Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I barely woke up around 15 minutes ago. Gosh, why can't i sleep for the rest of the day away?


No WAIT. I can explain. I'm not as lazy as you think i am. I was online all the way till 6 in the morning.

I like how our hands look when we die. *float float*

Amazingly, we created our char on two different occassion and it looks almost the same. Other than the hair color, everything else is the same!!

But i hate the dragon. It doesn't really help me other than provoking other stronger mobs to fight me.

And i insist, i was not only mapling. I manga-ed a little, sang a little, youtube-d a little, thought a little, blogged a little and blog-surfed a little.

See, all this little things add up together makes one huge thing that can last me till 6 (surprisingly).

And i've realized. I can wake up to my phone's vibration alert but never my melody alert when i'm asleep.

I changed my alert from vibration to melody yesterday night because i started to not being able to sense the vibration of my phone. And i happily left it that way, forgetting to change it back when i was about to sleep.

So when Gary decided to text me at 8 plus, close to 9, testing his luck if he could wake me up, guess what i did?

Yeaps, i slept right through it.

But i did wake up a little at 11 plus to reply him because Mom was vacumming the house/ironing the clothes in my room, i think.

And i went straight back to sleep after that.

His next text came at 12 plus in which i did wake up at around 2-ish to read it before i wonder if i should completely wake up or continue sleeping.

Knowing me, you would have guessed my decision. A second later, i threw my phone on the bedside table, pulled my blanket up, turned to my side, snuggled in it and fell promtly asleep.

What a nice nice NICE sleep i had.

Be jealous, as i would say.

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That's me in the picture.
And my boyf.
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