Thursday, November 6, 2008
weiyi- says :

Joycelyn 依靜 - The suayest is to realize you ran out of gas when you wanted to cook. The hengest thing is realizing after cooking says :
urhhs.. depending..

weiyi- says :
i finally step back to remixing
as i got SF9
and i need comment on my test run

Joycelyn 依靜 - The suayest is to realize you ran out of gas when you wanted to cook. The hengest thing is realizing after cooking says :
im not good at commenting lurs

weiyi- says :
nvm la
just give your thoughts
i anyhow come up with the idea want
as still experiencing
the flow not that smooth yet

weiyi- sends Expresso-Drive me Crazy [DWY test].mp3

Joycelyn 依靜 - The suayest is to realize you ran out of gas when you wanted to cook. The hengest thing is realizing after cooking says :
lols.. see see
do i have a choice?

weiyi- says :
ok la
come on

Joycelyn 依靜 - The suayest is to realize you ran out of gas when you wanted to cook. The hengest thing is realizing after cooking says :
lols.. the file is transferring while we're talking

And yes, the gist is here.
The gist of the wonderful mentor bullying his junior.
And to think i called him my favorite mentor (cause i only had one mentor. :X)

But yes, i finally realized...

A choice of either i say 'yes' and accepts the file willingly or i say 'no' and accepts the file grudgingly.

See, there's a choice. (Just that the results would also end up the same - with me listening and giving my two cents worth)

But there's no regrets. CAUSE THE TESTRUN WAS AWESOME!!

The samples are like uber nice and fun. Purrrfect.

P/s: I'm sure you've heard of people having sibling, parents, step-parents, relatives, animals, pets, spirits as wives. But BROOMS?

Yes, introducing MRS. Gary - the broom.

P/p/s: I was just kidding about the Wei Yi's part.
There wasn't any bullying.
And even if there is, i'm going to make sure i wasn't at the receiving end.

P/p/p/s: After today's lesson, i wondering if i should post my thoughts on religion. But since it's going to be rather controversial (for i'm don't feel very nice and tactful right now), probably i should consider it again.

P/p/p/p/s: Yes Haffiz. You should and shall continue to read my blog. AND yes, the kinkiness of Yong, Malik and you. In one line. *wink wink* And NO, i didn't say anything more. If you're thinking of anything sexual, it's your own corrupted mind at work. xP

P/p/p/p/p/s: Malik's my dad. Haffiz's my son. Malik is a Sri Lankan. I'm a Chinese. Haffiz's a Malay.
GOSH, we're either
  1. One damn wrong family OR
  2. Three damn confused people

P/p/p/p/p/p/s: I'm soon to have a corrupted-mindset challenge with Gary. Good thing i've enough practice daily with those people in class. *grins*

P/p/p/p/p/p/p/s: The only new words we learnt today in different languages (namely Tamil, Malay, Sinhala and Babis) are :
I love you
I hate you
And urhhs, about there i guess.

P/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/s: It's only today that i know that 'su ka' is a Malay word. I always thought it's a Hokkien word for i always hear my parents using it. And i always thought like means 'cinta'
*scratches chin*

P/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/p/s: Probably i should stop my ps-ing. *smiles*

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