Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Cheating boys
Signs of a Cheating Boyfriend/Husband: Suspicious Computer Activity These days, it's easy to meet men in chat rooms, forums or on instant messenger. Have you seen a suspicious name in your IM window or an unknown chat site in your browser history? A little digging can go a long way. Be careful trying to be a super snooper, though, and give your man space. It's just as easy to meet friends online as it is love interests. Your partner may just be reaching out for other gay people to talk to. Sudden Changes in Schedule Some men may be spontaneous, but most of us keep a set schedule or standard routine in some form or another. This is especially true for day-to-day activities. Has your man's routine suddenly changed without you knowing why? Did his working hours increase or does he have a new gym schedule? Things often change in our lives. In turn, we decide to try and impress our bosses by working overtime or resolve that it's finally time to get into shape. But what raises suspicion is how these changes are communicated to you. Was the decision made without your input? Was there an attempt to include you? Are there any signs of progress? Emotional Distance It's normal for the intensity of your relationship to decrease after you've been together for a while. There may have been a time when you couldn't bare to leave each others' sight and now you both enjoy your time alone. This isn't a sign that he is cheating, only that the relationship is starting to settle into a loving and comfortable phase. Nonetheless, take note of any emotional distancing. Has he stopped listening or laughing? Does he seem distant or spacey, almost as if he's preoccupied? Take note if your partner is there physically, but not quite "there" mentally. Less Time Together Just as the intensity of a relationship dwindles slightly over time, so may the time you spend together. But spending less time with each other shouldn't be confused with spending no time at all. Don't react too swiftly. Who knows, his company may be ready to close on a huge deal and they need him around the clock. Or there may be some other legitimate circumstance that demands his attention. Many huge time commitments like these don't last for long periods of time and make sense. He may be working 14 hour days, but does he also leave home on weekends? Look for the unreasonable and unexplainable time commitments. Instinct Mom always said follow your instincts and this is a time when that motherly voice can come in handy. If your gut tells you that something is wrong or that some other person has captured your man's attention, then go with it. But take caution with how far you follow these feelings. Ask yourself if they are legitimate concerns or if you yourself are lacking trust. Appearance Men typically dress and groom to impress and the things most men want to be impressive for is work and women. IF you husband has not had a major change in attitude about work or has a new job but has suddenly taken to excessive grooming that does not seem to be for your benefit you may have cause to worry about cheating. Money Money being spent that is not accounted for can be a sign of cheating as they could be spending this on dinners for their lover or gifts to win their affection. Credit card statements with purchases that look suspicious or large withdrawals of cash from ATMs to cover up what they are spending can be indicators of this sort of activity. Time This is one of the most important parts of investigating a cheating husband because more than money or a change in lifestyle what is needed to conduct an affair is TIME. If your husband is taking more ‘business trips’ or is spending a lot of time at work doing overtime and this does not seem likely you have cause to worry and further investigate where and with whom they are spending their time. If they become defensive and angry if you question where they spend their time you have even more cause to suspect that your husband is cheating on you. Intimacy Intimacy varies from relationship to relationship but to answer the question is your husband cheating on me? you must analyze this aspect of your relationship so you can catch a cheating husband with a firm resolution and certainty of the evidence you have obtained. Some changes in intimacy can be sexual or emotional, a coldness of emotional intimacy or a disinterest in you or your children could be a problem especially if it is a marked change over a short period of time. In the bedroom it can vary from greatly increases sex drive to a much lowered one depending on the type of affair but again the difference compared to your regular sexual patterns is the key to focus on. How to know if your boyfriend/husband is cheating on you: * Asking your friend if he/she thinks so. * He acts different around you. * He talks about other girls in front of you more often than not. * He doesn't spend as much time with you as he used to. * When he's on the phone and says he has to go because he's busy and you call him back to find out the phone is busy. * Doesn't call or talk to you as often. * Makes different excuses for one mistake. * Avoids you. * Pays more attention to a certain girl than you. * Gets annoyed when you ask him where he's been. * You find him with another girl when he's supposed to be somewhere else. * You catch him kissing a girl. * You sense it. * He tells you himself. Honestly, they aren't foolproof and might vary from individuals. But heck, these could be 'suggestions' for a reason to have an argument that that would lead to one cheating boyfriend/husband eh :P Same goal, heck the process. LOL. No girls, i'm seriously kidding. And if you're curious, no, i don't think Gary is cheating on me. If he is, don't worry, i'll have my own ways to deal with it. Death by castration is one. Oh no wait, NO!!! Torment by castration (not death) and burn all his FF games, GS and gadgets while he's tied to a pole rooted deep into the ground with thick metal chains. Industrial style. Might need Daddy's help to get them but definitely can do :) And while he sees his game wither away into ashes and is considered a half unofficial transsexual, he would be set free, scarred for life. AHHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Sounds horrible, isn't it? But a darn good punishment for cheating boys, huh? LOL!! I'm just kidding, please don't treat it for real. Or am i not? *grins* HAHAHAHAHHHA!!! |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J