Saturday, November 15, 2008
I can't believe it. I chose to leave my time for Gary and not for XY. (Alright, all fine and well for Gary asked me first...)


Yes, i feel a tinge of guilt and regret now.

But ah well, *skips away*, life moves on. (:

And yes, i've been so lethargic these few days that i couldn't even take note of the things whizzing past me. (Explaining the ultimate boredom oozing out from the previous entry.)

But now, having TEN hours of sleep under my belt, i'm

Get some more sleep.

*nods head*
I'm FREAKING tired. (And it's not because of midnights MSNs with Gary. I insist!!)

Just look at my awesome iShuffle.

Who ripped it apart?

Who else but me? With bare hands and huge amount of insanity and monstrous strength.

The story initially was honestly, really simple.

It started with me going out of my house, with this clipped on iShuffle to my pocket. As i walked out, the edge of the shuffle got hooked to the side of my door and the clip went out of shape.

Thinking it was nothing much, i just went on to school happily listening to it. (Yes, it still works.)

But once i reached school and tried to charge it, i realized it couldn't fit it's dock. (For the clipper went out of shape and couldn't be plugged in.)

After much consideration and trials of repairing it with no avail, i decide to rip it apart.


I'm just so clever.

Alright, enough of those. I need my rants. And with my most recent rant on buses, i'm going to continue it.

It was yesterday, just yesterday when i saw this little dumb(?) bus auntie hollering at nothing. Or it could just be me who couldn't hear it. (And it's just a short type of bus, not those with two sectors kind of bus.)

She stood up from her seat, turned to the back, started shouting, pointing and hollering gibberish language.

People thought that she was calling for them and started to walk towards her and she said, "No no, not you"

Then we were all stoning and was wondering what to do. Then she shouted something like "the green shirt auntie", and the green shirt auntie stood up. Then she went, "No no, not you"

It's freaky and annoying, i assure you.

And Sai was on that bus and i didn't realize why he gone to school until TWO MINUTES AGO!!


Dammit, missed that. ):

I vow to start checking my webmail... NOT.
I'm still too can't-be-bothered to start checking it.

P/s: I have bus concession now. (:

P/p/s: I met mentor just after my iShuffle broke. So i'm wondering if seeing him was a good sign or not.
*scratches chin*

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