Monday, October 27, 2008
Singapore Chinese Culture
Alright peeps... SO...
What is culture?

WAIT!! Don't leave yet! I understand it's the one week hols and none of you would even wish to hear all these which have this odd resemblance to the module we have... *nods head while voice trails off*

*laugh menacingly*

You sure you still want to leave now? *grins*

Alright, i digress.

So yes, as i was about to say, for someone who are so in love with Mandarin (see previous entry for proof : yes, i do blog in Mandarin once in a while, and what's with that face? -.-) *coughs* I digress, once again.

Right, as i was saying, for someone who are so in love with Mandarin, prolly i should be serious and blog about something nutritional for the brain once in a while...

HEYS, what's with the 'whatever-she-can't-be-serious' look? I'm offended now. ):

Bah, *waves hand in a bimbotic manner*, in any way,


Yes, you're right. I conned them into taking this picture. *grins*

Dada and Momo will never know this. (:

And so literally, Dada and Momo is making their appearance here for a reason.

I was being inculcated the idea of being closely knitted together as a family since young. And not only me, my entire maternal side of the family (who were all been through chinese education and chinese education alone) stood in that idea.

We have a very firm stand on the roles of the family just like the closeness of one another. And yes, how can i forget the hitting of knuckles by grandma during dinners if we can't hold our chopsticks properly.

And the must-have ceremony of offering tea to the elder during weddings. Not to forget, my personal favourite, JIA TOU!!!

Speaking of that, we're going to jia tou on the 20th December this year. *winks*

It's still a little secret which i can't spill yet.

And so, if you're wondering what jia tou is, it literally means 'eating table' but what it truly mean is wedding banquet.

And this brings me to the next thing which i think plays a role in the Chinese culture.


How many of you have heard of mothers scolding their children 'Si Gin Na' on MRTs and that had secretly bring a smile to your face?

Admit it, you did... didn't you?

Or at least, i did.

I remember the time when i was walking with my friends along the streets, shopping. And there was this mother tugging her child while scolding him at the same time.

My friend heard something that the mother scolded and asked me with a confused look,
"So what in the world did that woman blabbered. The Si... what what?"

I laughed at her and explained while feeling this joy in myself.

This is what i call a common language that only SGeans can understand. (:

And yes. This is not just it.

I feel particularly happy being a Chinese and you know why? Because we have tons of festivals (and most of them involves yummy food)

Think about mooncakes, zhong zi, tang yuan, ba gua... ...

I'm salivating already. *wipes mouth*

And that's not all. There's not just food. Think about the chance of setting fire to playgrounds with candles, throwing sparklers down the HDB at the twits downstairs who are always irritating you out ... ...

The possibility is simply ENDLESS!!!

But that's not the best thing. This is the awesome part.
Yes, ANG BAOS!!!

Urhhs. Yes, those are red packets, as much as they don't look like it.

And this is what i call AWESOME!!

Money, money, money.

I'm not sure how many of you are honest enough to admit, but this is honestly the best part in having all the festivals.

Admit it!!!

Fine fine. I'm almost hitting the word limit and i guess i should end here.

Once again, i've failed to turn this into a serious entry. *shakes head*

As much as i've this feeling that one of all these crappy wonderful responses by all of us will turn out miraculously in one of our UTs or PS of the day, but i doubt it will come true.

Or even IF it does, mine will never appear. For mine is not serious enough.

I definitely have no qualms in turning this into a source-base kind of post, but it's just that...

CRAP IT. I'm not a serious girl at all.

I love fun and ... FUN!!!


P/s: I understand most of us would have the urge of setting fires to the playgrounds and throwing sparklers down the HDB, but NO, you aren't suppose to do that.

P/p/s: And why do i even bother adding this 'P/s'? Because none of you ever gets my jokes. Geez. *shakes head*

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