Thursday, November 27, 2008
Whatever the toot it may be...



Anyway, i've no idea what has gotten over me (and i hope it's not of the 啊飃s), but i've decided that it'll be an unofficial one day hols for us tomorrow.

Vanessa, Jeannie, Hafiz, Yong (90%) and me are not going tomorrow. I've no idea why, but yes, we decided that enough is enough.

Other than Vanessa and Jeannie though. For the both of them are going to Sultan's street area to see their Lin Feng.

*strokes my poor blistered feet*

To think that i was still happily gloating over the fact that i didn't get any blisters from yesterday.

I believe in karma now.

Well, maybe not. I should believe more in that i've friends who just ignore the fact that i'm wearing uber inhumane shoes and still decide to walk to CWP.

And to further prove my point about my awesome friends, they walked freakingishly fast.

But i'm uber happy. Cause Pei Shan praised my trotter's leg today.

It's not only because it's swollen am i calling it trotters. The main reason for calling these two things attached to my hipbone as trotters because they're just too damn fat.
*shakes head*

And oh yes, i initially thought PShan was being sarcastic. Until i replied sarcastically did i realized, she wasn't.

Thanks, PShan.
*big smile*

And we have a new pokey target. Honestly, the mastermind ain't any of us. We're too innocent and goody-two-shoes to be that mean.
*shifty look*

But surprisingly, all of us had something in common.

We can't stand his looks and attitude.

What a failure as a human. It's alright if he doesn't have any outer beauty, but if he has neither outer nor inner beauty and doesn't work on it (but still goes around seeking for trouble), he's either a dumbass or he has seriously failed in all his years of living on earth.

And i realized, a lot of our friendships are built on gossips. Oh well, it fosters relationships and i guess, that's what friends are for.



There's always a winner and dozen of losers. Odds are, you're one of them.

Just a pity. But what if one day, i got 'axed' by them too?

Ah well, i guess if that happens, i'll just have to start my cursing.

Anyway, i've no idea why, but i always have this habit of talking about paranormal stuff, especially nearing the end of the semester.
*thinks about first sem*
*nods head*
*smiles to myself*


So yes, i didn't talk about a lot and i realized, there's rather some spooky incidents happening and yes, i'm definitely freaked out by it.

But still, on a conscious, logical and rational level, i refuse to believe that i can see all these (even if they really exist.)

Using Occam's Razor, theoretically speaking, there shouldn't be any of 'their' existence. But i guess, we're over simplifying things if we decide to apply it here.

So i guess, although there might be spirits, more superior being(s) (AKA god), blah blah blah, but i guess, we shouldn't really be able to see or sense them.

*shakes away the memories*

Yes, that's the sub-conscious mind working again.

But in anyways, i prefer to stay in control. In the conscious mind.

And i really have no idea on how should i describe Evon.

She's definitely not naive nor innocent (that's for sure). She's quite a good friend (honest!!) at times, plus she's a real big help in 3rd meetings. Even if we're in different groups, but once i'm stuck at some point or unsure of anything, you'll see me screaming for Evon's name.

*nods head*

So i actually DO appreciate her existence, alright?

But then again, she's really cute(?) in returning the $5 earlier on in the afternoon today only to borrow $6 from me again in the evening.

Extra or what sia?

And i'm uber glad that she's not annoying me out yet.
*thinks about her irritating other peeps in class*
*breathes a sigh of relief*


And through the tons of stuff the guys talked about, somehow they talked about first impressions.

Million thanks to Yong, William and Hafiz for saying i look like a China girl. A mix from Hubei and Sze Chuan.

I've no idea why peeps link China peeps as 'people with lower status'. Personally wise, i don't feel so. (And i insist, it's not because of the fact that my granddad is from China.)

So what's with the bleaching of hair? You have any problems with them?

But PShan thought i sound more like a Westerner. Seems like i've a very serious case of mixed up identity over here.

And this is further proven by Jeannie who got freaked out by my uber exaggerated actions and head-banging to the awesome beats through the headset.

Plus Yong thinks that my headset is damn cool the first few times he saw it.

But what's with the hair-color-lian-ness?

Ah lians will never have my hair color, alright?


I totally forgot to talk about this yesterday(?)

We were doing communication that day and i was at Jeannie's table looking at the RJ question. And after reading it, i totally didn't understand it and said
"Aiyoz. Wa Hm Zhai lurs."

And the faci looked at me as if i was some weird endangered species and said,
"You know how to speak Hokkien?"

I was like, DUH? I've been living in Singapore since forever.

I can be real Singaporean-style if i ever tried.

Kiasu-ism, no Ps and Qs, speaking in mixed languages or languages with atrocious grammar... ...


But it's my choice whether i want to or not.


It's freaking 2am right now.

Good thing i've decided on the holiday tomorrow. If not, i'm going to get uber cranky that i might just flare up at any thing tomorrow.


Peace out and rock on dudes!!

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