Sunday, January 31, 2010
当坚持像无赖 当钻石 也变尘埃 我信 你在 唯有寂寞慷慨 骨牌倒了下来 想安慰 找不到对白 那空白 可是我 相信爱 我信异想才有日会天开 可是爱 我相信爱 就算一切都像 独白 我不要藏起来 当坚持像无赖 当铁树 不会花开 我信 你在 唯有寂寞慷慨 恐惧侵蚀血脉 想安慰 却找不到对白 那空白 忍耐种种不能忍耐 不怀疑该不该 因为我信 所以你会 存在 可是我 相信爱 我信异想总有日会天开 可是爱 我相信爱 就算没对你说 Saturday, January 23, 2010
Growing up in the 90s in Singapore
Remember?You had this really fancyful pencilbox that has many pop out compartment and even a pop up pencil sharperner. You would rush to school bookshop to check for flag erasers which you don't have. I had a hard time finding Vietnam. (Mine was Singapore. Then I bought 2 from Benjamin for 20 cents. And he gave me two. What a honest boy) You would pester your parents for 20 cents for those mechanical car/animal rides. You always had to buy a Dragon Ball card when you go down to the neigbourhood. It was actually acceptable to openly declare your love for boybands such as Backstreetboys, 98 degrees, 5ive, A1, 911, O Town or even Hanson. You had to own a Discman to be cool. Owning a 3210,3310 or better, a 8250 would secure your place in school for the 'in' crowd. Modding your phone to blue/white LED and blinking keypad. EVERYone either owned a Tamagotchi or Digimon. We all wanted a light up sneakers by LA Gear. Hopskotch, Pickup Sticks, Catching, Pepsi Cola and Five Stones are stipulated games during recess. (YES! We were super awesome in hopscotch and 5 stones) Tearing when Mufasa Died (Simba's Father) in Lion King. Watching Titanic countless times while hunting down posters and merchandise all over town was normal. When the ridiculously big Laser Disc (LD) was thought to be the most technological advance it can get. Pink Ranger & Green Ranger are meant to be together. Duplicating Rare Candy and Masterball in Pokemon by surfing up and down Cinnarbar Island. You would invite your friends to your house to faceoff in Street Fighter II. (Using M Bison and pressing Down + c would be a sure way to beat your friend) Who doesn't love A&W's Rootbeer float, Curly Fries and Onion Rings? Mambo No. 5 was playing everywhere you go. You attended a birthday party at McDonald. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hook up. You would bring a autograph book to last day of school. Furry and Glow in the Dark Stickers are the more sought after when trading stickers. Canteen food was affordable with 30 cents fried rice and 10 cents fish cake. (Mine was 50 cents for a bowl of noodles and 3o cents for a nugget.) Waiting by the radio to tape your favourite song. All our exercise books were made of yellowish recycled paper. Holding hands while walking to and from the tuckshop Catching Grasshoppers and Spiders in the grass patch in school. (Okay, this is a little too much. More of Momo's time than mine) Playing the Titanic or Power Ranger Tune on your recorder. You've heard of Fire, Canto or Spark Disco but is probably too young to go. Having to endure the squeaky sound from the chalk board. You have either read Enid blyton, Goosebumps, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High or Bookworm (most probably all). (Yep, all.) PETS Textbook..Tearing out worksheets.. (Yes yes yes!!) Bringing Uno, Boardgames, Old Maid, Donkey and Gameboy cable to school after exam. (And watching Happy Tree Friends on the projector) When we were forced to do the Singapore Workout and found it funny. Painting your BATA bm2000 school shoes before school start. Penmanship and doing your best cursive handwriting. (Nope, I still can't do it) Sitting in schoolhall for reading period. (I use to read Tintin) (I used to read Enid Blyton's) The Happy feeling when you get called out of class to go to your school dentist. (Dread actually when your friend comes back from the dentist and said it's my turn for me) Doing the 'Spider', 'Bridge' and 'Butterfly' with strings on two hands was entertaining. (I can play all of that!!) Don't know what got over me but Lala from Teletuby actually was cute. (I find Po cuter :D) When the ultimate comeback was to say 'I don't friend you' Sharity the elephant always 'encourage' us to donate our little money during children's day. Anyone remember the newspaper Streats with the different girl giving the weather forecast everyday? There use to be a 4 wheel Rollerskate.. We used to own phonecards and it get punched a hole everytime we use it. (Yes, who can forget it!) Collecting Bomberman. When we sported either Armani or Center-Parting Hairstyle. (And the mushroom bob) Anyone remember going to Yaohan, Daimaru, Oriental Emporium. (HAHA. Yaohan!! Now Thomson Plaza) The 10 cents per scoop of colored syrup drink in school. (Mine was 50 cents) You DON'T want to be in the TUFF club. (Oh yes, you don't. But i was never in anyways) We use to secure our velcro wallet to our school pants with a springy twirly transparent rubber chain. (Flinging your wallet at friends when attached is optional) (Didn't had that but saw people having it and pretending with the wallet to be a gun) Bright red cushioned seats on the non air-conditional SBS bus. Eating Hiro Chocolate Cake, BeeBee Snacks and some Mamee-like snack with a 'Robocop' and some chocolate snack with this fake 'Doraemon' printed on it. (I still eat BeeBee in RP. But I miss Mamee) The most vulgar thing you said was asshole and idiot and the furthest you can go was ‘chicken pie’ (HAHA! YES!!) You play soccer with a ping pong ball in school. Wondering why the song 'Tarzan & Jane' can't get out of your head. (I am Tarzan from jungle, you can be my friend.) Having a secret crush either on Kimberly (Pink Ranger) or Xena the warrior princess Days of Floppy Disk and the amazingly sounding 56k dial up modem. (Yes, I remember the A drive) Collecting 偶像 cards. (YES!) We all know the Macarena dance move and lyrics to Lemon Tree song. (I just sang it the other day to April :D) The irritating Paddle pop advertisement. Golden Axe, Bareknuckles are must play for all guys. Getting our fingers all sticky while wearing our Ring Pop (later became Push Pop, fingers still sticky). (YES!! And I always freeze Milo in it after i finish the ring pop) Visiting Science Center and sneaking off to buy a Jaw Breaker. Gathering either at Bishan MRT or Serene Center to have your Magic Tournament. Going to Road Safety Park (Yup, we all wanted to be a driver, oh well..) (Yes, it is a must go place for our school) Mr lobba lobba advertisement..(Mr bombastic) Class monitors and prefects typical threatens "You talk somemore, I write your name ah!" (Yes, and that comes forth Lao Bra, Lim kopi and Looney Tunes (read: Brandon, Lim Kang Xian and Loon Yew. Al the threats :D) 搞笑行动 o_o (I cried when it stopped airing.) The most happening thing that can happen in your tuckshop would be the bookfair (teacher will give you a list of whats to come and you feel oliged to get something). (And most of the money would be spent there too :D) When Ice cream sticks were much more than a ice cream stick. (Oh yes. You collect them. And doctors put them in your mouth too) There is NO way you can finish a 50 cents Chee chiong fun. (NO way i can finish any meal by myself too) Girls love either Strawberry Shortcake or Barbie (Especially the one in ballet/wedding costume). Rescuing Princess as a fat Italian Plumber.. When we actually believed that Britney was a virgin. Was eminem the coolest or what? Rapping competition in 8 miles and all. You actually feared the teacher with that seemingly longer than 1 metre wooden ruler. The Milo from the Milo truck always taste so nice. Watching Triple Nine Reruns on Thursday 4pm ( James Lye, Wong Li Lin, Lim Yu Beng) The simple days when all our aspired professions were either Doctor, Soldier, Policeman or Teacher. (teachers would ask us to draw what we want to be next time) * country. I want to be a soldier!* Times change eh my fellow ORDed personnel. LOL Collecting all those "I am a Young Scientist" collar badges e.g. I am a young Zoologist/Astronomer/Mathematician etc. 20 Stars to earn you one badge! The more badges on your collar, the better Vanguard Sheet costed 30cents in bookshop. There was always a big gathering of people outside Pacific Plaza waiting to go in Chinablack. Friday, January 22, 2010
Give me tempo, steady go
Had been a super eventful week for me personally. So I'm partially glad that it's almost over. But on the other hand, I hope it's not going to be over soon because I foresee that the next two weeks would be a super eventful work academically.No, actually three. Because right after all my deadlines are over and done with, then comes UT3. Fuck. So am I suppose to work on those stupid files while studying? I think I'm screwed. And I just realized. The hours I spent sleeping in the evening after school is like two times to four times as much as I sleep at night. I'm not sure if I should say that I sleep a lot in the evening or I don't really sleep at night. Yep, I'm screwed base on this too. But at least someone wished me 平安 today. Am happy. And now I know why we are asked to wear leggings or pants to class whenever we have to go into a lab. No matter what labs it is. I got 3 bruises on my right kneecap just in one day. ARGHS!!! Anyways, had been in a roller coaster ride emotionally for the past week. More downs than ups. Let's just hope that next week will be better. Ching One. Woosh Ching :D Thursday, January 21, 2010
Yeah, it's you
I don't know but I always feel like I would feel better if something goes wrong and even if it's not my fault, I would hope that someone would blame me for it.Because feeling mad and indignant about it feels way better than feeling sad about it. So, to anyone who always say, "It's not you, it's me" Fuck off and die in a special corner reserved for losers like you :D Wednesday, January 20, 2010
poor lenses
LANing again.Rui Qi was such a nice soul. He locked me outside of the safe room with me and my +1 health. AND I FORGOT TO BUY LENS SOLUTION. Oh, the bottle I was using had expired last year. I had been using a solution that was expired for more than half a year. SHIT!! aren't we ashamed? I initially didn't want to type this down and write it down somewhere instead but I can't find a proper book. I have them but I've used most of them. Maybe I should get a few little empty notebooks one of these days. But yeah, I was writing the following paragraphs at the foot of my door this morning, while waiting for Daddy to finish showering. It could be offensive and I apologize beforehand but if you're easily offended, then you shouldn't be reading my blog in the first place. And yes, by the above statement, I mean that I'm not a racist and am thankful towards all the FTs working in Singapore. Here goes: I know this is news from gazillion years ago. I saw it on stomp and omy before people starting telling me about it. I have friends who says that those FTs are the scum of the earth. I have friends who says that the girl/tranny deserves it. I have friends who says that the crowd are selfish and inconsiderate jerks. None have heard it from my mouth but since I want to make my stand clear, I shall say it once and for all. I don't feel anything for the three groups of people mentioned above but rather, I'm embarrassed by the people who yakked on and on by the about the three groups without doing anything. Yeah. I'm mortified. Not because a Singaporean/Thai lady were scantily draped in bikini, not because the crowd with that dark hairy arm I saw on the video (by that I'm only assuming and not implying that he's a FT because well, all of us have been to Orchard during New Year and we probably know who those hands belong to) or the FTs on the stage groping and dry-humping that chick/tranny. To be honest, I'm sure all of us somehow or other, major or not have been through such a situation before. Let's say in a accident-related-congestion, who are you going to blame for the congestion. The car who was got knocked over? The car who knocked the other car over? The people who drove past slower just to catch a glimpse of the accident. Many would be quick to point the finger at the people. Because if they don't slow down and try to catch the plate number and buy lottery with it, there wouldn't be a congestion. But are the few cars that caused the accident faultless? Or should they be any less guilty in comparison to those cars that drove past a little slower? I don't know but I don't think so. Or in another case. If there is a fight in school, who are you going to blame. The one who got hit. The one who punched the other guy. Or the people that crowd around not breaking up the fight. Are the instances getting a lot more familiar now? I would say all of them are equally at fault but if I were to be really wanted to be super nitpicky about this, I'm going to say, I think the one at fault is the person who caused this entire situation. If it's the accident, it would be the one who didn't follow the rules. If it's a fight, it would be the the one who provoked and started it. If it's the beach party, it would be the one who provoked the guys into dry-humping him/her. I mean, c'mon. Why would a girl dance alone there. At a party. Unless she has something in mind, eh? And why in the world did those guys started dry-humping her all of a sudden. You don't walk down the streets in the city area and get groped right there and then right? Why? Most probably because you didn't do something that provoked them into dry-humping you. And to be completely honest, did she guess this groping thing would happen? Maybe not. Probably yes. Unless she just came back from overseas, and by that, I didn't mean from Thailand. (Okay, there is this little thing about Thailand that I can't let it go ever since Elwin said that 'she' might be a 'he'.) Look at our very own foam countdown party. How many girls have been molested in that one night. Countless. Is this scene common in Singapore? Not really on the other 364 days though. But do we know that is going to happen. Most girls (and guys and that's why most of them would protect their girl-friends), party veteran or not would know about this. Okay, i digress a lot. My point is simple. I'm just saying that keyboard warriors should start living what they say. The difference between I could and I would with I had are miles apart. We could have done a lot of things. But did we? We didn't. So does it matter if we could do them? It doesn't. Why? Because we didn't do it. Almost everyone would be quick to find excuses for themselves but does that matter? It doesn't change the fact that we didn't do it. No employers would want to hear you saying that you can do this and that, would be able to accomplish that and this. They would only want to see if you had already done this and that and had accomplished that and this. Why would an employer only want to hear superficial statements that anyone can loudly proclaim when what they need are real in depth answers which can only be proven to them with works rather than words (unless if you're going to work as someone who focuses on speech, then the speech would be your works in that case) Especially even truer in media, IT, business, finance... okay, all industries actually. This is reality and to be honest, all of us by now should be able to 看破紅塵了… … L4d2 Self righteous bitch, i hope you burn in hell for this shit. Yeah. I think this sentence summarized the lengthy blog post I wanted to post. But being the nice person as I always am, i decided not to post that. Moving on!!! Anyways, today is awesome!! I mean, it had been in the longest time since I said that a school day is actually awesome. Class ended at 1 and we sat around, bumming in class for a little while as April was transferring the ptf files from Amon's hard drive. I was randomly packing my stuff and I suddenly looked up and saw Rui Qi. Then I raised up my hand and said loudly while tugging at the collar of my dress, "我好久沒有看到男生這裡比女生還低耶" Everyone who saw it, including Rui Qi was laughing away because we realized it was true. They were only two girls and both of our shirts had a higher neckline than his were. After that, the four of us, April, Rui Qi, Elwin and I decided to have lunch first before going to LAN. Our lift stopped at level 3 and April just walked out. Rui Qi didn't even bothered to stop her. Tsk. But it was a good laughter. Then reached the first level. Rui Qi then saw Clement and they started to talk. April was also chatting with him while i stood in front of him, poking his abs. And by abs, i probably mean stone slabs. I had a very difficult time finding his belly button but I found it after the third try. And I dodged before he could poke mine too. Then he went to E6 to the printing shop before coming to E1 where we were having our lunch. Then he was sitting beside me while we were having lunch so being myself, I tried to tickle him by poking his sides. After a few painful prods, he decided to fight back and I tried to stop him. And we stopped cause he kept on telling me to 吃我的飯. Like my father, doesn't he? Then Clement went back to class and the 4 of us took 169. Elwin dropped off at Yishun and so the 3 of us continued to AMK for LANing. It was super fun!!! April accidentally surprised the witch and was attacked by her in the cabin. I was at the far end of the cabin shooting at the witch and Ah Qi was BESIDE HER inside the cabin initially. While April was screaming at us to help her, Ah Qi RAN OUT OF THE CABIN, asking where is she, wanting to save her. I think we laughed out loud literally. And there was another instance where there was a tank and we fled. Yep, we fled. Then Ah Qi, who managed to run away decided to KPO a little and ran back to the tank. And when the tank saw him, he decided to chase after Ah Qi. Well, Ah Qi ran. Ran into a wall where he had no where to fled. I was way behind looking and laughing while shooting at the back of the tank with my measly assault rifle. So, there were 3 of us with one CPU. Whenever we got into the safe house, we would refuse to let Rochelle in and we would heal and snatch all the med packs for ourselves first. And there was once when i dropped a rifle for another rifle and realized that my initial rifle was better and Rochelle picked it up, I complained to April and all three of us, April with her shotgun, Rui Qi with his machine gun and me with another shot gun shot her dead right in the safe house. Yeah, never take our weapons or medpacks when playing with us. LOL!!! And while there was another safe house where we were killing Rochelle for her med pack, some random guy, Van, joined us while we were killing Rochelle. So yeah, he just joined and well, died. Shuper funny!! We had so much fun that we decided to meet up again tomorrow and LAN once more together. HAHAHA!!! Ah wells. Today wasn't such a bad day after all. Even managed to talk with Max, alright, okay, not really talk, but yeah, over FB. HAHA! L4D2 TOMORROW!!!! Hahaha!!! Monday, January 18, 2010
I'm looking at my empty wall and am feeling a sudden urge to paint it.But I'm not going to. Because if I hate the design a year later, I would need to repaint the entire wall, which will suck. So I'm going to leave my wall at how it is now. Until I think of what I can do with it. I'm thinking of hanging the white tiger thingy that Gary got for me BUT it would get really dusty after awhile, which would damage the entire thing. So nope nope. Tsk tsk. Decisions decisions. Or should I bling my wall? Like getting shiny words, stars or blings to stick on my wall. If i hate it after a year, I'll still be able to take it down. Whee. Good idea. Shall think more about it :D I wanna do everything BY new year. Which is going to suck. Because I'm having exams all the way until one or two days before CNY. So I really got to start cleaning up now so I can bling my room. I need ideas and help. Who wants to play around with the walls/space in my room with me? :DDD Sunday, January 17, 2010
I dreamed about Amon correcting me on the pronunciation of his name.Joan dreamed about the whole class and herself asking Gerald on stuff about Studio Techniques. ... And April dreamed about me dying in L4D2. Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sound design PLUCKING OUT
It sucks when only there are Hazirah and myself in a team. It's possible to finish work that way but it would seriously seriously suck.April said she decided to not come to school, Hazirah said that she would definitely partial, I don't think i have a lot of choices myself. One person is kind of not a team at all. So we just stayed until the end of the second meeting until Amon asked "Eh Ching. Haven't leave yet ar?" And OMG. I never know backstabbing comes in so many ways in class. Apparent backstabbing. Immature kids. So went down to the study area and never realized that there was a study lamp for each individual cubical. Okay, I think i might have knew it before, just that I wasn't there enough to remember. Hazirah watched her Japanese drama and I worked a little bit on last week's game demo. If I can finish it, then I'll include it in my PD. Worked on it about 45 mins before Elwin MSNed me. He was in school too, finishing his work and was therefore not in class. Somehow, I think our school is just so awesome. We skip class to do school work. WTFFFFFF!! And RP proclaims to have no homework and test. I feel so cheated. So he came along and let me listen to DF's album. He said some member in that group was in his cellgroup and refuse to let me rip it off. So I listened to it with Hazirah while playing with my webcam. And that is where I found the beauty of the study lamp. It shines right on my face, though making my nose disappear, but give me awesome skin. Shall take a look at the photos later. So while we were listening to the album, I begged Elwin to take photos with us. He insisted that a photographer has to be behind the camera and refused to take it with us. So I begged and begged and begged. He finally took one with us. Would upload it somewhere sometime. Then he decided to play Wii and realized someone else is using it already. So he got xbox 360 instead. He got some racing game in which i sucked in it. And when i mean i sucked in it, i really meant it. It was then decided that I should never drive. Never EVER!! some errr thingy? Sunday, January 10, 2010
Little Tidus
And His Blitz Balls
Sunday, January 3, 2010
12% nerd, 0% jock, 6% whore, 36% emo
EMO[x] you own at least 5 black shirts [ ] you like skinny jeans [ ] you're listening to music right now [x] you have painted your fingernails black before [x] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3/itunes [x] Like the color black [x] hate most girly girls [x] have dyed ur hair dark [x] sometimes like to be alone [ ] hate popular music [ ] keep hair in front of your face [x] have given people evil stares [ ] Hate your parents [x] Life sucks for you [ ] have been called emo [x] Dislike the colors pink, teal and baby blue [x] Complain a lot [x] own a studded belt Total: 12 PART TWO: SLUT/MAN WHORE: [ ] own more than 10 minishorts [ ] have kissed more than 2 people in one night [ ] have been called a slut [ ] like to drink [x] ever wear low cut shirts [ ] have been called a tease [ ] Flirt with every girl or guy! [x] love the opposite sex [ ] Go to parties/sleepovers at least once a week [ ] own 5 tube tops [ ] Sit on the opposites lap [ ] you kiss because you think its fun Total: 2 PART THREE: JOCK: [ ] Own at least 5 jerseys [ ] Have 10 or more trophies [ ] Wear hair in ponytail like everyday [ ] Love sports [ ] Own 5 or more sweatpants [ ] Dont wear makeup [ ] Have / had played lacrosse [ ] Play more than 2 sports [ ] Can play a sport if you've never played it before [ ] You play/ played Basketball on a team [ ] You play/ played baseball-softball on a team [ ] You play/ played soccer on a team [ ] You run/ran track [ ] You play/ played football on a team [ ] Been called a jock [ ] Have set a record [ ] Are friends with your coach [ ] Love watching sports [ ] can do 15 pushups without getting tired Total: 0 PART FOUR: NERD: [x] wear your pants at your waist [ ] have/had braces [x] in advanced classes [ ] On Math team [ ] Have all A's [ ] Like spending time with your parents [ ] have been called a nerd [ ] are *annoyed* or bullied [ ] LOVE to learn [ ] Like your teachers [ ] Watch history channel [ ] never go anywhere on the weekends [x] Have been called weird [ ] scared to talk to the opposite sex [ ] Dont have pics of yourself on myspace [ ] read a book a month [ ] You read on your last spring break [x] Have your own website [ ] wear pocket protectors Total: 4 If you haven't noticed The parts represent the 4 high school stereotypes Multiply each number by 3 then repost as "_% emo, _ %slut/man whore, _% jock, _%nerd" |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J