Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Okay, i initially wanted to post this entry along with the videos. But Jie said that the videos aren't ready and weren't be ready anytime soon, so i guess i should stop my NATOism and start typing.I doubt my words will do justice to the things that made me laugh when i watched the vids but this is the best i can offer to remember the day. JUST SEND ME THE VIDS SOON!!!! Okay, so it started off with the meanies preparing loads of weird stuff. Gui Fang and me was like running here and there looking and laughing before settling in my room. (Bed seems like a better option than prepare those weapons of torment then, you see.) So Jie Fu reached the bottom of the block and told the guys, "Mian gia. Eh sai lim eh sai jia, bian hou lah" Then when old of them came up, their first challenge was to wear paper underwear (i've no idea where Si Wei zeh zeh and the rest found those) which had letters on it. The guys had to wear it and try to figure out what those jumbled up letter means. Apparently some guys are more 'well-endowed' (read: FAT) that they couldn't wear/tore the paper/looks downright gross. *shudders* Just wait for the video to get what i mean alright? And so Jie fu pass that stage after a long long LONG time (i almost got bored standing on a chair to watch)... HEY, 人小志氣高 okay? *hurtful whine*Anyways~~~ After that, it's the 'eh sai jia' part. Proudly presenting the marshmallows. Inside it is a dubious green paste which one of the guys thought to be kaya. But clever Jie fu licked it and knew what it was. He didn't eat that piece of greenish marshmallows (like what the other honest [but not so clever/scheming/cunning/was innocent] guys did). Jie fu only pretended to eat. He knew the dubious paste was WASABI!!! Oh yes, anyone would know. It was too obvious. However, some guys still innocently pop the whole thing into their mouth (thinking it was kaya *roll eyes*) only resulting in tears and screams for water. Then the 'niao-ish' Jie fu only paid $38 to open the door. But someone allowed him in. Height factor only results in me knowing what happened and not knowing who did what. I was appalled that everyone was taller than me when i'm barefooted. I mean, even if i'm only 153/154 (yes, i shrunk. Getting older you see *cries*), i'm still not THAT short right? Even Fang was taller than me. Even my grandmum is taller than me. Even... EVERYONE ELSE... Someone around me needs to grow shorter soon, if not *evil smirk* Pass me my chainsaw. Someone's legs going to go missing for quite a while. Heh heh heh. But i have the advantage of the chair you see. It has a perfect view (and fresher air) while one is standing on it. So after that was some typing-banana-to-waist-and-rolling-oranges/lime-into-a-duct-taped-area-on-the-floor game. It looks very weird believe me. I need the vids again!!! Anyway, the game is done (rather obsencely, may i add) and the bananas had to be eaten. Somehow, somewhy, something. Next was some fishing for keys in a bucket of ice water for the keys. The only catch was using of TOES!! I didn't watch that and was hugging Pikachu and laughing away with Fang in the room. She commented how dirty Pikachu was and i was like, "CHILDHOOD MEMORIES!!" *stares* "Cannot laugh" But as if she would listen to me. She continued laughing IN MY FACE. *squints* So after the keys are found, Jie fu had to read some commendmants to Jie. Jie fu was like, *knock knock knock*. "Tia dio bo?" Jie went, "Tia dio liao" And Jie fu went on to read his 'vows'. And he's barely make it through the first line. "The ten... how to read this ar?" "Commndments" "Orh, okay. The ten commandments." *roll eyes* This pretty much assure me that Jie fu had never been a Christian before. :D And after reading (i honestly caught nothing except "i'll hold true to all these which may be subjected to change due to temperature, moodswings..." and i lost him again), he started to knock on the door again. *bam bam bam* JF, "Oei, tia dio le mah?" Jie, "Okay" And the door is opened (with some cash stuffed into the the zei zei's hands of course). With that, the game is over. And i went back to laze around (me in bed with Fang on a foldable bed Ah Yi dragged in from our living room). Yes, i still have the wasabi paste in my fridge. Anyone wants some? :D 城堡 越是讓我難過的事情 我會笑得越大聲
越是讓我畏懼的事情 我會笑得更大聲 越是讓我心碎的事情 我會笑得越大聲 越是讓我落淚的事情 我會笑得更大聲 Joyce 說過 說她很不喜歡這樣的我 這樣的我很難讓她分析出我的性格 我越是笑 她就知道我越想隱藏某些事情 她知道我的習慣 可是她不知道我爲什麽會這麽做 是社會 是人類 把這樣的我逼出來的 她很想開導我 開解我 不過我沒有給她任何機會 因爲我封閉的心只能讓她進到這裡 我辛辛苦苦建立起的圍牆 並不是這麽容易就能讓任何人進來的 我不讓任何人從我的城堡裏出去 也不讓任何人從外面的世界進來 Ed-Carl I've finished Eclipse and am pondering whether i should start Breaking Dawn or not. And gosh, i got this feeling i've ate my words and are preferring Ed over Carl. Although the Ed in my head is nothing like the movie, he's much hotter. The same pale skin but totally Asian. *big grin* Now i'm getting a little worried. I've been thinking a lot these days and i need to keep my head in rein. *sigh* New year's almost here. And i need my resolutions. I need to know the things i'm not doing you see. New year's resolution never works for me. ): And is one good blog, i'm telling ya. *winks*
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 survey 1. Stayed single almost the whole year? - Yea, almost. 2. Kissed someone new? - New? *shakes head* 3. Done something you've regretted? - Only all the time 4. Lost someone? - Yes (T.T) 5. Cut class? - Ditching is healthy, you see 6. Were involved in something you'll never forget? - Kinda, i think 7. Visited a different country? - NOPES!! 8. Cooked a gross meal? - *guilty grin* Yeaps 9. Lost something important to you? - Yes, something intangible but nonetheless important 10. Got a gift you adore? - *nods head* 11. Dyed your hair? - Doh? 12. Came close to losing your life? - Nopes. 13. Went to a party? - Kinda 2008: Friends and Enemies Did you meet any new friends this year? - Yeaps Did you grow apart from anyone? - Friends come and go, you see Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? - Yes, but that's life, right? (: 2008: Your BIRTHDAY! Did you have a cake? - Yeaps Did you have a party? - Sadly, no Did you get any presents? - *big smile* YES 2008: All about YOU Did you change at all this year? - Yes Did you change your style? - Definitely, school starts this year you see. Have to. Were you in school? - Yeap Did you get good grades? - Was on the honor roll for Sem 1, but i don't fell good about this sem though. (Too much ditching) Did you have a job? - A little here and there Did you drive? - Nopes, no guts ): Did you own a car? - *shakes head* Did anyone close to you give birth? - I doubt so Did you move at all? - Nah Did you go on any vacations? - I was at home all the while, i think. (^^) Would you change anything about yourself now? - Yes, i will. 2008 WRAP UP: Was 2008 a good year? - It has it's ups and downs. But it's still not too bad Do you think 2009 will top 2008? - Yes. It'll get better!! I confess that in 2008 I... () stayed single for the whole year ( ) kissed in the snow (x) celebrated Halloween (x) had your heart broken ( ) mooned someone ( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation ( ) came out of the closet ( ) gotten pregnant ( ) had an abortion (x) done something you've regretted OTHER ( ) painted a picture (x) wrote a poem ( ) ran a mile ( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch (x) posted a blog on MySpace ( ) visited a foreign country ( ) cut in a line of waiting people (x) told someone you were busy when you weren't ( ) partied to celebrate the new year (x) cooked a disastrous meal (x) lied about how old you were ( ) prank called someone In 2008 I... [x] broke a promise [x] fell out of love [x] told a little white lie..or a joke. [x] lied [ ] cried over a broken heart [x] disappointed someone close [x] hid a secret [x] pretended to be happy [ ] slept under the stars [ ] kept your new years resolution [x] forgot your new years resolution [x] met someone who changed your life [ ] met one of your idols [x] changed your outlook on life [x] sat home all day doing nothing [x] pretended to be sick [ ] left the country [ ] almost died [x] given up on something/someone important to you [x] lost something expensive [x] learned something new about yourself [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it [x] made a change in your life [x] found out who your true friends were [x] met great people [x] stayed up til sunrise [x] cried over the silliest thing [x] had friends who were drifting away from you [x] had a high cell phone bill [ ] spent most of your money on foods [ ] had a fist fight [ ] went to the beach with your friend(s) [x] gotten sick [x] liked more than 5 people at the same time [x] became closer with a lot of people The year is finally came to an end. It's a long journey seemed short. There had been good times as well as bad. I've met new people as well as lost some old ones. Looking back and i can only say IT'S BEEN A HELL OF A YEAR (in a good way of course) :DI'm grateful for everyone that has been in my life. No matter if it's good or bad for it's those actual things that make me who i am today. Remember, life is short. Break the rules, Forgive and forget quickly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile Im late *rubs belly* Supper is so good. I love how Mum cooks. Or is it because of the rareness of it am i appreciating it? I wonder... ... Anyway, although i let my appetite rule over my sane, self-weight conscious mind most of the time, but that doesn't mean i don't think about it. But i don't really care much lately because it seems like i don't eat much in the day. I was sleeping most of the time, you see. And i got back into the 45kg range!! Even after i ate my supper. *cues applause* Yes, i can let myself breathe a little lately i guess. Until i gain back a few kilos and start rolling eyes at myself. It's a process. A very repeated and predicted process you see. Even chocolate log cakes aren't stopping me. Sorry Mummy Ben, i don't think i can save a slice for you. Daddy Winson had been eating them everyday. And speaking of which, i only had one pathetic slice on the 25th itself and itself. The rest of the cake had been eating by Mummy Helen and Daddy Winson. *pouts* I thought it was bought for ME. ): Oh NO. You didn't see 'Merry Christmas' on the box. It obviously says 'Happy Birthday'. You mean you saw 'Merry Christmas'? Gosh, i think you need an appointment with your optician real soon. :P ![]() And did you see the deer? I almost asked Mummy Helen to changed it to a camel. Pity i didn't continue to press my case after Mummy Helen gave me a "are-you-mad" look. And don't look at her like she's the one putting together all the candles. It was yours truly who did it. She only did ONE. *roll eyes* Pretense pretense. Yes, my camera is down for a long time. Ever since the battery casing was being pried open *growls*, it's a official R.I.P. for it. (Speaking of that, i won't let anyone touch my gadgets ever again. *frowns*) But at least Daddy Winson have a camera which i could use. All these pictures are taken with his. Apparently i'm still not very accustomed in using his. ![]() Yes, apparently i need some help in finding the 'macro' function. (P/s: This is Daddy GL's matches. I didn't know it was for my cake that day even when he took it out at Fish & Co.) But after a few seconds of meddling, EUREKA!! That's how the cake looks like before Mummy Helen start decorating it with candles. And while Mummy Helen decorates, i snapped pictures. ![]() ![]() ![]() I wonder if we're celebrating Christmas or Birthdays now. *scratches chin* ![]() And why is there a price tag there? *gasp* I even specifically told Mummy Helen on how to put the candles. So Mummy Ben, happy now? (: And oh yes, Mummy Helen was also a meanie in disguise. She deliberately trapped the poor deer in the midst of flaming candles. Poor deer. Yao le. And all these doesn't involve the addition of candles. Mummy Helen happily walked off and Daddy Winson continued to watch his TV. And yes, Mummy Helen had already burned my hand ACCIDENTALLY (hopefully) by then. *shifty glance* Why are all you looking at me like THAT? I was just kidding. I merely forgot to switch off the flash, that's ALL. Oh yes, i think i did. But just for the effect, SUSHI THE POLY-SOMETHING-SOMETHING-SOMETHING CAT is MINE!!! And oh yes, i need to rant. JIE DIDN'T GIVE ME A GIFT THIS YEAR!!! So, i claimed her couch to be mine. I shoved her off when she tried to sit on her own couch. *crosses arms* HA! She didn't even give me any And speaking of which, i'm pretty sad about this. The only cards i got this year were from ONE person. (Mummy Helen checked the mailbox for me already) Where were all my old friends? *whines* Oh YES. I forgot, there's such a thing called ELECTRONIC mail. -.- I've no idea how those white specks end up there. *looks intently at speakers* I don't see any white dust on them in real life, you know? The battle is over. And i'm the victorious one. :D Monday, December 29, 2008
You are Everything To Somebody Right now at this very minute----------- someone is very proud of you someone is thinking of you someone cares about you someone misses you someone wants to talk to you someone wants to be with you someone hopes you aren't in trouble someone is thankful for the support you have provided someone wants to hold your hand someone hopes everything turns out all right someone wants you to be happy someone wants you to find them someone is celebrating your successes someone wants to give you a gift someone think you ARE a gift someone hopes you are not too cold, or too hot someone wants to hug you someone loves you someone wants to lavish you with small gifts someone admires your strength someone is thinking of you and smiling someone wants to be your shoulder to cry on someone wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun someone thinks the world of you someone wants to protect you someone would do anything for you someone wants to be forgiven someone is grateful for your forgiveness someone wants to laugh with you about old times someone remembers you and wishes you were there someone needs to know that your love is unconditional somebody values your advice someone wants to tell you how much they care someone wants to stay up watching old movies with you someone wants to share their dreams with you someone wants to hold you in their arms someone wants YOU to hold them in your arms someone treasures your spirit someone wishes they could STOP time because of you someone can't wait to see you someone wishes that things didn't have to change someone loves you for who you are someone loves the way you make them feel someone wants to be with you someone hears a song that reminds them of you someone wants you to know they are there for you someone is glad that you're their friend someone wants to be your friend someone stayed up all night thinking about you someone is alive because of you someone is wishing that you would notice them someone wants to get to know you better someone believes that you are their soul mate someone wants to be near you someone misses your guidance and advice someone values your guidance and advice someone has faith in you someone trusts you someone needs you to send them this letter someone needs your support someone needs you to have faith in them someone needs you to let them be your friend someone will cry when they read this I want someone like that. Or should i say, i want someone like that to appear in my life. Tell me that they are in my life. I yearn for someone like this. Ultimate sweetness. *dreams* Anyways, i swear that i was randomly clicking colors by the second line. My eyes were literally tearing and i thought i was going blind for a second back there. And to think i initially wanted to blog about the gifts (since there was some mention of gifts up there) but i'm too lazy now. Shall blog it in the next entry then. *sigh* To think i even bother to upload all those pictures. Anyways... Tatas for now (: Easier to run It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb It's so much easier to go Than face all this pain here all alone Something has been taken from deep inside of me The secret I've kept locked away no one can ever see Wounds so deep they never show they never go away Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played (If I could change I would take back the pain I would) (Retrace every wrong move that I made I would) (If I could stand up and take the blame I would) (If I could take all the shame to the grave I would) (If I could change I would take back the pain I would) (Retrace every wrong move that I made I would) (If I could stand up and take the blame I would) (I would take all my shame to the grave) It's easier to run Replacing this pain with something numb It's so much easier to go Than face all this pain here all alone Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back And never moving forward so there'd never be a past (If I could change I would take back the pain I would) (Retrace every wrong move that I made I would) (If I could stand up and take the blame I would) (If I could take all the shame to the grave I would) (If I could change I would take back the pain I would) (Retrace every wrong move that I made I would) (If I could stand up and take the blame I would) (I would take all my shame to the grave) Just washing it aside All of the helplessness inside Pretending I don't feel misplaced It's so much simpler than change It's easier to run Replacing this pain with something numb It's so much easier to go Than face all this pain here all alone It's easier to run (If I could change I would take back the pain I would) (Retrace every wrong move that I made) It's easier to go (If I could change I would take back the pain I would) (Retrace every wrong move that I made I would) (If I could stand up and take the blame I would) (I would take all my shame to the grave) Sunday, December 28, 2008
How can a novel speak so right into my heart?
As title
motion sickness Daddy is one good driver i'm telling you. Mum: Are you alright? You look sick. Me: I'm alright mum. Mum: You sure? Me: Motion sickness is considered alright, right? Mum: Oh my. Yes, i was flung (read: FLUNG) to the side of the door. It hurts alright. I'm almost sure that the meat Dad ate just now had hints of alcohol in it. Until i realized Dad is just being mad. He merely accelerated while making turns. Not one, but almost ALL the turns. Oh my. I almost puked my dinner out, i swear!! And since Jie is not coming back to use her room, i'm joining the conquest in claiming her room as mine along with mum and dad. All of us have our stuff in here but i think i'm making the most out of it. Mum put her stock stuff here while dad puts his paperwork. But i cleared them away and put my speakers there happily right smack in the middle. With Sushi on the couch. *big laugh* ... No WAIT. I forgot Mum has this tendency to claim Sushi has her own too. She'd been lying on him then kicking him to the floor. *anxious glance* Sushi, i'm sure you'll be alright. I'll protect you... i hope. :D hungry,tired Alright, honestly i can't determine if the aching of my joints are there due to hunger or exhaustion. But either way, i've a cure to it. I'm waiting for my nuggets to be done and i'm going to start reading. So in anyway, NIGHTZ!! And oh yes, i haven't listen to Euro Frequency I. :P Suitable? I'm still not really sure if i should post the previous entry up.
So if anyone (and yes, i mean anyone) thinks that it's not appropriate, i'll edit it and make it appropriate. :D Edit: I've decided to edit the previous entry even though i wasn't prompted to. Because i still stand in what i believe in : It's not fair to let people know the pain i've been through Plus i've been asked if i'm a psychopath after the entry had been written. Not only a psychopath, But a mixture of psychopath, freak, murderer and one depressed kid all together. *roll eyes* Anyway, i'm really fine now. STOP. ASKING. ME!!! Rewritten Okay, i'm starting this on a clean slate with a clear mind *yawns* or at least, half a clear mind. I've decided to rewrite this entire entry because i don't want history to repeat itself again. (As i'd always say, i can't blog the things i want to blog on my own personal weblog) Although this had been imprinted in my head ever since gazillion years ago, but it seems that more and more issues require this 'motto'(?). Probably one can say blogging had lost it's true meaning. But probably that all depends on what our definition of blogging is. Anyways, i'm supposed to talk about me being Yes, i've accepted the fact that i'm seventeen this year and not twenty one (finally) but honestly speaking, haven't i been accepting THAT fact for the past 361 days? (: Alright so i went out with Gary to celebrate my birthday today and i was finally early. Not that it matters since i get to continue reading. I've no idea why but i don't MSN and read at the same time. Okay, maybe i do a little... Fine, maybe i do that a lot but i would try not to do it. Ben would know best. Because he MSNed me during my last 20 minutes of reading time (had to prepare for going out after that) and i'm like... DND?!?!!! Alright and i've finally realized. It's easy to spot Gary in a crowd. I could see his purple(?) hair from the stairs. But he just have to move and leaving poor me looking around like a duck. Quack. So he carried Sushi along with a huge ass box in a PET SHOP bag. And when he asked me to guessed, the first thought was... a HAMSTER WHEEL!! No idea why, but i thought of that. Then he said something cute about the hamsters. Those ham hams would run reallll fast on the wheel and when they can't keep up with the speed they fall and spin around in the wheel before flying out. And the process continues. *squeals* Isn't that cute? Ahem, alright. So it wasn't a wheel and my next guess was pet food. And that immediately brought my thoughts back to the EMP meeting where April and i ate cat food. A very fishy taste, i could still remember. But nopes, it ain't hamster wheel nor pet food or leash, it's SPEAKERS!!! *pushes old speakers and bass box away* A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE NEW *urhhs, check box* THE NEW INSPIRE T10 *claps* It just sound so SO awesome!! And somehow i feel really young after reading his card. Because i've done none of those things and so i'm NOT old. :D *scratches chin* And somehow, i got this feeling that Lynnie might be my new permanent nickname. *shrug* I think i can live with that name. Not that bad sounding after all. :D Alright, i digress once again. So, we had dinner at Bakerzine and their ham tastes sour-ish? But their warm chocolate cake made up for it. *licks lips* Pity i couldn't catch a video of Gary singing the birthday songs. (My phone was confiscated for 2 minutes, you see) And it's the first time i heard it in French and honestly, the only word i could catch is 'Lynnie'. ): French seems like such a difficult language altogether. But it sounds really really nice. So after dinner was movie time. Bedtime story was alright i guess. Was really tired after watching the movie. But something got us talking after the movie which perked me up. hogc!!! I thought of Charleston, Roy, Ivan, Wei Jie, Yassy, Jia Yang and her. It was almost painful to think about her. Even the sharp words and actions by Ivan and Yassy didn't hurt as much as what she had done. AHEM!! (You need to stop. You're rewriting this entry for a reason) Alright, and we missed the last train by a few minutes. A FEW MINUTES!!! And the uberly *cough* nice *cough* cab uncle refused to go to Pasir Ris after reaching Yishun. Could be that he's changing shift soon, i guess. Plus did i mention that gentleman-ness has reached a whole new notch? Alright, i really got to go. Parents had been nagging me to get out of bed to go to Jie's house. Dad has came in twice and mum, once. So the next time mum's coming in, i'm getting my ass kicked out of bed. So to prevent that, i really realllly got to go now. And yes, i wished the new entry is wayyy better. ^^ Saturday, December 27, 2008
new moon
From the minute i picked up Twilight and started reading, i've never thought that this would be one series that could hook me on.I mean c'mon, i can't even really remember the last book that kept me away from the lappie. But this series did it. I'm merely half way through the book and i'm awing at the fact on how the author used Edward in the story. He did not physically appear from the time he left till where i stopped reading (but i know he's going to appear soon... i 'accidentally' flipped the pages a little and saw a word or too that provide much help ^^) but without his voice in Bella's head, the story wouldn't flow and be as captivating as it is now. And WOW, that's one long sentence. Anyway, i think i might be eating my own words on thinking that Carlisle is way better than Edward. Though i still think Carlisle is awesome but Edward seems to be gaining his way into my head with the sweetness that the author protrayed uberly well. (Note the fact that i'm trying very very hard in telling myself that Edward is just fictionious and no one as sweet as him can appear in my life.) But Bella got one life that i want. I mean i don't mind not having a love life with Edward (or Carlisle), for i just want one vampire friend. Though i wouldn't mind if i can get to love a vampire, that's for sure. Or even better, a vampire to love me. *grins* Honestly, if i can choose a vampire, i'll definitely choose an Asian guy. Even if the vampire is a Japanese, i would gladly take him. (I'm ignoring the fact if that vampire would like me or not, obviously) And in anyway, if he's a vampire, he should be clever (and old enough) to know more than one language, right? Ahhhhs, i'm picturing mental images of my dream vampire right here and now. If i can, i would definitely want a vampire as my boyfriend... no WAIT, a hubby sounds better. To think i can spend the rest of my life with a pure blood vampire. With supernatural powers way better than the Cullen's family and looks wise - wayyyy hotter. *looks indignantly* To quote Bella "A girl can dream"... can't she? :D And no, i don't want the Cullen's kind of vampire, neither the Volturi kind. Although the high status of Volturi would very well tempt me. But they are too rough to be what my dream vampire should be. :P Fine fine. I should tie rocks around my ankles to prevent me from floating about in space again. Though i doubt rocks are heavy enough to do the job but i have enough faith in Newton's gravity law. So as i was saying, i found my perfect spot in reading. Lying while reading paperbacked novels and resting on my stomach at the foot of my bed for the hard covers. And a notebook with a pen right beside me to note down any quotes which i like. And i'm seriously still awed by Edward's gentleness and protectiveness over Bella. Not physically there but still there. I want someone to be that sweet for me too!!! And oh yes, did i mention how much i love the part where Edward left and the few pages of the books just showed October November December January? It's the first time i saw and i loved the way it was presented. Visually fresh, i guessed. :D BFF? I came back from my second birthday meal and am really really happy!!! Spent it with my parents at Xing Wang. And i realized i am good at one thing. I'm good at blocking sounds out of my system. I almost blew up right during the supper because it was too annoying. But awesome dad (my real birth dad this time) knew what i was thinking (as always) and tried to calm me down. I almost stab five people and smack three on the way. Anyway, we need new places to eat at night. I'm tired of eating at Xing Wang already. And am i glad i did not meet anyone i know during supper. For i was wearing glasses, without any makeup of any sort, accessories and i didn't ever bother to plan my wardrobe. Alright, i should really go bathe now even if it's going to freeze me half to death (had some snow ice thingy at Xing Wang and had been coughing my lungs out ever since) But still, thanks to those who wished me a Happy Birthday after 12!! In chronological obviously (flipping through smses)
And aren't i glad i Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:14 AM): with all sanity.. i shouldnt force you to do anything.. but im not exactly very normal right now.. SO WISH ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY... NOW!!! Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:15 AM): ![]() jking ^^ Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:16 AM): and wow.. u're ignoring me owww Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:17 AM): i geddit emos ^^ Back and HAPPY BOXING DAY ALL =D says (1:21 AM): PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHING =P Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:22 AM): too late!! T.T i feel ignored Back and HAPPY BOXING DAY ALL =D says (1:22 AM): i was busy Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:22 AM): but THANKS!!! ^^ uurhhs.. no lurs Back and HAPPY BOXING DAY ALL =D says (1:22 AM): just now Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:22 AM): i was kiding kidding* ^^ Back and HAPPY BOXING DAY ALL =D says (1:30 AM): anyway i gtg night night Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:30 AM): alright.. nightz rest well ^^ Back and HAPPY BOXING DAY ALL =D says (1:30 AM): will send you my euro frequency tmmr =D Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:30 AM): OMIGOSH MY BEST PRESENY!! ^^ thanks Back and HAPPY BOXING DAY ALL =D says (1:30 AM): lol Joycelyn 依靜 says "Taking bravery to the point where it becomes insanity" says (1:30 AM): /waves Back and HAPPY BOXING DAY ALL =D says (1:30 AM): night /hi Okay, i really got to bathe. For i want to continue reading New Moon. (: Carlisle is still MINE by the way. :D And i want Wei Yi to be my new BFF... *coughs* Just kidding.I doubt he can live one day being my BFF. :D But i DO want his remixes. And tons of other alternative metal bands' songs too!!! P/s: I'm finally TWENTY ONE!!! I'm of legal age already... NOT. Stil... seventeen. :( Friday, December 26, 2008
I always wanted to say a lot of things, but i can't. Because i was asked NOT TO.Even on my personal weblog do i have to watch the things i'm saying. I swear it's nothing against anyone. I just want to share my joy, but it seems like i can't. For i was asked NOT TO. TOTAL unfairness!!!
再見 16嵗的林依靜小朋友啊… 哎喲,看看我自己,又糊塗了。15嵗的于靖明明就告訴了我要把你從個小朋友轉變成一個小大人, 不過我好像會讓她失望。不過我還是會跟她說好多快樂的回憶。我相信她也有很多東西跟我一起說。 在多幾個小時,我就得永遠的跟你說再見了。去年的自己根本不知道15嵗的于靖是用什麽心情來跟你道別的。快樂,難過,縂縂的情緒圍繞著我,可真的是百感交集啊。 這年的你,也許還是一樣的叛逆。還是一樣的小孩子氣,還是一樣的不聽話,還是一樣的耍個性,不過要記得,你已經是17嵗的人了。 說大不大,但年紀也不小了。要長大一些,成熟一些。不要再讓你身邊的人擔心了。要記得,你真的很幸運。你身邊有好多的人一直不斷的在你身邊,陪盼著你,照顧著你,疼愛著你。你的家人,你的朋友,還有很多大哥哥,大姐姐,小弟弟,小妹妹不斷的鼓勵著你,在你低落的時候扶持著你。 這個世界不管多麽的虛僞,無論多麽的現實,你還是不可以忘記自己的本性。不要因爲生命的殘酷而忘了人間其實處處還是充滿溫情的。只要我們肯仔細的去看,到處都是可以找到讓我們感動的事情。 雖然你出現在一個小小島,不過不要因爲這個而放棄你大大的夢想。也許看不清楚未來,不過不要放棄。千萬不要迷失自己的方向,為自己的音樂目標前進。雖讓腳步的卻不大,不快,不過我和15嵗的于靖的卻都在為你加油。 一天天的過去,自己比誰都清楚。縂有一天,我一定得離開你,讓17嵗的依靜來認識你,跟你接觸。我還記得第一天與你初次見面的時候,我根本不知道能跟你有著這麽好的關係。說真的,我還真的真的不捨得離開你,不過我還是得離開你。 再一次,讓我好好的謝謝你。陪伴著我過了這一年。好多讓我曾經落淚的事情現在讓我的嘴角微微的上揚。雖然我會非常的想念我們一起歡笑的時候,不過我知道離別就是爲了醖釀在見面的激情。我很期待明年的這個時候,很期待17嵗的依靜會跟我說些什麽。 好了,我應該讓你跟17嵗的依靜好好的聊聊。現在你不需要我了,我會瀟瀟灑灑的消失。因爲你17嵗了,記住哦,你17嵗了。 16嵗的林依靜上
dreams Oh yes. Did i mention how badly i groaned as i woke up this afternoon? Every single muscle in my entire body ached like it had never before. No matter how small an action could be, even if it was just a turn, it would bring forward a spasm of pain. A very subtle kind of irritating pain. And that wasn't made exactly better by the horrifying dream. A dream in which i got killed, LITERALLY. With a pair of sharp scissors. I thought i wasn't supposed to feel pain in dream. But the cuts from the scissors on my legs in the dream were so real. I swear i could feel every bit of that incise. But the main humiliation was me dying under a mere pair of scissors. Being cornered, no where to run or hide, IN MY FATHER'S ROOM. Of all places, why his room? *grabs hair* But this isn't the worst. (I wonder why dreams keep on coming to haunt me night after night.) Dying is mandatory and so in comparison, reality seems much more worse. I dreamt that everything is frigging expensive. (Alright, i know i know. This is dumb, but HEYS, it's a dream.) A stick of you tiao can cost up to $2. And a bowl of something insignificant is priced at $8. And it's at a unACed place. Can you imagine? The fear of reality is too strong for me to take. *big laugh* Oh my. My dreams sound realllly idiotic, in my most honest opinion. Ah well, back to reading. Tatas.
Lamb Daddy, who don't recognize me as his daughter, just pointed out a really important point of my PM which i had overlooked. Mum burnt me. LITERALLY!!! UBER GAN DONG!! 人間の内面における狂気 I Philic You That was my PM. - ツ GB - KisSeS: 带我走... says (4:00 PM): your mom burnt you.. and you are super gan dong.. LOL! - ツ GB - KisSeS: 带我走... says (4:01 PM): sounds sadistic Joycelyn 依靜 says "As long as i was going through hell, i might as well do it throughly." says (4:01 PM): well.. it's supposed to be morbid.. NO LURS 2 diff things lurs my mum burnt me (full stop) im uber gan dong by Alt F5 LOLS - ツ GB - KisSeS: 带我走... says (4:02 PM): HA! Joycelyn 依靜 says "As long as i was going through hell, i might as well do it throughly." says (4:02 PM): BWAHAHHAH! - ツ GB - KisSeS: 带我走... says (4:03 PM): i thought you like to get burn LOL! Joycelyn 依靜 says "As long as i was going through hell, i might as well do it throughly." says (4:03 PM): urhhs that sounds so.. sexuak sexual* OMIGOSH no lurs ;P - ツ GB - KisSeS: 带我走... says (4:03 PM): lols.. wad you thinking sia omg LOL! Joycelyn 依靜 says "As long as i was going through hell, i might as well do it throughly." says (4:03 PM): *gasp* omigosh Joycelyn 依靜 says "As long as i was going through hell, i might as well do it throughly." says (4:04 PM): what were YOU thinking reminds me of smth that we said that day what's that 2 big thing on that girl? it's WOW i'm sure it must have be heavy it's so big - ツ GB - KisSeS: 带我走... says (4:04 PM): LOL! Joycelyn 依靜 says "As long as i was going through hell, i might as well do it throughly." says (4:04 PM): i mean.. earrings that big must be heavy right? MWAHAHHHAHA And alright, i'm half way through Twilight and i thought of something. It's just a feeling and not to be taken literally, FOR PETE'S SAKE. *roll eyes* I don't know, but this thought is just further reinforced with Haylie's thoughts. Somehow, it just seems that the perfect guy, Edward is here. Beside me, for such a long time. But i didn't realized, because my eyes were set on Carlisle. You know the feeling? It's somehow like that but not entirely. But in anyways, i still prefer Carlisle over Edward. Even though Carlisle didn't really appear much in the book. *whines* I want a sick, masochistic lion. But sadly, i'm not much of a lamb myself. :( Exponential growth I hate bathing at 2 in the morning. It was just like yesterday. The tiles on the floor is freezing. *shivers* But at least, the warm water showed a hint of comfort . (: Anyway, i was thinking about the wonderful dream i had in the afternoon. I can't exactly remember what happened, but it was sweet. And it feel really real too. *big smile* And i've realized, everyone in ALT F5 is turning 18/19. This is outrageous. Every single one of them are older than me. *pouts* But not for long. For i'm turning 21 in 21 hours (wow, coincidence) and 74 in another 365 days and 21 hours. :D Don't worry about my counting. I passed elementary school. It's just that, i grow... EXPONENTIALLY. *winks* P/s: I've noticed. That you can hear nothing but me in the videos in the previous entry. And is that how my voice sound in real life? It sound pretty... weird. Thursday, December 25, 2008
Really long entry
While in the midst of waiting for people to send me the pictures they had taken yesterday (stares at Frez, Ben and GL) and bluetooth-ing the pathetic amount i had taken myself, i've decided to randomly talk about some stuff here.And oh!! Did i forget to mention? Frez's phone is my current favorite cam-whoring gadget. I literally took more pictures of myself using his phone than mine. So... TOBI!! QUICK SEND ME THOSE PICTURES LURS~~~ I initially wanted to use cable to transfer those pictures and videos instead of bluetooth-ing it. But the cable is just nowhere to be found. And poor me have to bluetooth in the pictures and videos ONE BY ONE. *pouts* So alright *looks at clock* Starting time: 7:11pm Yesterday was an awesome day. It had been a long long LONG time since i've hung around with ALT F5. Poor Jeff. Next time, you must be able to make it alright? Anyways, let's start with the day by itself. I'm trying to ignore the fact that i trudged out with only an hour of sleep. On the train towards Jurong East, i thought i would be able to catch a little nap before meeting the rest. But sadly i couldn't. Ben was on the same train as me then but we were at two different side. I was dozing off at the first cabin whereas he was at the second last. In my half-asleep state, i told Ben i was at the last cabin and asked him to come over. And when i finally realized i texted the wrong stuff, Ben made me walked all the way from the first cabin to the last. *groans* And THAT took me all the way from Yew Tee to Bukit Gombak. But at least he gave me a gift. A PINK handphone strap. *mumbles* Why must he give me a pink thing when it was HE himself who likes it. *pouts* Pink is not exactly one of my favorite colors, you see. Anyways, i guessed the exact price (to the very cent) of that strap. :D But ah well. Thanks mummy!! *big smile* And after meeting up with Haylie along with Ben, we decided to walk around while waiting for GL to arrive. Haylie had to literally push and grab things out of my hands during the entire time while we're in the bookstore. For no matter which direction i turn, i kept on seeing christian stuff. And Haylie's reaction was fun when she saw me holding up a book using two fingers with a horrified expression. :D And finally, GL came. I guess it was a literal "long time no see". He stuffed a gift into my hands and i could immediately guessed what it was. Heh heh heh. Why try denying? Ever since it's CHOCOLATES!! *licks lips* Then the 4 of us went to Science Center. All of them pointed their fingers at me and insisted that i was childhood-deprived. *whines* It was just a burst of childlike-innocence. What's wrong with that? And what's more, i wasn't the kid-iest of the lot. *stamps feet indignantly* And i'm able to snuck in with a child's ticket. Thanks Mummy again!! But Mummy~ 我肚子餓了。我要喝…… *laughs* After that, all of us went into the exhibits and we had our share of laughter. 5pm soon came and Frez reached. We left Science Center and had to crack our heads on where to eat. As much as i wished (and threatened) to have Sakae, NONE of them stood on my side. And without the decision of where we should eat, we just decide to go to Boon Lay to see what we can get there. So after leaving Science center, some very clever people decide to cross some water feature place. With my aching feet, i've no confidence that i can keep my footing and not fall into the water. But uber awesome Daddy lend me his hand and i got safely got across. And he didn't let go off his hand. *relieved smile* while pulling me across. Frez, GL and i were talking what would happen if GL suddenly let go off his hand. Frez said i would either have to freeze to keep my balance or fall into the pool. And after hearing the splash, GL would see a wedge shoe in his face. And i nod my head in agreement. *big smile* And after that, ALL of them decide to WALK back to Jurong East MRT station. *horrified look* Yes, in my inhumane shoes. To think i call them my cliquables. *shakes head* I almost thought i have to amputate my feet off at the end of the day. For it was TOOOO painful. But thank god that we got to sit in Fish and Co for a good hour to rest it. And after the meal, we decide to walk around while waiting for Gary to arrive. (I will talk about the terrifying incident later.) So clever GL decide to switch off all the TVs he could see with his PSP. All of us were amused and tried to not look guilty. So after that, Gary arrived. I was so guilty towards him that i was prepared to be nice to him for these few days. But he had this really scary look which made me shivered. A shiver went down my spine literally (must be the rain) upon seeing the look in his eyes. And after going back to meet the rest of the guys, i realized Ben and Frez went to get a cake for me. Despite Haylie's violent attempts to stop me from seeing it, i did. I was uber happy and molested (read: touched) by them. They sang a birthday song right in front of Boon Lay's MRT station. :D And that was when i was utterly freaked out by Gary. I turned around, saw his intimidating expression with a cigarette and almost cried in fright, LITERALLY. After seeing THAT, i didn't even have the GUTS to talk to him. Much less sit or accept his offer to help me carry the books home. I rather do extreme balancing acts with books and cake than to see that really really scary face. Ben knew how freaked out i was. I was shaking in fear while telling him on the MRT home from Jurong East. It was only after laughing a little at Russel Peters did i feel brave enough to text him and asked if he was angry. After some messages and calls, the misunderstanding was cleared up and everything returned to normal. *big smile* And surprisingly, i've received a lot of messages last night. For both texts and MSNs. Thanks peeps, and MERRY XMAS TO YOU TOO!!! :D P/s: We've ate the cake and it's yummilicious!! Thanks Ben and Frez for the cake. *big hug* P/p/s: I didn't realized that they are intending to buy a cake for me even though GL suddenly took out the matches. P/p/p/s: Mum burnt my hand with the metal part of the lighter accidentally. (Or at least that's what i hope) And there's even a little swell now. ): P/p/p/p/s: I'm doing nothing but reading the Twilight series. *runs around in euphoria* ^^ Oh yes, here are some pictures taken during the day. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Alright, it's just me being lazy but i'm sure you are clever enough to put in the subtitles for each picture right? :P Ending time 12.07AM cold I really want to blog about today's celebration but the temptation of the Twilight series is just too strong to go against. Maybe i'll blog about today's awesome outing with ALT F5 tomorrow. And definitely also about how i misread Gary's expressions. Tomorrow it shall be. :D Anyways, but i DO have to blog about this now. I've no idea why, but the minute my aching sole touch the bathrooms tiles, i can't help but scream "Mother of Lord" and jumped out of the bathroom. It was just too effing chilly. (And yes, i was still fully clothed then by the way) I've utterly no idea how Mum showered just now. It's was freeeezzing. *shivers* Ah wells, but now i'm on my comfy bed, sipping my COLD chrysanthemum tea and laughing like an idiot to myself while thinking about the entire day today. I just love all my friends. More than words can ever express. *big smile* P/s: It's the first time in my entire life have i been deemed as someone who lacks common sense. Tell me truthfully peeps, do i really? *stares* P/p/s: Thanks to all of you who wished me Merry Christmas. As much as i tried to reply everyone, there's still some i forgot to text/MSN back. But i've indeed saw the message and yes, MERRY XMAS TO YOU GUYS TOO!!!!
*group hug* ^^ Wednesday, December 24, 2008
If anyone sees me resembling a walking corpse today, please do not be alarmed. It's just me without my precious sleep.Although i can have my really peaceful rest (no one's waking me up today) BUT I JUST CAN'T SLEEP!!! 600 - Went offline 615 - Got into a very light sleep 720 - Woke up And i'm awake since then. Gosh. I wonder how am i suppose to survive one day with only an hour of sleep. *pauses* It's not like it's not possible. I know, i'll just treat it as school. (Yes, i went to school without any sleep the previous night before.) Great. Let's just see what will happen today. :D And now, since i've some time. Maybe i should go read some chat logs to see what could my black present might be. :) chibi Yeaps, i'm blogging extensively and i've no idea why. It just seems that my blogger page is open as a tab 24/7. *shrugs* Alright, i'm supposed to meet the rest later at 1 (in which i've no idea why we have to meet at such a early time *grumbles*), and i forgot to plan the time i need to go out. :X Let's see, i need to leave at 12, so i have to start preparing by 11, which means i've got to wash up at 1045. Alright and that will still give me ... *counts finger* around 4 hours of sleep. DAMN!!! *apologetic look to alt F5* Treat me to coffee later alright? And chibi characters are frigging kawaii. Along with their droopy ears and shy expression. I want my son... NO!! I want Yong to be able to do that look. *evil grin* I want Yong to be my perfect son. He already has the 五五身 and all he needs now is the chibi form transformation. *evil grins* BWAHAHAHAHA!!
Retribution After finally moving on from the Twilight-kind-of-vampires and back to my own version of jappy-dropdeadshuai vampires, i realized that tons of people have this equation Vampire = Cullens GRRS!! No they aren't!!! Poor elders. :P And vampires and wiccans are two different things too. Double GRRS!! And yes, i feel like laughing. Because this is what i call karma. Now you know how we feel ehs? I'M SO GOING TO LAUGH IN HIS FACE AFTER HE COME ONLINE!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I DON'T WANT HIM!! I want Carlisle!! ("V") And say i'm uber clever NOW. ![]() I manage to get this score even though i haven't read any of the books before. :D blogging 630 - Went offline 640 - Fell asleep 700 - Woken up 750 - Still tossing and turning about 800 - Fell asleep :D What a wonderful morning. Anyways, a couple of days ago was i complaining about the fact that blogging has lost it's true meaning. And i was thinking, what is the true meaning of a blog. I started to read Chord's archives again trying to find some hints as to answer my question. But none came. (Although i gained lots of good insights ^^) The question was left there hanging and i thought i might forget about it's existence. But today, a manga series taught me, or at least showed me, what could be the true meaning of a blog. I think... I might know a tad more now.
Previous Posts:
Wait for me.
Things Men Should Know About Women
10 reasons why women cheat
meegoreng. yum yum
Can you even cry?
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J