Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Elmo/Po fight
I don't know what's wrong but there is definitely something wrong. That heavy silence and the awkward atmosphere around that table normally proves that something unbelievably bad had happened. Hmmms. Should i stick my nose into it? As much as i am concerned but staying out of it usually is better than not. *scratches chin* AHHHHHHS!!! **** Anyways, the elmo/po war we had a few weeks(?) back that i said i wanna post about in the previous entry. (: Haylie: Po is cute.... Gary: Oh yes he is.. :) elmo beats him though. Haylie: NO WAY !!! ELMO CREEPS ME OUT!!!!......but elmo's world is kinda cute though... Gary: :O NO! DON'T TARNISH THE AWESOMENESS THAT'S ELMO! ugh. besides from cookie monster and elmo, i hate sesame street... Haylie: hhhhmmmm...figures.... Joycelyn: NOO!! Teletubbies and elmo are both evil!!! :P Gary: :O YOU DIDN'T INSULT ELMO AND PO! (bt yeah.. the other telletubbies are evil...) Joycelyn: You don't want to know what i did to my po. *cues evil laughter* (Or to be precise, what both my little cousin and me did to him. I think it still smells faintly like chicken.) Gary: *stares* ZE HORREUR! what did you DO to PO!? Joycelyn: *cues evil laughter* Your elmo is NEXT. Heh heh heh. Haylie: wow....just because of 1 comment, it sparked a whole other thing.... hahahahhahahah..... ching....what did you do to PO??..... Yiannis: Woohoo I'm tagged :D Po is awesome! High 5 for number 20! Oh and I've got to ask... Why does Po smell like chicken? Gary: ... you touch him and you DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll set my HAMSTERS ON YOU. and high five yiannis-po ROCKS... (I guess your words are THAT powerful haylie ^^) Haylie: I guess so...I could start a war....that's a bad thing right?? Gary: hmm.. lets see.. its me vs lynnie.. im sure yiannis is on my side.. and i have the hamsters ready for deployment.. the only question is whose side YOU'RE on..^^ Yiannis: I'm with the hamsters! Haylie: *looks left and right* Can i be the mutual party ?? Yiannis: But then who would we be against :P Gary: ... *shifty eyes* side with the hamsters.. lol Gary: we're all against lynnie ^_^ Yiannis: :D Haha if it was anyone else, I would side with you, but you can't argue with the hamsters man. Hahaha poor her :P Gary: nooo.. the hamsters and i are on the same side.. Joycelyn: Well haylie, you can always *choose* to be on his side. I'll be fine with that, *honest*. *mumbles* Now now, where did i put that cleaver of mine? :P And Po smells like chicken because my cousin stuffed Po's head into them. Don't ask me why he did that, but he DID!!! Hmms. It's your hamsters against those we saw at northpoint. Those were cuter than yours. HUMPH!!! (Damn, this IS a weak point *growls*) And yes Yiannis, you're against MEEEE!!! *squints* Yiannis: So then, I'm on your side Gary! Lmao at the cleaver :P Woah, was your cousin... discontent with Po... or something? Hahaha they sound just as crazy as my cousins :P No way! Our hamsters are the cutest!!! And they sparkle :D AHH GARY SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME D: Joycelyn: *nods head* You're right about that. I'm so going to kill you. MWAHAHHAHA!!! How dare thou side with him along with the evil ones. *cues thunder and lighting* And no. You clearly haven't seen those hamsters we saw the other day. They were so cute when all of them squeezed onto one hamster wheel. While stepping on one or two as they run. :P Yiannis: AHH NOOO! *Screams like a girl and tugs on skirt* Wait a second, what skirt :P Please... no... don't hurt me!!! Lmao, so what they may be cuter, but ours sparkle so hmph! Gary: Yiannis, i hereby, with solemn regard concerning your pathetic display of cowardice, declare you a woman ^_^ and HEY. my hamsters are AWESOME. you cant beat them. *sprinkles steroid tablets in nuts* come my little babies... eatup! Yiannis: LMFAO!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!! Yes I know I laugh a lot, get over it :P Umm, dude, are hamsters supposed to be bulging with sinew and veins everywhere? Joycelyn: ROFL. *winks* Welcome to my world, Yiannis. And no, of course i wouldn't hurt you. If you choose to come over to my side, of course. *cues evil laughter* And we have cookies over here. Will that help you in making your choice to side with Gary or over to my side? *heh heh heh* Errrs. *sprinkle prawns onto your plate* C'mon Gary, eat up too. Bon appetite. ^^ *whistles* Gary: hmm.. this is getting out of hand.. yes, they ARE. *notices my hamsters for the first time* EUURGH! what the f-i mean, h-hello my babies! LOL. yiannis, will your dogs join my side? Joycelyn: Errrs. Gary, does Yiannis knows your obsession towards tormenting pikachu? *evil smirk* Heh heh hehs. Yiannis: Hahaha! But... But...- COOKIES?! :O GARY, SAVE ME! She used the cookie threat! AND PRAWNS?! What's next? Sushi? :D:D:D Lmao Gary!! Of course they will! COME PAW! MY SUPER TINY CHIHUAHUA! COME MITSY AND HONEY! MY SUPER KIND AND SWEET JAPANESE SPITZ! COME SWEETIE AND SCOOBY DOO! MY CRAZY HYPER JAPANESE SPITZ AND LABRADOR! Yeah... They're screwed Gary ;) How could I NOT know :O I always send him an emoticon of Pikachu getting hit by it's clone on MSN :P Gary: okay yiannis. my side, or all pokemon merchandise in the future is annulled. and sushi is currently operating behind enemy lines. Lynnie-chan.. im surehe does... but he knows i like to play Pikachu in the game.. so i assume i am forgiven :) lol.. yeah... When your dogs greeted *cough* ATTACKED *cough* me, i kinda got the impression that they were hamster-fighting material. O.o and HEY! you LIKED that emoticon! Yiannis: :O :O :O I CHOOSE GARY! I WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH FOR GARY! FOR POKEMON! FOR- RAHHH *runs out to fight and gets devoured by man eating hamsters* They did nothing of the sort! They were just barking at you and biting your shoes playfully :P I love it! It's awesome hahahaha. Especially when you do two of 'em together, it makes a freaky siamese Pikachu! Joycelyn: Hmmms sure. Go ahead and fight for him. Cause i'll try to steal the pokemon merchandise he bought for you. *cues evil laughter* Mwahahaha!! So let me ask the million dollar question again, His side or mine? Heh hehs. And Japanese Spitz? I love those fluffy white huge furballs. <33> Yiannis: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo You wouldn't!!!! I STAND WITH GARY!!! Yeahh!!!! They're so AWESOME! :D Hahaha no, I didn't make him hate Pikachu. I think HE actually gave me that emoticon :P Haylie: I SWEAR I WILL NEVER SAY A WORD WHEN IT COMES TO GARY AND CHING EVER AGAIN !!! WHAT A WAR I'VE STARTED .... AND NO CHING, I'M ON YOUR SIDE... :) Gary: Wow.. I'm beginning to think that Haylie really DOES have the power to start wars... ^_^ and hey! i thought you were mutual? Haylie: oh yeah..forgot about that....but ching thinks i'm siding you... Joycelyn: *floats to this note* *reads through* *stabs po twice* *plans to rip elmo apart* *was tempted to steal the japanese spitz away* *floats away again* (: Haylie: how does ching float in the first place ?? Gary: you *are* siding with me right? ^_^ and hmms.. floating like a balloon... hmms.. i wonder... if i poke lynnie will she pop? and STAY AWAY FROM PO/ELMO and yanyan's DOG dammit ^_^ Joycelyn: Hehhs Haylie, You know... When peeps DIE, they float. And when they DIE with a VENGEANCE, They normally do scary things beyond imagination. So yes Haylie, you sure you're still even *considering* siding with him? *squints* And nopes, i've already stabbed Po and am now waiting for a chance to rip your elmo apart. (: But but... ... Japanese Spitz are just toooo adorable. *whimpers* Gary: Arh. Lynnie would be a *friendly* neighborhood ghost. Besides, the point is moot. My hamsters would still crush her, floating demonic ghost or no :) Grrr... you touch my elmo and he'll EAT YOU! ^^ Haylie: oh come're making me choose between my best friend and my best friend's boyfriend..... pleas don't make me choose...... :( Joycelyn: Hmms, Haylie. It's his word against mine now. Do you truly believe that i would be a *friendly* neighborhood ghost? Just try and imagine me brimming with anger and revenge. Would that help in making a decision? And WHAT? A choice between a best friend and a best friend's boyfriend should be easy right? *scratches head* Lols. (P/s GL's ham hams are on my side. So haylie... ...? *sweet evil smile*) And let's see will elmo eat me or will i be sitting on top of him, shall we? ^^ Haylie: Sorry Gary....I'm going with Ching and GL's hamsters..... Gary: *head droops* fine.. but i shall REMEMBER THIS.. and hehs.. my money's on elmo lynnie ^^ Conclusion? Gary gave up on this fight here and that means i won. Though regardless of the fact that elmo *did* eat me as i struggle helplessly while tugging on his leg. ): |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J