Monday, February 2, 2009
Day out of April
*big big yawn*Ehs? Did April just hiccuped beside me? Yes, there she goes again. I think she did. :D Ah wells. Two tired souls floating there she goes again in the library, without there she goes again any sleep there she goes again from the previous night. Had a there she goes again really there she goes again long late night chat there she goes again with her. -there she goes pinching her nose and the hiccup seems to be cured but no, it came back and yes, it just occurred again for the EIGHTH time and back it is, to the pinching nose with another hiccup- And yes, i have to type it out. there she goes again Just too interesting. there she goes again Plus she just choked on her hiccup when she tried to killed me. Mwahahhahaha. I'm so not evil. And there she goes again twice. (: Alright alright, i shall stop mentioning about her hiccup. That's just too mean of me. Oh yes, as i was saying, we had a really long talk a few hours ago. We talked about almost everything under the sun. After a few hours on the phone, we decide it might be a good idea to come out for breakfast together. And so we did. Feeling really tired but with tons of laughter to accompany along the way. As usual i was late but it's just 5 minutes. Don't judge me!! And i was late because Mom woke up and interrogated me about me not sleeping and blah blah blah. April was there by the time i reached the ground floor of my block. And she was there, looking really cute with her beanie. And i've realized, for the last five last paragraphs all started with the word, 'A'. ^^ Anyways, (oowhh, the 6th paragraph with 'A') breakfast was awesome. Hotcakes with sausage and scrambled eggs and tea. It was great. After breakfast, (yes, the 7th) we decide to be a little narcissistic and took some pictures with our webcam. Webcams are the best for lappies. It's a great past time if none of us can connect to the internet and it can also serve as an awesome mirror. ![]() My fringe is getting a little too hard too maintain these days. Maybe i should trim it soon. ![]() But before trimming, i wondered if it would look good if i comb it to the side and i realized the urgency for the need of the trim. ![]() And we scratched our head along with you as we wondered about what we saw. ![]() And i wore her 2 buck beanie. *glances at my x-craft beanie* Let's exchange!!! (Nah kidding. Since i am considering if i should give Fang mine. I had never wore mine out yet cause i look uber weird in it and Fang seems to like it. Maybe i should give it to her instead since it's could be considered rather brand new. [:) ![]() And a call from Mom came admist all the webcam shots. April tried to sneak a shot with me on the phone but Mom hung out soon after i took this shot. Heh heh heh. (: Plus where's the eyeliner i drew on my lower lid? Is it gone?!! ![]() And i got into a happy ^^V shot for once. ![]() *scratches chin* Shall i get another serving of Hotcakes with suasage + scrambled eggs? (: ![]() And while Pril is camwhoring away, how can i not disturb her? *pokes twist into her picture forcefully* ![]() And i kept on doing this action lately. Hmmmms. ![]() Don't ask. This is the result of two people not having any sleep at all. xP And while in the midst of snapping pictures of ourselves, April suddenly shouted, "Wo Ma". Then both of us ducked and hid away from view. I was surprised that April's mom didn't notice us at all. She directly walk past our table without glancing us at all. *scratches chin* After the narcissist in us died, we tried to sign in to MSN for a few more times. Realizing that the connection is just too plain bad, we moved to the library and wait till 1100. The minute we got through the doors, we made an immediate beeline towards the sockets. We apparently need juice for our lappies. While happily charging our lappies, i asked if Gary wanted to see April since i would really like Gary to meet her. And so, the two of them started to webcam while i camwhore away using April's lappie. ![]() Sooner or later, i might fall in love with April's webcam. ![]() See how messy my hair was? The random-sticking-out-everywhere hair? ![]() And the result of combing it for ages. See, the random-sticking-out-everywhere hair is gone. ![]() Then i realized my ![]() And for once, i can't see BOTH April's eyes. NOOOOO!!!! (Please ignore what my other hand were doing) ![]() Pouty pouty. (And omigosh. My ![]() Now you see her hand kiaping my head. ![]() But now you don't. And i call that... MAGIC!! xP And poor Gary. April managed to tempt me with Wild Wild Wet using a few hours in which Gary had to spend days and weeks on it. And April gave me a lot of ideas of what my phobia would be. Ironically, most of them include people. xD *coughs* I think it's high time to move on from this topic. (: Yes, so after library and Long John Slivers, we decide we still have an hour to kill before it's 3. So we went to arcade after a long long time. And my anyhow-anyhow-skill ain't too bad after all. *winks* I literally had cold fingers and aching arms after 2 games of Tekken. The first stage with April was such a close one. With one win on each side, the third fight was the crucial one. I won with like 1/100 life left in my bar? It was so minimal that i almost couldn't see my own green bar. And i only got past three more stages after that close anyhow-fight-anyhow-win first stage. The freaking kangaroo fought low. I have no idea how to fight dirty characters like that. So i was badly defeated in the first fight with almost virtually no damage done to the kangaroo but at least i got some pride back after i manage to win the second fight, though barely. But still, i didn't know how to fight those fighting low characters and lost the third game. But April decide to fight again and i was literally O.O!! *glances at aching arms* *glances at April* *glances at cold fingers* *touching April with my cold fingers* Yes, April knew how scary it was for me to play Tekken after that. But at least i got past the kangaroo stage at the second game. I was literally freaking out when i saw the kangaroo appearing in front of me during the second game. "Pril, quick tell me!! How to fight this kangaroo!!!" Yes, i was desperate. April then thought me a move that's used for fighting characters who fights low. And we won the kangaroo. *nods head* WE won the kangaroo. Because i didn't used both hands to control the leg movement leaving the joystick unmanned. Then Pril helped to control the direction of my Lili and together we won!!!! Yes, i love Lili in the game. Especially if i'm Player 2 and Player 1 chooses Lili too. Cause if so, Player 1's Lili would be the dressed in white and everything. But Player 2's Lili (which would be mine) would be in red and black. Ultimate chio-ness!! And there was a two minute of infatuation during the game itself too. April just had to say that Leo might be a vampire when i'm fighting him. I went like, "My Lili will lose to him willingly". It was only stopped when Pril said about another vampire ... ... *coughs* Somethings are meant NOT to be said in here. *wink wink to April* xP Anyways, after two games of Tekken (with aching arms and still cold fingers for me), we went Daytona-ing. It was like the 5th round when April suddenly overtook me. And when i mean suddenly, i mean VERY suddenly. I was totally not expecting it. Then it was a she-overtook-me-and-i-overtook-her-back game for 2 more rounds until the last round when i knocked into a wall and she passed by me. But somehow, with the last burst of speed, i overtook her. O.O!! The power of the anyhow-ness skill. But after these two games, she totally won all the rest of the games we played. I was blind during the photohunt game and it was her who found all the differences. Literally. There was even this one turn where i didn't even click on anything. The japanese fan round, i remembered. Then was DDR. If you must know, i totally failed during all three games. I just couldn't catch the beat or tempo. I missed every single freaking arrow 99% of the time. If it wasn't for April, i wouldn't be able to play the entire game. *pouts* After that, Pril went home and i went to Kalo. I think i fell asleep during a part during the extraction. But a sudden pain woke me up and i couldn't sleep anymore. And the feeling of sleeping didn't come until night time. Where Momo by that time was already close in hacking me to death if i'm not going to bed. So now i am, finishing the blog after waking up at 0810(?). I need some time.
Some time to... ... ... |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J