Saturday, January 31, 2009
I almost thought i should have owned a stable. I spent almost a day quarantining, deleting and cleaning all those backdoor Trojan horses.Alright, it wasn't me. It was all Norton's credit. But still, i spent 7 hours before getting every little foal out of my system. I was so paranoid that i ran three checks today to make sure every single one of those is cleaned. **** Anyways, i suddenly have a craving for subway. Oh gosh. Anyone wants to eat that with me? (: *tummy growls* Friday, January 30, 2009
*shivers*I'm so not going to hand wash any clothes in the night ever again. It's just so effing cold. I started shivering the minute i turned on the tap to let the freaking cold water fill the pill with water. I've no idea why but it just seems to cold. I hate it when i have clothes that requires me to hand wash them. It's just so ... troublesome. I've no idea why some people invent washing machine while others design clothes not meant to be washed by it. Enough is enough!! But now, i like how the skin feels. It feels clean (no thanks to the washing powder and liquid) but rough. ): OMIGOSH!!! I don't want to wash clothes by hand anymore. This is such a disgrace to our vampire clan. *winks* Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dum dum didi dum
*big big yawn*It was such a gooood nap. Apart from the fact that i feel everything is burning up right now and i look like crap (Dad said that the minute i lumbered out of my room), it was really an awesome nap. But now, i have this feeling that i might not sleep anytime soon tonight. *shrugs* Ah well. And poor dad, he had something stuck in his ear and had to go to some specialist tomorrow to try and get it out. The GP said it was too close to the 耳膜. *glances at dad worriedly* **** I really still hope to get the vids taken on that day. ): Ah well. Guess photos will suffice for now. (: ![]() I swear Jie looks so much better in real life. I've no idea how the photographer took this. ![]() See the proof? If she can look this perfect upfront, how can she look so weird at a distant? ![]() Do i still need to reiterate my point? ![]() And couldn't i be given another five minutes? I could have drawn some eyeliner in five minutes. I woke up, pop in contacts WITHOUT ANY MAKEUP got dragged to take this picture!!! *growls* ![]() He's a monster. He was tall when i saw on him the day when this picture is taken. But he got taller on CNY. I literally thought "Who's that giant who just came in from the gate?" when he stepped into the house. ![]() Let's not pay too much attention to what they're wearing alrights? :P ![]() Or the continuous action of what they're doing. ![]() And especially what this guy said, "來,我要吃你的香蕉。" ![]() Eden Gor: The wedding... what arhs? Jie mei: Commandments. Eden Gor: Orh. *knock knock knock* Tia Dio Bo? Jie: Tie Dio Liao. Eden Gor: The Wedding Commandments. ![]() Totally unglamness. The eyes. The nose. The mouth. The arms. I praise the photographer for having the ability to take fugly pictures of me. ![]() Fang, me, Ah Yi, Jie, Eden Gor, An Ah Mah, Mum, Dad And if you realize in the following few photos, i totally didn't realize that there is a camera snapping photos of us. Explaining why not in one photo did i look directly at the lens. (READ: it will be totally fugly) ): ![]() Was i crouching? ![]() Flabby arms. ): ![]() Was i trying to look at someone else? ![]() Imagine how hard it is for me to keep my temper among all these people. ![]() Ehs? And so if you're wondering which day it is today... ![]() (: **** Don't ask what were i trying to do. Please don't. ): ![]() Blub blub. ![]() Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thursday, 0138am
I just have to rant about this one thing. I just HAVE TO!!!It's been irritating me out ever since Friday (the day where i decide to unofficially start my 10 week hols) and it had been continuing all the way until today. Every day without fail, after i slept for 6 hours, i would wake up and have no desire to go back to sleep any more. ARGHS!!! It's my hols. I'm supposed to be able to sleep for at least ten hours STRAIGHT. *jumps about in annoyance and rage* **** Anyways, moving on!!! So, i went to Gary's house yesterday with the mind of watching some DVDs with him. (Yes, i think i still don't exist in his context. ^^) Sometimes, i think it will take a long... LONG time for me to exist in his world. For i had never watched 99% of the movie titles he dished out. GL, welcome to (: But even so, i think GL had watched more movies than me. *glances at his lappie suspiciously* Right, as i was saying... *scrolls up and read what were i exactly posting about* OH!! DVD time. But minutes after i step out from showering and drying my hair, Gary called and said his cousins were coming. A little too much information of them made me squirm in front of the mirror while tying my tie. *nods head* I tied my tie, wore my scarf, put on makeup (and eyeliner) while talking to him on the phone. Yes, i give you permission to bow down to me... NOW!!! *coughs* Yes, as i meant to say, it ended up not so much of a DVD time. For a lot of his relatives were there too. And yes, they are really nice people. (And no, i didn't said that because they gave me ang baos.) (: And while the adults are gambling downstairs, the few of us (namely: Gary, Valerie, Si Wei, Marc and me) were having our own game. I honestly didn't want to play until Gary There was initially no way to make me play. "Majority wins!!" "Well, I'M the majority." "If you don't play, you will receive bad luck for the entire new year." "Well, 我已經犯太歲 for this year, what's a little more bad luck?" But clever Gary came out with a deal i couldn't refuse. He gave me 'conditions' in which that i can make him do anything i want. And so the first condition was to not mention about anything that is in concern with Sentosa, water beaches, pools, seasides and whatsoever that has relation with water, sun and people to me ever again. *cues evil laughter* And i still have two conditions that's left untouched. But who cares about these two conditions when he promised me infinite conditions that he will accept without any resistance. Mwahahahaha!!! But honestly, that is one confusing game to play. I can't even remember what the power cards are. I've no idea how can people can manage to remember all the special cards. Dai Dee is so much more easier compared to it. Though i'm not good at it but at least it's rules are easier to comprehend. 2s the largest, 3s the smallest. Diamonds are the smallest, followed by clubs, hearts and finally spades. The rest is all strategy. No power cards. No hard-to-remember rules. Yes, i'm just ranting. (: Although saying all that, i must admit it was still rather fun playing that Dickhead(?) game. And then there was dinner. 8 pizzas. EIGHT!!! How i hope i was really hungry that time. I would have enjoyed myself very very very much. ): But sadly, i wasn't. *growls* I stopped after 2 slices. How is that even possible. *glances at sem 2 classmates* I swear it wasn't me who finished half of your pizzas that day. It was my clone who did it. (: **** On a side note, i thought he looked like Roy. Yes, that GYA. The eyes and the eyebrows. It's the eyes, i'm telling you, the eyes!!! Speaking of which, i finally know who Gary resembled when he did that really 'kiam pa' face while playing the card game. I can't remember his name (i think is 台something), but i'm really sure now that Gary resembles 絃's friend for a minute back then. **** And damn. I got this feeling i'm Pu Zhua-ing. Sneezes, scratchy throats, headaches and a higher than normal temperature. Dammit, can all these be signs for something else other than a flu? **** Oh gosh. It's already 0132am now? Exactly how long did i exactly took to type this entry? *scratches chin* Monday, January 26, 2009
It's really a quiet CNY this year.Plus i didn't get a lot of ang baos. *shuffles to a corner* But at least i had fun chatting with Gui Fang and tickling Peng. Both Fang and i were snickering at the year 1 students with the mere thought of them starting school at 830am next year. Being in the same school has it's advantages. We can talk about things that only we know. Like me pon-ing Cognitive and she zhao-ing. :P And BOTH Dad and uncle are asking me to find work for my 10-week hols. *groans* I don't wanna~~~ *glances at Fang* Tell that to her too!!! *runs away after creating a commotion* (: And Peng seems to attach himself to me during the evening today. It's a scary sight i assure you. Especially when he decides to sit next to me during dinner. I'm not going to feed you dinner or whatsoever!!! It's hard to eat with someone sitting so close to me and ready to push me off the table anytime. As much as he's the cutest thing that i've met today, but after seeing him kicking and tormenting my poor piano keys, i can't help but tickle him (and rendered him into a total state of a foaming retard) before and after dinner. *evil smile* Peng, i'm nice at times. But once i decide on my revenge... heh heh heh. Kidding. I'm very nice towards him. I SWEAR!!! And i just have to say this. Ben keep on reminding me on MSN to So here goes... Benjamin Christopher Low is an uber pervertic se lang. And why? For as a guy, he wants to see another guy's bod. I've proof on MSN. Plus Haylie's the witness. (: Speaking of Haylie, maybe i should stop webcamming with her for a while. For she always seem to be able to see Dad walking about randomly without a top. Three times if i'm not wrong. Twice today. :X And oh well, Jie transferred her wedding photos for me today. Along with some virus of some sort. *groans* Jie, do you have to do this to me? MIGHT upload it(the pictures, not the virus) when i'm not so lazy. *nods* But maybe i shouldn't. For some of it IS really really unglam-ish. Especially those taken in the morning where i just woke up and did not have any makeup on. ="= Sunday, January 25, 2009
cny songs = nightmares
I swear mum just found a new way to torment me every morning.She insists that playing the CNY songs throughout the entire day is to contribute to the joyous atmosphere rather than having the intention to get me out of bed. But honestly, does she have to play it using Jie's speakers? It's not like we don't have speakers in the living room which she can use. I'm telling you, she deliberately played it using Jie's speakers because her room is right next to mine. See, proof that her songs are to wake me up. And the freaky thing is that there was one CNY song in which i heard earlier in the day has the tune of Jingle Bells. O.O And mum is saying that my shoes are getting taller by the day. I smiled really sweetly in response to that statement before returning all my attention to the TV. Mum talked a little more to me but none of those registered in my head. She noticed and tried talking to Dad. But the response she got was the same as mine. ... You couldn't blame us could you? Blame the show for being so captivating. And i'm smiling at this one little fact of him having this idea of not knowing "fryd e caa eh res". He just doesn't know how perfect he is in my eyes.
To the point where i thought all this is just an illusion. A dream in which i might wake up from anytime. *smiles really softly* Saturday, January 24, 2009
354am now
Oh gosh, somehow i feel too lazy to really sit down and blog.And when i mean blog, i mean really really really serious blogging over here. I looked through the past 5 entries and i rolled my eyes at myself for every single post. I mean, i don't really mind reading through those entries for there were literally the things which had happened in class, but all those were done in a really rushy mode. I want to sit down for five hours to type out an entry. - silence - Alright, maybe not FIVE hours but at least enough time for me to really sit down to blog. Yes, as you can see. I really like my blog... a LOT!! Anyways, i told Dad the places i went in the span of these four days and he went O.O before placing his palm on my forehead to check if i had any signs of fever. *shrugs* I mean, it's not that bad right? I merely went to Woodlands, Yishun, Bishan, Orchard, Bugis, Dhouby and back to Bishan again. O.O!!! Okay, maybe that sounds a littttlllee too much. And imagine if i dragged April with me to all these places. I promise you, she'll KILL me TWENTY times over. But thankfully, i went to these places over a stretch of four days. Wednesday - Woodlands with Haylie and Yishun alone Got an uber drool-worthy scarf ( which i totally love by the way. I'm so going to wear it every time i go out regardless of the weather outside [: ) Thursday - Bishan with Evon and Pei Shan Got the cardigans in BOTH my favo colors. *big smile* ( i personally thought that the red one looks better than the black one. But Pei Shan disagreed with me. And poor Evon with her leggings. *pats* ) Friday - Orchard with Gary Got a skirt which i thought looks pretty nice at 77th street (: Saturday - Bugis, Dhouby Ghaut and Bishan with Gary Outfit finally completed with a top and shoes. Somehow i thought, it would be nice if i can have something along the waist but nah. I'm not putting myself through this torment for quite some time after this. *yiung-ed over to April* PRIL!!! Now i know how you feel when you tried to shop. *sobs* :X And somehow, i'm not too sure if Grandmum is going to like how my dressing is going to be. Black top, black skirt, black shoes ... and even black scarf!!! But at least my cardigan is red. *shifty eyes* Or i can choose to wear my black cardigan too. NAH. I value my life a little more than to try and attempt suicide now. *growls* Stupid lappie charger. Ever since i lend Evon my charger, something really weird is happening to it. It doesn't connect really well every single time i tried to charge it. *glances at Evon* Eeeevvvoooonnnn!!!! Anyways, i really just got to say this. The shoes (which i *cough* made Gary got for me) from m]phosis is so freaking tall that i might have the possibility to be taller than him if he slouches. Heh heh heh. But reality sets in when i took them off. But still, i ain't all that short either, RIGHT? *glances at Pei Shan* Heh hehs. You might be taller than me in class (cause i take off my shoes in there) but not when we're outside. *cues evil laughter* (: And oh yes, did i mention? I met Pei Shan at m]phosis in there. And thank gosh she wasn't paying attention when i told her what i was vaguely afraid of. But somehow, she DID manage to make my confidence dropped from level 35 to level 12. *pouts* And nopes, it has nothing to do with my phobia, JUST IN CASE someone *squints* was hoping that Pei Shan recalled something about my fear of _________. :D On second thoughts, i'm starting to wonder if April might know what my phobia would be. *shudders* Pril, PLEASE SAY NO, alright? (: Damn. I feel really tired and it's only 334am. - pauses - O.o!!! It's already 334am? Guess i really have to get some rest soon. And REUNION DINNER's tomorrow!!! *salivates* (: And here's the photos i took today. *yawns* ![]() My typical evil side stare look (: ![]() I totally suck at smiling for photos, don't i? ="= ![]() I thought this looks pretty good. And though i've some other photos which i snapped secretly *winks* but i'm not going to post/upload it anywhere. Or at least not until i get my photos back. Heh heh heh. And i initially wanted to post the pictures i screenshot while webcamming with Evon and Haylie. But sadly, i haven't edit their email addresses out and therefore, i can't upload those today. Will try and post it up soon though. (read: NEVER, cause i'll be too lazy) ^^ ANYWAYS, HAPPY (be-early) NEW YEAR!!! P/s: And Andy said the mp3 should come by Feb IF nothing goes wrong. *crosses finger* :D Friday, January 23, 2009
April: If DNM needs sketchbooks, then DSA needs a bed.Me: Ehs? OOWHS, hahaha!!! - pauses for a second - Me: No, two peeps can le. :P It's a wink wink thing. Only a few knows what SA is. Random Transvestite: Ching, have you been SAed before? Classic!! I totally can't forget this at all. (: Freaked "Oh freak. I'm screwed." Yes, that's the only one thing that is going through my head right now. Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I only have one thing on my mind now.*nods head* Yes, again. Remember the GEMS award for blogger i really wish to give him a month(?) back? Now i found another award that will really suit him. The most responsible blogger. I left a response on his plurk asking about the mp3 and he MSNed in reply. After telling him that the owner didn't contact me at all (nor could i contact him as i didn't have the owner's MSN/email/number...), he decided to 'fan' the owner for me until he gets a reply. *big smile* Tell me if ANdyStorm is being awesomely responsible or is he being awesomely responsible? :P And i just need to rant. I got a freaking C grade for Science even though i didn't cabot at all. I stayed the whole day and even finished the RJ. *roll eyes* Even the Cognitive faci who normally gives 'F' grade for peeps who bailed halfway gave me a 'C' on that day. BAH. I knew it. The Science faci actually secretly hate me. And his only chance of getting revenge is only on the last lesson. For i can't get back at him any more even if i want to. I'm just kidding. I'm sure my faci is more mature than that... is he? :X And yes. I've tons of screenshots taken during the time when Haylie and i were webcamming. *grins* Plus lunch was awesome. So is the warm chocolate lava cake. *salivates* Be shocked. I borrowed three chinese novels from the library. Even when i haven't finish Breaking Dawn. *gasp* Anyways, the main focus of this entry should be... ME BEING UBER GRATEFUL TO ANDYSTORM!!!
(: Yawn Oh MY!! It seems like a huge portion of the school peeps decide to not come school altogether for the past few days. For it had been since forever do i not need to join in a queue for the bus towards school. That makes me feel like not coming too. *whines* And i think Daddy Malik is going back to Sri Lanka today. My 52 year old daddy. *winks* Me: Dad, how old are you? Malik: Errs, let's see. I'm going to ignore the seconds, the minutes, the hours... Me: Yes yes Malik: The days, the months Me: Okay, fine!! Malik: Let's see... I'm born in 1989. Me: Oowh. You're 50?!?!!!! Malik: It's 2009. So no, i'm 52 years old. Me: Oh yes, sorry. My calculations ain't that good. Malik: No problem, the numbers are quite big too. See, it's logical that i'm turning 74 next year. :D "You can choose where to place it" "On my (real) Dad?" Heh heh hehs. Pfftt!! :X And i'm really jealous now. I'm only thinking about Gary's MCD breakfast. *tummy growls* But at least i might be getting Pizza Hut/Swensens/Pastamania meal with Haylie later on. And i might be asking mum if i can skip lessons for the next 2 days. Though i don't see any chances of it succeeeding. ): *shrugs* If mum's not letting me skip classes, i'll bail at 12 for the next three days. I really can't take this anymore. I honestly don't see a need to come to class for something that i don't need. No more UTs on these few lessons, the grades i get for this two weeks can be ignored. Tell me why am i in school right now at this moment!!! *growls* Anyways, time to do something else. (: Tuesday, January 20, 2009
If you want to eat pineapples, don't order pizza. Buy pineapples. *laughs* Malik had been tasked to buy pizza for the class and all of us are uber picky. And he has the most clever responses. Other than the pineapples comeback, he also have the "turkey, you ass" rolling eyes fit of annoyance. Malik: You eat turkey? Darren: What? Malik: Do you eat turkey? Darren: Huh what? Malik: Do you eat turkey bacon? *Darren walks over to our group* Darren: What turkey? Malik: Turkey, you ass. Me: You know, the one that clucks or gobbles? Darren: What? How i know? Malik: Turkey, the bigger version of chicken *All of us in our team proceeds to roll our eyes* Yes, i'm still rolling my eyes at this minute while i'm typing this. I've no idea why, but i feel really irritable now. *gasp* Am i getting menopause at the age of mere 17? O.O!! And STA has a talk later on at 1215. Good thing that i rolled out of bed this morning. I was literally staying in the bathroom until 0735. It's not that i like to stand (more of sitting though) in the shower for such a long time. Well, i think i actually do. *coughs* But it's honestly freezing in the morning and nights (which is partically the time when i'm showering). The warm jets of water is the only thing that's keeping me alive and breathing in there. After every single time i muster enough willpower to move my fingers to turn the tap off, i have to wrap myself tightly in my towel and stand there for a good 5 minutes before i find enough warmth to move my limbs to towel myself completely dry. Yes, i wonder why is it that cold too. *scratches chin* Pfftt!! :X Sorry, i suddenly had an image of the spiders in The Mist and thought of a shrieking someone. *breathes in* *breathes out* Okay, i've calmed myself down... NOT!! HAHAHAHA!!! All these little moments that bring me laughter will only remind me more about him. And all these little reminders make me miss him a lot more with every passing second. *whines* And O.O!!! I forgot we have a guy in his twenties in class. DAMN!!! Monday, January 19, 2009
4 more days
I lost to William in Minesweeper Flags but won every single time i played against Haylie.William, you're the only person who pwned me ever since i knew the rules of this game. The other two loses were because i was still noobish at it then. *shrugs* Ah well, i think i'm kind of addicted to this game. O.O!! And geez, i'm hungry again. Chocolate chip cookies, HERE I COME!!! 4 more days. Just 4 more!!!
:D Faltering determination BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Poor cousin. Owww. At least Aunt is in school. Guess it's not so bad afterall. (: Imagine if it was me being the poor soul who have to drag her 'per-chiek' slippers to school and not having my own mum in school. Anyways, GL is not in school!!! He declared holidays to come earlier by one week. *roars* I have no motivation to come to school either. :( Neither do i have any to stay in class. And it's not like i need these grades. For i'm not competing against anyone this semester. *thinks about last semester* Yeaps, no motivation or willpower of any degree left in me. But i just might stay in class today. If not, i need to find some place in school for me to rot till 530. *glances at Hafiz, Yong, Aizat and peeps* Oh shaddap, stop wavering my determination. Hafiz even went to the extent of asking me to cabot before his lappie is completely boot up. BUT!!! I'm not going to!!! Cause William is eyeing my team. Heard that his team is completely effed up. So as to be really mean to him, i shall stay happily in my team and try to slack through it. *big yawn* growls Mum's complaining and asking if i walked back from Pasir Ris. But she's still cooking me some hushbrowns (after some whining and pouting of course). (: And wait, did i just hear my tummy growl? O.O!! Anyways, GL rocks!! Over one simple fact. He haven't watch Matrix or Star Wars before. *high 5 with GL* But Haylie did. So i have no choice but to win her in Minesweeper Flags every single time i play against her. BWAHAHAHA!!! -growls- Dammit tummy, STOP.GROWLING!!! Food's almost here. (: And remind me to make sure Gary is paying for my concealer, foundation and face powder if all of them are used up within three days. And since we're at this, how about asking him to pay for my eyeliners and mascara too. *winks* Heh heh heh. JUST KIDDING!!! I'm not that mean... yet. :P But honestly, what a night. Sis was home (brought some CNY stuff for us), Dad was awake and Mum is still fleeting around the entire house. How come they never seem to be so energetic around the house on any other day. *scratches head* At least Sis went home by the time i step out of the shower. *relieved grin* And i stole one of dad's hashbrowns because i was too hungry. Dad: You want the last piece? Me: *swallows saliva* Nevermind dad, you can have it. (: Dad: You don't want? Me: Errs, you're full? Dad: Yea, you can have it. ^^ Me: Then i'll help myself to it. :D Dad: You don't look like someone who would not help yourself to anything that slightly resembles food. Me: *chewing happily and ignoring Dad* :D I already had three hushbrowns but i'm still hungry. *whines* Saturday, January 17, 2009
TWELVE hours of sleep. TWELVE. TWELVE!!! Can you believe it? *big smile* I honestly can't remember when was the last time i had this much sleep. But mum just have to ruin a little of it. She just had to come into my room, pressed my shoulders REALLLLY hard and say "I love you". *nods head* That woke me up a little. And she just have to GO ON. She just HAVE TO continue to say how much she wants to tell Jie too and blah blah blah. But i fell back to sleep at the 'blah blah blah' part. And i'm so not going to take coffee/mints/coffee and mints together. *shudders* I've didn't know Gary's sweater is THAT huge. I could literally wear it as a dress!! O.o?!! Ehs? Friday, January 16, 2009
Green tea
I'm effing tired but i'm going to stay for the entire day!!! Maybe...:P And i'm really sure that someone paid the lady to kill me. It's the first time in my entire life did my face hurt after slapping on foundation. *frowns* Things to remember:
*wink wink* I swear i'm NOT trying to push his Father's Day to a later date. (: Thursday, January 15, 2009
It was such an awesome morning. So awesome that the sun decides to shine brighter than usual.*glares at the evil sun* I refused to get out of bed until 645 again as i'm not only feeling incessantly lazy but also extremely sick. I rolled over to prop myself with my elbow this morning only to find the world spinning with a dull thud behind my eyes. And the full hit came when i tried to stand up. It hurts so bad that i can't feel the pain when i smash my own fist against my forehead. *groans in agony* The ache continued throughout the morning, even while i was trying to concentrate during my UT. And that didn't help when the uber nice faci tried to talk to me throughout the whole day and look at me as if he wants tons of points from me. DAMMIT faci, i can't think now!! I can't!! CAN'T. THINK. = CAN'T.CONTRIBUTE!!! Grrrs. All the more since i'm bailing at 12. Exactly 12. Not one second more or less. (: And i was being nice and chose not to wake Gary up this morning. (Despite the fact that i SHOULD!!!) The temptation was great but self control works unbelievably well this morning. But Gary just chose to text me at 10 in which i returned with a call. Sounds innocent doesn't it? Even the motive of wanting to hear his voice seems acceptable right? Who ever said that i want to wake him up? Heh heh heh. And i always thought i saw a guy who looks like Wang Zi in BBT in our block. Yes, that good looking. I saw him for two days consecutively and started to wonder who in the world is he. I'm in this block for so many months but yet this is the first few times i've seen him around this area. Then Mei Ling suddenly saw him and shouted "Chao Shuai" to him. (Note: Chao Shuai = 超帥) I went O.O!!! and asked ML if he knows him. And after hearing what ML said, i went into a stonage mode. I initially thought ML called him Chao Shuai because he's really good looking. But NO!! Chao Shuai's his name. Pfftt!!! Ever since Zhang Anyways, 31 more minutes before i ruuunnnn!! (: Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Boring me out
I can literally hear my own tummy grumbling.): And i hate it when i feel so bloated AND hungry at the same time. *scratches chin* How is that even possible? O.O!!! And son said that he would cut off his hair and fuck Aizat if he lose to me in MSN games. Unfortunately for him, he lost... TWICE!!! Aizat agreed that he actually wants it too. O.O!!! What an interesting yaoi relationship. *shudders* Damn. I hate headaches. It clouds my head and make everything seem so dull. *screams* How in the world did i end up feeling so tired? Someone, please stop Haylie and me from cabot-ing any more. Two days in a row? HUHS?!?!!!! And we wrote in the Book of Confessions today. *finger on lips* The only way you can ever find out what we wrote there was to read it for yourself. But i have serious doubt that anyone can ever recognize which message was the one that we had written. :D And i'm going down with her tomorrow again to get the Twilight stuff she fell in love with at Esplanade today. Very apparently, i'm bailing half way rather frequently lately. It's not my fault that we have 16 weeks of class but only 14 sets of grades are being put into consideration. All the more when it's almost nearing the holidays. A really scary monster, called laziness, had been awakened and refuses to go back to sleep. I need to keep myself in tight rein for the next 7 weekdays. *sigh* Anyways, MINESWEEPER FLAGS time!!! *growls* Damn, mine just refuse to load. GRRS!! Only one thing gives me the motivation to wake up every morning...
His voice. (: The confusion and internal struggles over the fact that i can't see him until days later are totally unbearable. The thought of wanting to see him but yet i can't is almost driving me nuts. Isn't it so that i have nothing much to do lately? But how is it possible for me not to be able to find an evening free? :( Comma rules Periods suck... And commas rule!! :D Let me see how tactfully and nicely can i try to put across the 'i-am-sick-and-would-appreciate-you-to-stop-bothering-me' idea into your head. *scratches chin* Ahhhs, i got it!!! OH JUST SHADDAP!!! Please... Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I stole the magazine from William (who stole it from Jeannie who in turn stole it from Mei Ling)...And guess what i saw on the last page. (: Suggestions on converting the Singapore Flyer into something else
*roll eyes* Anyways, will be going to cabot later. Am recruiting people to run with me. Wonder if anyone would do so. And i realized, CNY is coming and i haven't got clothes for it. I want a lot of stuff. Clothes, shoes, money... *screams* Stop.Being.Materialistic. *smacks self* And Amon literally thought i'm 60kg. And even went on to say that 60kg isn't too heavy blah blah blah. *dirty look* Do i even faintly look like 60kg? ): *hurtful pout* Almost three days an it seems like an eternity.
Seeing him in my head is no longer enough to curb my yearning for him. It's a need, a want and a desire. I need to. I want to. I desire to. I have to. Awesome Yong ^^ I just suddenly remembered how filial my son is. And i just have to mention and blog about it. (: If anyone day, i'm going to suffer from a stroke, Yong will push me off the stairs. Supposedly to end my suffering... YOU GO, SON!!! *big murderous smile* Monday, January 12, 2009
Which kind of guys are worst? Drinkers, smokers or gamblers? Without hesitation, i replied "Gamblers" with rage mixed with hurt in my eyes. It's something close, close to my heart as to why i can't forgive gamblers. With my own eyes, i see how my family crumbled because of gambling. There's no difference. It's the same, no matter who it is, it's the same. I detest gamblers. Not because they waste their life, their youth and their money. They lose their sanity, their love and their family. Mom said dad is hopeless, one who ruined our family by being obsessed with horse racing and stocks. Dad said mom can't be helped, one who ruined herself by drowning herself in lottery. I don't know who's worse. Both are just trying to numb themselves by unorthodox methods. I guess i'm not any better. Injecting myself with church-y stuff, trying to forget about all these, only to let myself fall deeper and getting more scars as the day pass. It's a scary memory. Seeing creditors when i'm not even in Primary school. Knowing my very own father not being able to go back to his house when i'm barely six. *shakes head* Drinkers? Smokers? Gamblers? Gamblers are the worst. PERIOD!! I'm really glad Dad has the determination to stop himself. I've seen him at home more than i had for the last eleven years. *pauses* Alright, maybe that is a bit too exaggerated. But i do indeed see him more during this semester in compared to the last. I don't need rich acquaintances. I just want a family. (: 9 days to HOLS *squints* Why are people talking about porn in class right now? *glances at Word document* Aren't we supposed to be talking about deformation today? What has it got to do with porn? Ah well, i forgot. This is our class we're talking about. *shrugs shoulders* And i'm really bored today. I'm beyond caring the fact the powerpoint is not even half done. Plus i'm really effing hungry now. ): *glances at weighing scale* BAH!! Food comes first. xD And Evon knows about my plan in making everyone partial tomorrow. From tissue with poison to IMPACT mints that cause diarrhea, she knows about it all. *winks* Mummy with the song mei qi de, ehs? *snickers* And Yong Cai attacked both William and me during our presentations. I was drawing a diagram on the board and the marker cap fell off. Yong Cai was being nice (or so i thought initially) and helped to pick up the cap up. After picking up, he decide to throw it at William. But sadly, it rebounded after hitting William and hit me on the waist. *glares* He belittled the power of the handy yet dangerous marker in my hands. Heh heh heh. Anyways, will blog again after RJ today. Seems like we have a really difficult entry today. Using animals? Faci A = Faci B Faci B = Faci C Faci C = Faci D Faci D = Faci A Faci E = Female dog (: What? Dogs are human's best friend, aren't they? And Faci E is a female faci, therefore explaining female dog. :D I'm so prepared to recieve a failing grade for all of my mods if i ever write like that. xP Hearing his voice at the end of the day makes all the weariness goes away, somewhere far beyond me.
Talking to him at the start of each day makes the long and tiring day seems somehow more manageable and survivable. Sunday, January 11, 2009
Do i... ?
Oh MY!! I just have to say how interesting my Sundays are.
See, how interesting it is. (: Everything, other than eating and bathing, are done in the comfort of my bed. Is my life awesome or is my life awesome? *thinks for a minute* No wait, my day could be better. If i can have Gary's room minus the really scary creaking bed, that will be really really awesome. So let's see what choices i have. Do i... ... Threaten Gary to give me his room OR Threaten Mum to buy me such a room? It's a tough choice, isn't it? :D Heh heh hehs. :P Saturday, January 10, 2009
*climbs onto bed* *snuggles into covers* *pick up Breaking Dawn* *flips to the page where i stopped* *stare at the pages* Yes, 'stare'. Not one word is being registered into my head ever since i attempted to read. Flashbacks from the evening/night are constantly filling up my mind, not allowing anything else to grab a tinny bit of attention away. AND I'M STILL NOT GIVING UP ON TRYING TO CLAIM GARY'S COUCH AS MINE!! *cues evil laughter*:D Yawn Oh gosh. I got this feeling that i'm getting heavier at an alarming rate ever since school started. And it so doesn't help when i'm constantly feeling hungry. *frowns* Anyways, i'm going into Facebook more than i had lately. *nods head* Because of Pet Society!!! I'm constantly under bored-mode lately in class (along with everyone else) and the only thing i can do is go around visiting other pets. And an uber huge thanks to Yong for helping me do up the *wink wink* money codes. But i think i spent more than 50K(?) in just 2 hours. PEOPLE, LET'S ALL PLAY PET SOCIETY TOGETHER!!! (when we're bored in class, that is. ^^) Another thing i've realized. If too much green tea in one's system can cause death, i think i would be one of the few first people to die. 5 days of class = 5 bottles of green tea. O.O!!! Riight. Make that 6. Because i got a uber big cup from MCD for dinner today. *stammers* Wi-Will i ... d-die? *roll eyes* Whatever!! And oh yes, Yong got a shock when he saw the number of requests i had today when i logged into my Facebook account on his lappie. *grins* THE REQUESTS HAD JUST INCREASED!!! From 90 odd to 103. :X 5 days down. 10 more days to go. It's just two weeks. Just two weeks. *sings [I will survive]* :P And i'm going to claim Gary's couch as mine tomorrow. -pauses- What do you mean that the couch is HIS? I claimed it, so it's MINE. *cues evil laughter* ^^ P/s: Remember the post where i said i've a new permanent resident on my bed. Make that not-so-permanent. Because he was on the floor when i woke up this morning. :X Oops. P/p/s: First day of class in the week is Science with Cognitive on the last. NO WONDER I'M DYING!!! P/p/p/s: I got this feeling that my grade for Communication this week would be a B. *growls* I don't want to break my As streak!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
I guess i shouldn't really blog now because blogging and Cognitive class doesn't go together. The faci isn't too keen about people not talking in class. But i'm just tooooo tired.*big yawn* Anyways, i've decided that i don't need good grades for Cognitive anymore. As long as i can get a passing grade for the next 3 lessons, i will be a happy girl for this module. *gasp* 2.35 daily grade? THAT low? Ah well *shrugs*. A pass is a pass. :D Anyways, it's official. I'm going to wake Gary up at 8 for the next ten days. (: Even PERMISSION is given. *big smile* And i've a new permanent resident sleeping on my bed with me since yesterday night. *inserts picture of a uber cute fat teddy* (: *screams* I feel like ZHAOing again. DAMN. *big yawns* Thursday, January 8, 2009
Eyes half closed
I can't believe i slept during UT.*gasp* And now, i'm effing tired. I've no idea extreme tiredness can get me to be so annoyed. *screams* Will blog again tomorrow. I'm just TOOOOO tired!!! Will sleep real soon. *yawns* C - 2.0 I screwed today's UT. Enough said. *roll eyes* Big Yawn Daddy Malik has an awesome phone. But he doesn't want to pass it on to his daughter (AKA me) as a family heirloom. ): Yes. I was uber fascinated by the phone. I was like... WOWing at all the new features found by playing with his phone. And Daddy Malik start to question my mental age and sanity after seeing my actions. :X And Aizat is an awesome friend. He asked me RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FACI "Joycelyn, where you going later arhs? How come Malik changing team?" I paused in mid-air, trying hard to come up with a vaguely logical response but failed. And i threw the question to Yong (who's also zhao-ing by the way) and Aizat insisted on trying to get me into trouble instead of Yong. *grumbles* See, what awesome friends i have in class. ): And my wedges survived. It's repaired. *jumps happily about* Have you ever read a mere sentence and can't help but feel really uberly happy? I just did. I close my eyes and i saw him right there.
A temporary medicine that is getting harder to bear... Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Niu Rou Mian
*big yawn*Omigosh. Class haven't even started and yet i already felt like zhao-ing. RAWRS!! Anyone wants to skip class too? (: Anyways, i thought i should be kind and leave Gary alone for today. (See yesterday entry for proof) and i DID. But he didn't. I salute him for his willpower to be able to wake up at 6 in the morning just to wake me up. *gasp*It's scary to know the amount of willpower guys can have when they are really determined to get their revenge. *shudders* - pauses - Did the faci just picked up a call without excusing himself Aizat is trying to answer his question? HUHS? Good manners ehs? *thumbs up while rolling eyes* Anyways, let's continue with the trauma i had in the morning. *throws mad look* Of course i'm mad. I was smiling so much to myself while bathing/changing/foundation-ing -blah blah blah- that Mum thought i was mad. *big smile* Anyways, i'm NOT supposed to say about Gary being gayish with Eugene. Note: I'm NOT going to say it. So i am NOT going to say Eugene being on Gary's ladder ladidah ladidah ladidah. *smiles* See? I'm DIDN'T say anything about the seemingly kinkiness in between them right? :D *shifty glance* Alright, ALRIGHT. I'm just kidding. (: But in anyways, i was really tempted to call him at 8 in the morning. But because i said i would NOT call him today... and so i didn't. And i realized, my shoe is BROKEN!!! *runs around in fear* I NEED my wedges. (Note: It's a need not a want.) For life without any height increment would only prove to be fatal. I can't imagine myself not being able to breathe any fresh air. *horrified gasp* And i forgot why, but we talked about hamsters over dinner last night. And PShan's hamsters are so freaking cute. All of them insist on squeezing on the wheel together even though they have no space for them anymore. I can literally imagine themselves lying on top of one another in the wheel. *squeals* CUTE!!! *laughs* Faci was talking about global warming and he said "In years to come, you wouldn't see dry land on SG. The entire country would be underwater. The only things you can see above the sea level would be the HDBs." And I'VE DECIDED. I'm going to skip Meeting 3. Would run off at around 12? 1? *groans* Remind me why did i even bother to wake up this morning? And gosh. I'm feeling hungry already. And it's just 1032. How am i suppose to endure this feeling till dinner time? WO ZHEN DE XIANG CHI NIU ROU MIAN!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I was happily wearing Daddy Malik's wrist accessory. I'm sure it's not meant for a guy (like what he insisted). For it's just too... feminine.And i met Huilin on the way to school earlier in the morning. I was literally beside her but yet i have to stare for a couple of minutes before i'm certain enough that it's her. When the two of us come together, we just have to make fun of each other. It's a RULE. Soon, it became a comparison between RP vs NYP. It was a tough tie between the two schools, but in the end, she won. ): Me: Okay okay lurs. Your train's here le. Huilin: See. Mine come first. Somemore is empty de. Me: Grrrs. *defeated look* But Huilin, i'll remember this!! And i swear it was effing cold when i woke up this morning. I hate it when my covers are being snatched away. *pouts* Imagine sleeping without a blanket. It's a miracle that i survive the night in one piece. I almost thought my feet had froze and dropped off. And READ READ READ this!!!! To quote, "just make sure it's past 7". May i repeat, PAST SEVEN!!! And to think he complained all the way from 830 to 9am when i woke him up at 820am. But ah well, to be really really nice. I shall leave him alone and let him sleep in tomorrow. Two mornings in a row is more than enough torment for this week. *smiles* And i'm glad i'm not alone on the bus today. I would have missed my stop if it's not for Jeannie who woke me up. :D Monday, January 5, 2009
AC is back!!
I shouldn't be here. I really shouldn't!! But this module (and faci) left me with no choice but to roll my eyes at him (and blog). I swear my eyes almost went to the back of my head because of too much rolling.Maybe i should start reading Breaking Dawn. *nods head* I brought the book to school. (: Anyways, to continue with my sentence. I really shouldn't be here. For i set my alarm at 6.25... PM!!! I set it in the evening (not on purpose obviously, for i've missed too many lessons for this module. *pouts*) and so i shouldn't be awake in the morning. But because of some miracle of some sort (or it could be that the big guy up there hates me too much and wants to torture me by laughing at my pathetic self trudging to school), i woke up at 630am. It's not exactly 'waking up' as i realized my eyes were already open and receiving images by then. *shudders* Somehow, THAT sound really weird. And i finally got my semi-revenge. Gary said not to CALL him at 8 in the morning for he would find ways to get his revenge if i were to. But lucky me, he didn't say anything about texting. I texted him at 8 and YES!! He woke up. Pfftt!! :X Oops, i mean... i mean i am really sorry for waking him up. *ears droop* Heh heh heh. And i've this spark of inspiration the minute i step into class. And the revelation was so strong that i have to write it on the board. Some humans invented A/C, But some humans just refuse to switch it on. Yes, the AC man is playing with us again. *groans* I wonder if we really look like hamsters to him. Switch on. Switch off. Switch on. Switch off. Switch off permanently. Just imagine the stale air hitting your face the minute you step into the class. I almost DIED. *gasp for fresh air* How great will life be if i'm a vampire right now. The heat and the stale air. *shudders* I'm sure i wouldn't mind those if i'm a vampire. I wouldn't even flinch when that weird air surrounds and tries to choke me. But ah well, *shrugs* life moves on. I guess. (: And i'm reinforcing the point on LIFE IS NEVER FAIR. And as a RP student, let's get down to the basics (AKA the definitions.) Definition of 'Fair' : In MY favor. I merely ask to read his blog (read: 1 condition only) and he asked for THREE!! *whimpers* Tell me how fair is that? Hearing his voice makes the yearning a little more bearable. But at the same time, it makes the yearning less bearable. Huh WHAT? Is this a paradox? *scratches chin* Sunday, January 4, 2009
It's the truth!! My happiness-o-meter is pretty full for these few days.*big smile* And did i mention? It's really comfy semi-hugging in the theaters. :P Although having said that my happiness-o-meter is pretty full these days, i still have my pissy moments here and there. Like this: I TOTALLY CAN'T STAND WAKING UP EVERY 2 HOURS OR SO!!!!! Yes, it happened... AGAIN. I slept at 2, woke up at 4 and couldn't fall asleep until 5 plus. *growls* School's starting tomorrow. Please don't deprive me of my sleep. Please don't!! PLEASE!!! Anyways, i saw a rather nice statement somewhere on the net a few days ago. It's something like, "I'm having the same religion as God. I don't believe in any other superior beings other than myself."*smiles in awe* P/s: Gary's picture-guilt-plan worked pretty well. I really DO feel guilty when i refused to take a picture. And just to sidetrack a little, my entries do lack quite a bit of photos, doesn't it? *pouts* Anyway, i've contemplated for a moment and i've decided something. I MIGHT take a photo (with his phone/with him) only on one condition. Heh heh heh. *finger on lips* SHHHH No way i'm saying the condition out. It'll be up to me knowing if the condition is fulfilled or not. :D But there is still will be no WAY i'm going to Sentosa. That's one thing for sure. *big smile* Tons of things filled up mymind. But it had been a long LONG time since someone filled it up so completely. And it's also had been a long LONG time since i want, i need, i yearn for someone so much. Officially official office? IT'S OFFICIAL!!! *winks* And although school's starting in a day or so... BUT HOLS IS COMING IN THREE WEEKS!!! *runs around in euphoria* Saturday, January 3, 2009
There's two things i ultimately want in my life now.
ARGHS!!! I hate it when i wake up every two hour of so in the night. Let's see, i officially went to sleep at 1am and woke up at 11pm. BUT!!! I woke up at 3+, 5+, 7+ and 9+ too. *grabs hair* THIS IS INFURIATING. I've no idea how i'm supposed to survive once school reopens. *growls* With nightmares and this constantly-waking-up-throughout-the-night kind of sleep, i can't help but think... SOMEONE IS PUTTING A CURSE ON ME!!!
:P Friday, January 2, 2009
I was MSNing with April and suddenly this memory came back and made me doubled over in laughter.Random Tabby (aka RT): Ching, were you SAed when you were young? Me: *blink blink* Huhs? No? -pauses- NO!!! ROFL!! Okay, for anyone who can guess what 'SA' is, prizes would be given. (Prizes might include Daddy Winson's used socks. *evil gleam in eyes*) later *big big yawn* It'd been a long time since i had some normal sleep. And by normal, i mean sleeping at 12.30am. Regardless of how many times i woke up in between. (: Anyways, i was so awake during one of the times i woke up that i was wondering what should my blog topic for today be. For i'm intending to do NOTHING but sleep at home/laze around until school starts. But a moment of inspiration ... ... *shakes head* Nah, i don't feel like blogging about that for now. Or should i... Nah, not that either. *shrugs* Maybe i'll blog... later. *voice trails off* |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J