! *grabs hair* Arghhs. Looks like i have to roam around aimlessly either this Friday or Saturday, trying to get something decent for Momo. I volunteered to get a new MP3 for her since the last one i got her is going crazy. And seriously, momo can take VERY good care of her things. The MP4 i once owned has long died and her MP3 is still alive and kicking. And both the MP4 and MP3 is bought on the same day. -.- Sometimes, i really wonder how can she ever does it. And speaking of MP3s. I really want a new iPod. I don't really care what people says about iPod. I just want a new one. Partially because i'm using iTunes as my default media player. (Fine, so what if iTunes are for noobs. I'm used to it, can't i? xP) Can anyone sponsor me one for my birthday? F5, pretty please? Any iStuff will do fine. Nano, classic, iTouch. Any one of it will surely make my day. Bah. Honestly, i shouldn't put my hopes in F5, can i? *winks* Or should i start saving some money. But i guess, even if i manage to save up the money, i will soon spend it on something else. Possibly i would even spend my money without me realizing. *shakes head* And that's the most possible possibility. Geez. And yes. I think i'm in a cult. Although E36C do have dress codes once in a while, but not as much as W35L. How many consecutive days do you us to come in the dress code? Anyway, i realize i had been doing all my UTs for an impostor. Proof? Oh gosh. How does that even look like me in real life. *smacks forehead with palm* And speaking of UTs, i love the last question of Cognitive. Imagine you're on a cross-section path which will lead you to either the Truth village or the Liar village. And everyone in the Truth village will only speak the truth and everyone from the Liar village will speak nothing but lies. And you can only ask one YES/NO question to the villager you see at the crossroad. So what will you ask if you want to get to the Truth village. I absolutely love this question. Don't you? *grins* And yes, can you imagine how effing fast my lappie is these days. Just take a look at this. But yes, i still hadn't really listened to it yet. :X And yes. That is enough. Stop laughing at my MSN nic. Cha cha cha And yes. I'm really proud of my handphone. Because i realize some And when they flip open my phone (more without my permission than with) will see my display picture and get WOWed by it. Cause if they don't, i will glare at them until they do. First, it was Sai yesterday. And today was He even asked if he was my brother. *runs around the room excitedly* Of course he's my brother. Don't you think he has the same hair COLOR as me? *doubles over in laughter* And oh yes. Doesn't this guy looks like Clement? Is that him? *scratches chin* And oh yes, did i mention i finished watching Scary movie 1 and 2? Tuesday, October 21, 2008
We're fools. But at least we know how to be grateful. ![]() I'm tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless lost under the surface Don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes Every step that I take is another mistake to you Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you Can't you see that you're smothering me Holding too tightly afraid to lose control Cause everything that you thought I would be Has fallen apart right in front of you Every step that I take is another mistake to you Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow And every second I waste is more than I can take And I know I may end up failing too But I know You were just like me with someone disappointed in you I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you I look straight into Swee's eyes and see no recognition. And from then on, i knew i had succeeded. Monday, October 20, 2008
I really have more things to do other than blogging.But seeing that i might not have the time to blog tonight, i might as well make full use of the time now. So yes, i'm very behind time and yet i'm still NATOing. If others ever caught wind of how much i'd been NATOing, i would most probably be dead now. But then again, EVERYONE is NATOing with me. So *shrugs shoulders*, can't blame me, can you? Anyway, i woke up to a megamix today and i was very very very happy about it. Then i went to school thinking that today will be a very bad day. But i first saw a very familiar T-shirt, (yes, T-shirt). Then i looked up and saw WY. And shortly after seeing him, i saw GL. And yes, GL pretended not to see me even after i hit his arms for like THREE hundred times? Surprisingly, both of us were early. And i thought i could be earlier than him for once. *grumbles* But anyway, you think the 半路認親戚 ends here? NEVER!!! When we were walking towards the Booklink, trying to buy a thermometer for myself (and my daily dose of green tea), i thought i saw someone whose hair resembles ANdyStorm. I didn't think much then because my mind was focused on the group of people outside Booklink. I ultimately hate queuing, and there it was, a HUGE bunch of people. But thanks to all my lucky stars, somehow the queue was very very efficient. Then, when GL (who was forced to help me queue for my thermometer) and i walked out of Booklink, i looked again and saw Simply Shawn. And once i see Simply Shawn, i took another closer look at the guy beside and YES, it was ANdyStorm. But no, i didn't hyperventilate this time. Heys, what were you thinking? Why must i hyperventilate everytime i see him? I got a life other than hyperventilating, alright? Tsk. *grins* And so, i was kidding with Amon that i'm going to school everyday at this timing already. But seconds after my message was sent out, i regretted immediately. For i'm not prepared to wake up at this unearthly time everyday. *grumbles* -- Entire chunk taken out -- P/s: I'm going to pretend to be sick tomorrow. Because i realized i haven't finish the things that i need to do. ): Are you mixed? . Nope. Pure Chinese. Language you're fluent in? . Mandarin, English & CHINGLISH!!! What you hate? . Inferior people, things and inferiority itself Have you chewed gum after someone else already has? . No. Disgusting fella What is one place you wouldnt want to go to for a first date? . Boring cheesy place What song is currently playing? . Bad boy - Cascada Are you ever a freak about cleanliness? . Nopes Last thing you ate? . Sugar peanuts!!! Did you celebrate Valentine's Day this year? . Yes, but please don't remind me. *frowns* Who did you celebrate it with? . Read the above What's your favorite animal? . Homo species. Oh wait, those are my least favorite. Probably puppies then, WOOF Do you usually get your friends sick when you are sick? . Yes, and they hate me for that Who last commented you? . Tagboard? Would be myself replying tags. xP Did you have any homework today? . Yes. Although RP says that there's no homework. LIARS!! Can you raise one eyebrow? . Yes. Ever thrown a shoe at somebody? . Yes, but it wasn't my shoe either. Do you bump into someones arm if you want to hold their hand? . Nope. I have no interest in cheesy things. Worst part about hugs? . When they stink. EWW~ Tell me about the shirt you're wearing? . Black. What would you change about your life right now? . To have everything going my way Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? . Smile What did you do today? . Woke up. School. Blogged. What do you wear to bed? . Clothes, DUH? What do you smell like right now? . RP Ever kissed someone that smokes? . No and never will How long have you liked the person you currently like? . Let's see. For almost 4 months? Can you make yourself cry? . Nope. Those who does that have very low intelligence level Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours? . Yes Who do you tell the most to? . drafts of angelturndemon dot blogspot dot com Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? . I might want smack the person if anyone tries to do that When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go? . Let them go. Because if we are really mean to be friends, they'll come back Will your next kiss be a mistake? . I hope not. *frowns* When was the last time you saw your grandpa? . Urhs. Make that 10 years ago. Do you know anyone with cancer? . I KNEW someone with cancer. But not anymore. What did your last text say? . Didn't bother to check though my phone is just next to me. =/ Who was the last person you talked to in person? . Amon. He's just behind me, literally. Who was your last missed call on your cell phone? . Urhs. Private number. Do you think you can last in a relationship for a lifetime? . Yes. A relationship with Dada and Momo. Have you lost friends in the past 3 years? . Doh? Do you care if people hate you for no reason? . Yes, but what can i do? Do you drink Tea? . Yes. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? . High in a sense? In a non-drug sense, then yes. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? . Hide. Have you ever been out past curfew? . Doh? And was locked out of the house. ): Are you happy? . In the morning, yes. Is your room clean? . Nopes. Has anyone got on your nerves lately? . Everyday. What was the last movie you saw in theatres and with who? . Can't remember and yes, can't remember Do you bite your fingernails? . I peel more than i bite. Can you make brownies without having to look at the directions? . Nopes. Never tested and never dare to test. So yes. As i was saying, i'm still NATOing. |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J