Saturday, December 27, 2008
new moon
From the minute i picked up Twilight and started reading, i've never thought that this would be one series that could hook me on.I mean c'mon, i can't even really remember the last book that kept me away from the lappie. But this series did it. I'm merely half way through the book and i'm awing at the fact on how the author used Edward in the story. He did not physically appear from the time he left till where i stopped reading (but i know he's going to appear soon... i 'accidentally' flipped the pages a little and saw a word or too that provide much help ^^) but without his voice in Bella's head, the story wouldn't flow and be as captivating as it is now. And WOW, that's one long sentence. Anyway, i think i might be eating my own words on thinking that Carlisle is way better than Edward. Though i still think Carlisle is awesome but Edward seems to be gaining his way into my head with the sweetness that the author protrayed uberly well. (Note the fact that i'm trying very very hard in telling myself that Edward is just fictionious and no one as sweet as him can appear in my life.) But Bella got one life that i want. I mean i don't mind not having a love life with Edward (or Carlisle), for i just want one vampire friend. Though i wouldn't mind if i can get to love a vampire, that's for sure. Or even better, a vampire to love me. *grins* Honestly, if i can choose a vampire, i'll definitely choose an Asian guy. Even if the vampire is a Japanese, i would gladly take him. (I'm ignoring the fact if that vampire would like me or not, obviously) And in anyway, if he's a vampire, he should be clever (and old enough) to know more than one language, right? Ahhhhs, i'm picturing mental images of my dream vampire right here and now. If i can, i would definitely want a vampire as my boyfriend... no WAIT, a hubby sounds better. To think i can spend the rest of my life with a pure blood vampire. With supernatural powers way better than the Cullen's family and looks wise - wayyyy hotter. *looks indignantly* To quote Bella "A girl can dream"... can't she? :D And no, i don't want the Cullen's kind of vampire, neither the Volturi kind. Although the high status of Volturi would very well tempt me. But they are too rough to be what my dream vampire should be. :P Fine fine. I should tie rocks around my ankles to prevent me from floating about in space again. Though i doubt rocks are heavy enough to do the job but i have enough faith in Newton's gravity law. So as i was saying, i found my perfect spot in reading. Lying while reading paperbacked novels and resting on my stomach at the foot of my bed for the hard covers. And a notebook with a pen right beside me to note down any quotes which i like. And i'm seriously still awed by Edward's gentleness and protectiveness over Bella. Not physically there but still there. I want someone to be that sweet for me too!!! And oh yes, did i mention how much i love the part where Edward left and the few pages of the books just showed October November December January? It's the first time i saw and i loved the way it was presented. Visually fresh, i guessed. :D |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J