Thursday, October 30, 2008
not making sense
Every crash and beat is a painful knock. Anyway, ever since i got rudely woken up, i ran to AMK Hub to meet the rest for a movie. And i thought i would be one of the latest to arrive, but to think only Yong, Hafiz and Darren were there. Then i went to order my Freppe and guess what i saw. Yes, REFLECTION'S MAGAZINE!!! At MaCafe. And while waiting for Meiling, Hafiz smoked two sticks. And we were grumbling so much that he threw away the cigarette without smoking the whole stick. For both times. After that, we walked over to Jubilee to buy the tickets for Coffin. And we walked back to AMK to play pool. But no, i didn't play any. For i have no idea how to play. The guys played til we were late. And by the time we reached Jubilee, we had missed the first ten minutes of the movie. Anyway, verdict for Coffin? It's totally not scary at all. All of us were expecting it to be horrifying, but in the end, we felt scammed by it. But even having said that, there was one girl in the cinema who suddenly screamed (She's even scarier than the movie itself) and we went stone stone before laughing at her (softly of course). And poor Yong. Meiling kept on grabbing his arm. So i told Meiling to stop doing it, just bite Yong if she has to. Then Yong said that the next one to screamed in the theatre would be him and that's what we want right? *winks* After that, i went to Woodlands to buy my concealer. And i feel freakingishly broke today. Yikes. P/s: If you feel that i'm not making sense, don't worry. It's true. My head is pounding worse than the day. Damn. ): I'm feeling so much better!!!
All thanks to panadol ^^ |
Previous Posts:
I'm dead
can't believe
happy day
Paiseh seh
習慣了痛的感覺 就永遠不會在感覺到它了
Jolted awake
Cafes cafes cafes
makan kaki
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J