Friday, October 3, 2008
If 1 + 1 = 3
Ever since the successful webcam with Jeff last Friday, i couldn't start ANY video call with him again.And my conclusion? My lappie hates him. His conclusion? My lappie is just the owner. (Who hates him.) :X But i no longer hate him now, alright? Alright, moving on. Amon totally can't recognize me today. He literally walked past me without any acknowledgment at all. Even after i ran up to him and walk beside me, HE FREAKINGISHLY THOUGHT I WAS A STALKER. *frowns* Honestly, who would want to stalk him? *shakes head* So NO, he's not my friend. *winks* And i shall be a very nice person and show some awesome stuff.
HA!! As if i will write everything out. What's in front and behind these shall be kept a mystery. Try googling it, but i'm not sure if it would help. *winks* And i started talking with some of my older friends and somehow we were chatting about the kind of music we like. They were surprised that the music i am listening to now are much more toned down. No more hardcore metal, alternative, speed or 'loud' rock. Instead more of melodic rock, symphonic metal, soft rock and even if i'm listening to JRock, it's more on ballads. That's why one of them asked me why the sudden change of genres. And i love my answer. But no, i wasn't the one who came up with this. Gary once said "I listen only to one genre. the-only-genre-that-i-listen-to." I respected him for that and yes, i was wow-ed over by that sentence too. And so, i replied my friends with his statement. *grins* Fine. Moving on. (Yes, i'm blogging a two-day-worth of blog.) I love thinking on buses (other than sleeping, obviously). And i finally know how i confuse myself at times. Guess what i normally think on the bus. 1. The things that happened during the day itself 2. Some stuff which made me laugh 3. The things that make me really really emoish. 4. Why shouldn't i be emo 5. Things i should blog when i get home 6. The 16s HHs 7. Beats are almost never panned, and if there's panning normally it's the his. 8. How groovy R&B is 9. The awesome-ness of gLitch. Alright, i admit that none of it are instantaneous. But it definitely is simultaneous. Maybe i shall stop thinking of buses and start sleeping. *grins* So let me see what genres i'm listening to lately. Chinese pop Rock (Mandorock, (VK)Jrock, Punk, Pop, Soft, Emo,) Metal (VK, Melodic, Symphonic, Speed, Alternative, Punk) Dance (EDM, IDM, Hip hop, R&B, Reggae, Jpop) And probably still other genres which i have no idea where it should be. Just like VK, it's not that easy to differentiate now. Cause there's even people who's categorizing it under ballads. *faints* So yes, that's one of the reason as to why i gave up trying to know which genres i'm listening to. If anyone realizes, there's also people categorizing Jpop under Dance. But still, i don't really enjoy them. Maybe there were once upon a time (around my Secondary school days) under the influence of Gui Qin, i did listen to a few Jpop tracks. But it did end about there. And now, Felicia had sent me a few links and it brought back memories again. But still, i don't really like it. Anyway, enough of boring everyone out. I guess i got to go and watch my TV now. JA!! P/s: Ja means bye in German. |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J