Sunday, February 28, 2010
1. What is the name you go by? - Joycelyn, Lynnie, Lyn, Joy, Joyce, Ching, Yu Ching, Oei/Eh/A2. What is it you like most about your character? - Nothing. I don't see anything that I like 3. What have you been dreaming of lately at night? - Something that always manage to go wrong. But it's not always scary, so I'm contented :D 4. Are you at where you want to be in life? - No, actually... I don't know where I want to be in my life yet. 5. What is your favorite Horror movie and why? - Something that involves my own death. Prolly my own death tape (others have sex tape, I'll be unique and have a death tape :D) 6. What is your favorite Romantic movie and why? - Romantic movie. Absolute Boyfriend, maybe? 7. What is your favorite Romantic Comedy and why? - Can't think of any ATM 8. What is your favorite Thriller? - Thriller. What are the thriller movies I've watched? 9. What movie(s) did you find to be sexy and why? - Sexy? Hot, semi-naked, asian guys. Sexy. Cause it appeals to me. Sorry, I'm a very superficial person :D 10. What is your favorite "Rock" band? - Sea Level 11. What is your favorite "Hip Hop/Dance Music" band? - Lady Gaga. Though I don't think she's under Dance. More of Pop eh? 12. Who do you consider to be the hottest Female actress? - Damn, I hate this kind of questions. 13. Who do you consider to be the hottest Male actor? - Lee Hom :DD Though he's a musician but he's cool in Little Big Soldier 14. Who is your favorites actor & actress to just watch in a movie? - Hmmmm. 15. What music do you seem to favor most? - I just need a catchy tune and nice lyrics. That's all I ask for. 16. Are you an optomist or a pesimist? - I believe the spelling for both is wrong. But well, I think I'm a optimistic pessimist. Go figure :P 17. Do you prefer character or looks? - Looks attracts me to want to know them. Character makes me want to know them. You choose. 18. What are the characters you seek in a friend? - Fun, sensitive, humorous, clever, witty, speak in some language that I understand, loyal, friendly, not bitchy/annoying... oh god, I can go on forever :x 19. What are the characters you seek in a mate? - Humorous, loving, loyal, sensitive, optimistic, gentlemanly 20. How did you meet your spouse? - Myspace. 21. What do you find the most attractive about your spouse? - Nothing. Cause everything seems to be all so equally attractive. 22. What do you find the most annoying about your spouse? - Sometimes, he can be pretty insensitive :( 23. What annoys you most that friends tend to do most to you? - Whine to me. I run away from stuff like these. Literally. 24. What make/model car do you drive? - TIBS buses and SMRT trains 25. What was the last thing you asked for as a gift lately? - Asked for? Maybe a treat. That's all. 26. What is something you wish you were better at? - Everything. Maybe social skills as well as life? 27. What feature do you find to be the best physically about you? - Nothing. But I do like my wrists a lot. 28. What is the one store you would sign your bank account over to? - Nothing. Maybe a shoe store. Maybe. 29. What have you been spending the most amount of money on lately? - Food. 30. If you had three wishes what would they be? - Unlimited love to only me from the one whom I love, unlimited happiness and joy to myself and the people I love and unlimited money/food to my family and myself. (Yeah, i'm not going to ask for more wishes. Though I really want to) 31. What are your favorite TV shows currently? - Kang Xi Lai Le 32. What do you label yourself as? - Lunatic 33. Are you taken seriously? - I don't feel so 34. Do you ever feel used? - Sadly yes. 35. What is your hair color? - Black, I suppose? Seeing I haven't dye them in... more than half a year!! 36. What is your eye color? - Black, I think. But it looks brown under the sun. 37. What's the name of your stylist? - Hairstylist? No idea. 38. What friend can make you laugh the most? - Tobi, Jeff, GL, Gary, Jamal... I think that's about it. 39. What friend can make you cry the most? - Gary 40. Which friend can you always depend on? - Gary, April & Tobi (but I don't burden Tobi with my stuff because his shoulders can really only hold that much) 41. Which friend makes you feel your only their friend when they need something? - Well, many. 42. Which friend have you known the longest that you are still friends with? - Jefferson... seeing we just talked to each other again 43. Who is your best friend(s) - April... but if based on Gary's definition of best friend... then Mylo and Pudding. 44. Which friend do you worry the most about? - Tobi, April. 45. Is there a friend that you've wronged and would like to fix things with and who? - Yeah, but not mentioning it here. 46. Do you find yourself to be have more then one side? - Who doesn't? 47. Do you believe in true love? - It's a 50/50 thing. Prove it to me that it exists and I'll believe in it. 48. Do you believe in soul mates? - This? Nope. 49. What do you find to be changing in you lately? - My need for eyelashes and foundation. 50. How many piercings have you had in your lifetime? - None. Unless you count the stabbings? 51. What is your favorite candy bar? - Errr. 52. What is your favorite dance song? - No idea? 53. What is your favorite rock song? - Can't think of any at the moment. 54. What is your favorite slow song? - I forgot. 55. What is your favorite rap song? - I just listened to it today and forgot the title 56. What song do you feel relates to your and your life? - Undefined. 57. What pet would you like to have right now? - Male puppy 58. What is your pet peeve? - Annoying bitches 59. What's the one thing that annoys you in some people? - Attention-seeking 60. What is the last movie you saw? - Little Big Soldier 61. What movie have you rented and not watched yet sitting on your counter? - Dad bought some for me and I never watched it. 62. Who are the most important people in your life? - Daddy, Mommy, Zeh zeh, Gary (not so much of jie fu though. sorry :{) 63. What physical feature is the most attractive about a male? - Smiles 64. What phyical feature is the most attractive about a female? - Eyes 65. What is the most important characteristic does your partner need to have? - Loyalty 66. Where are you from? - my daddy's sperm and mommy's egg 67. Where do you want to end up? - In a coffin. Not in ashes :D 68. Where did you live that you least liked? - In the rented house 69. Where did you live that you liked the most? - 111 70. What opposite sex makes you just drop your jaw when you see them? - In a good way or bad? 71. What was one thing you find to be to close to getting in real trouble as a teen but funny as hell to think about now? - Can't remember 72. Who did you find to be the most attractive in your high school? - Kevin Peh 73. How old were you when you "LIVED THE MOST" in your lifetime? - when my life started to flash across my eyes 74. What is the one lesson you have learned in the last month? - fucking hate facis 75. Who do you consider to be enemy material? - those who aren't with me are against me 76. Which friend do you find to be the most like you? - idk? 77. What's one piece of advice you have for women? - use what you can and protect what you have :PP 78. What's one piece of advice you have for men? - don't get herpes and spread it around 79. Would you rather have love or would you rather have money and why? - money. cause at least it's so much more reliable and has more assurance than love. sleep zzz Common symptoms of sleep deprivation include:
Common causes of sleep deprivation include:
half done entry cause i'm bored halfway and can't be bothered to finish Whee. Not a bad day today. But was dead tired. And when I mean dead tired, I really am. Was so tired that I got really cranky at the end of the day. Rushed to work this morning. But there wasn't anyone there anyway. Stocked up drinks and started counting money. And then I waited... and waited. Finally at 12.30pm was there a pair of foreigners strolling in. And after them, I continued waiting and waiting. Then at 1 plus, another China couple came in. Wanted to ask for a discount since business was bad. I went -.-" and told them boss would kill me if I give them discount especially when there is not much business there. Plus, it's a Saturday morning, I told them. Honestly, I don't have to 'entice' them with discounts, do I? I think we have our share of customers. We even need the waiting list. Super -.-" to them. Anyways, 2 regulars came in at 1350+. Salvation!! Talked to them a little then more regulars came in. YAY!! Talked to them and time passed a little faster. The TW guy (they call him xiao hei, but don't quote me!!) came in and was telling everyone that he went out drinking last night, got drunk and lost his wallet. All his stuff is gone now. Tsk. Note to self: Never get drunk :D ... Okay. I'm bored of blogging now. So what happened at the rest of the day shall not be talked about. And OH! I forgot to mention, I'm hungry again! :( But the ramen today wasn't too bad. Had some pork thingy. But didn't ate a lot of it. Ramen + one ala carte + one drink = $15.90 CHEAP OR WHHHHAT?!!! And speaking of cheap food, I got KFC vouchers. YAY!! Okay, I'm really bored of blogging now. Bai!! Saturday, February 27, 2010
Omg! I can blog at work. But i got nothing to say now, so kthxbai!
Morning Shift Just showered and am slightly tired now. Am not looking forward to tomorrow's morning shift. Sounds sucky. Especially with the money thingy. Is quite an okayish day today. Did a very stupid thing though. Anyways, moving on. Did I mention two Mediacorp artistes came to where I worked today? And I have super cute regulars. (Yes, along with super haughty ones. Tsk) But I still not looking forward for the morning shift. I don't wanna count money!!!!!!! :( Friday, February 26, 2010
Pleasantly surprised
I'm surprised. I really am.Jeff is the FIRST guy that I talked to which seems to understand. I've talked to a few guys about it and all of their thinking are about the same. Gary, Ben (April talked to him when they were still ... yeah), GL... But ONLY Jeff seems to understand. I think if I talk to Tobi, he would understand too but Tobi has his own share of problems so I shouldn't burden him with mine. Can you imagine how pleasantly surprised I am? I was talking with GL about the exact same thing earlier on today and he was like -blah blah blah- and I smiled and said my point with a polite smile that reads you-better-shut-up-now-or-you-will-get-it. Fast forward to the night, I was talking with Jeff about work (BOO!! Boss doesn't want to hire him!! BOOOOOO!!) and then while we're random bullshitting, I had no idea how our conversation end up there. It's a very sensitive topic and I don't really want to talk about it anymore, anywhere, any other time. But yes, I'm still really very pleasantly surprised. Thursday, February 25, 2010
Today is AWESOME!!I don't know how to put it... but IT.IS.AWESOME!!!!!! Let's see. Remember the stupid haughty brats I was talking about on Facebook? Their girlfriends are annoying but the guys are cool!! Okay, not Cheng Xu though. I don't like his group of friends. I prefer the other one. The one which I can't remember his name. His group of friends are so much better. But it is so annoying that their girlfriends aren't friendly at ALL. Boo!! And I'm not going to see them tomorrow (cause I'm going to school), double BOO! They're AWESOME people I'm telling you!! Awesome!!!!!!! Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I think i spoke about these dreams before
I've just realized I haven't been updating my blogs, yes, blogs because I have quite a few places where I mainly blog at and I just realized that I haven't been updating ever since the last few weeks of school.School then was crazy. I swear! Crazy. Like three, four assignments all due in one day after another. Of course, we had ample time. I was just lazy. Like the gaming video, I had two weeks to finish it but I only started on the two nights before the submission date. And ditto that to the music composition. I merely started a few days before the submission date. Yep, I literally chionnnnngggggeeeddddd!! That looks like a very funny word. And oh!! So, I'm trying to be hardworking and blog a little bit more. Anyways, another reason where I stopped blogging a little while was because I started to find the beauty of offline blogging. Because sometimes, what is written online, though can be taken down and deleted away by you, it will never be gone from the internet. So, went through quite a little bit of things then and decided to not write online instead. But that period is... hopefully gone and I'm back here!! And yes, I think i mean it seriously, that offline blogging place ought to be burned. I'm already making plans for it. Evidences of it should never be read. It is fucking interesting and smirk-while-raising-eyebrow-worthy. I swear!! Lots of real feelings, man! Anyways, that's not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is that... I JUST REALIZED I HAVE NO PHOTOS TAKEN WITH GARY IN MY PHONE!!! And I'm not kidding about it. I was scrolling through my gallery and I found out one weird thing... I don't have photos with Gary in it. Okay, there were a few taken on my birthday, but that was IT. Yep, IT! I wonder if I can forcefully photoshop his face onto my photos. Yes, of course MY photos. Hello? And oh! I think I didn't mention it online, but I saw Jeff at the place where I work. Right now, I'm trying to keep the place of me working as a secret. So if you know, then SHH please? Even my parents don't really know what I'm working as. Mom thought I was still at AMK Raiders (lan shop). But no, I'm not. Except a little part of me really want to... because it's so much nearer to my house. Yes, back to Jeff. He MSNed me just now and just causally mentioned that he wants to work there too, for fun of course. I envy his bling bling stones. He told me not to say but I think I'm making it pretty obvious over here (*imagine me saying the last few words in a singing way*). Heh. So, am going to call wa eh tao (literally translated into: my head) and tell him a little bit of my shift. I think I'm to the point where I rather except less salary, YES, I'll work even if it is less than 1K (*cues OMG*) but I'm not going to work on Thursday and weekends. And honestly, this is just the second day and I'm dreading work already. I don't know if it's work or the senior that's making me dread it. I'm confused... and really dreadful about it. Anyways, it's almost six now. Have been sleeping at these hours lately. Super mad. It's not that I'm not tired, in fact, I AM. My legs hurt, my back hurts, my shoulders hurt, my head hurts... and is getting duller by the second, but yet I can't sleep. Not that I mind, cause the harder it is for me to fall asleep, the more clearly I will remember my dream. And I like dreams. Cause it's like watching free movies. Yep, my dreams have a story. A story line. It's so entertaining to dream. Things don't happen because they do, things happen because something happened before it. Cool right? But most of the things that I really do remember (I can even tell you know) are things that are mostly connected with fear. I remembered getting tossed out of Daddy's car. Daddy was driving a sports, with the top opened. Then I think Dad was speeding as he was being chased then something happened and I got tossed out of the car. I can feel how my heart was feeling while I was thrown in a perfect ark and guess where I was about to land? The stairs. My body was in a 'n' shape, with my tummy in the air kind of 'n', and my head would be the first to see if I fell. I then saw the stairs with its sharp edges coming closer and closer to my eyes. Then I woke up. I think? And the more recent one which I remembered was because the place it happened was in my own house. That's why I remembered. It started off with the few of us taking a ridiculously small plane that has the interior of an old-school school bus. You remember the ones where there is still some places for the kids to sit at beside the screw driver. Then the rest of us will seat in the normal seats of the two sides of the bus. Really old-school. Am not even too sure if some people from MY age would have seen them before. I remembered I saw no comfy seats on the plane left and therefore went over to one of my friends (that I know in real life) and squeezed with her. And so, we miraculously reached the place without flying. Got off the plane and was sent to our individual rooms. My room was, yeah, my own house. But I'm supposedly to be in another country, in my dream. Then I think I realized something was wrong as I talked to a voice which seems to know every of my actions. I can't remember if it was a voice or a floating teddy that always sticks close to me. I think I wanted to go home at that point, but I have no idea why I didn't press on about it. Instead, I thought it was late and I should shower. So I went to the kitchen shower and was arguing with the little teddy/the voice in my head and I looked out of the kitchen window. Yes, everything looks EXACTLY the same with my real house. I realized that the block opposite wasn't like what I anticipated. Like what the HDB opposite my kitchen would be. Of course, there were some elements that still resembles it but now, it looks more like an evil factory more than a hostel. And at the bottom, there were a large teddy head as a sign to represent that that place is theirs. That was a place that I can never escape... alive from. Everything looked and sounded so evil in my dream. Ironically, that was the only time where I really held Mylo and slept because I felt lonely. Thanks, Mylo! :( AND OH OH OH!! I suddenly remembered another dream which scared me. That was a dream apparently that I was hurt. I forgot why but I was being chased down by some people. So, there was a scene where me and my mom is within a dark tunnel and I was like sitting down at something that resembles my sister's mattress (I was sleeping there at that time) and was telling Mom to go. Because I know I will be in danger and she would be too if she stays with me. So I made her go. And yeah, she left. Heartless mom in dreamland :( So then I started to climb this wired cliff, kind of like a building from far but something like a cliff too. I climbed like fuck and I just couldn't reach the top. But I knew I have to. Then I appeared at a little cafe in the clearing of a flat land, but there was a sand/rock/stone/ground wall (like you know... err... it was initially a flat piece of land but a part of it was cut away and the cafe was at the indent part of the piece?) So I was in the cafe and I knew something bad is going to happen. And therefore, I kept very close attention to how I act. Then suddenly a girl moved. Then two man stood up wanting to kill her. I stood up trying to protect the girl only to realized it was a ploy. The girl turned out to be one of them. I ran and tried to fight for myself. But then I was hurt by them. I can literally feel the sting and pain from the cuts in my dream. Then while I was running away from them, I kept on hearing the girl telling me in an ominous voice, telling me that "You can run but you can't hide from me" and laughed. I was so scared because inside my dream, I knew I was going to die. Like, really die. And what is really cool (or sucky, depending) is that all my dreams have ME in them and they feel so realistic... and they make sense. Like they can really happen in real life. But I like those. Cause it's fun. And oh my. It's so late. I would be damn dead tired and shag (yes, shag without the sex) tomorrow. Hope everything will be good tomorrow. Wish me luck. NIGHT EVERYONE!!! :D Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Abrupt ending
After this one day, I think I am going to have a new priority while looking for jobs. No longer pay and no longer location...It's ONE, the colleagues I'll be working with and TWO, the difficulty of the job. Honestly, I was happy in the day with the first senior. Everything went well. Then am still okay with my own shift. Meaning I was alone. Am happy and told Gary that my job is awesome!! And at 10pm, here comes the second senior. OMGWTFBBQSAUCEKNNBLJCCB!!! Chao ah lian + so aggressive + so fierce can!! The last hour was so difficult to pass can :(( I am slightly dreading work because of her. So so shitty!! I really do hate lians!! Anyways, am SO SO tired... just now. Dozed off for about an hour and woke up frantically hoping that Gary would be still online. I just can't believe how possessive/clingy I can be at times. And those times really freak me out. Because I will feel super :((((((( if I want Gary and he's not there. ... And I think I lost touch with blogging. Cause I suddenly have no idea what to blog about!! O.O Therefore, I shall end abruptly... like this. BYE! Monday, February 22, 2010
Personality test
Just like what I've said in the previous post that I can't sleep, so I thought I shall read some manga in the time being then.But mangafox just wouldn't load!! It has only loaded about the top 1/16 of the page, not even a full speech bubble can be seen. GRR. So, I guess I just have to find something else to do. And yeah, I took two tests in FB today. Not too bad, quite fun. So, these are the answers and the things that I think is true/somehow what true would be highlighted :D Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. Your view on yourself: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are down-to-earth Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :People like you because you are so straightforward Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are a true romantic Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :When you are in love Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You will do anything Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Everything to keep your love true Your readiness to commit to a relationship: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you would commit The seriousness of your love: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are very serious about relationships Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :If you meet the right person Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You will fall deeply Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Beautifully in love Your views on education: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Education is very important in life Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You want to study hard Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Learn as much as you can The right job for you: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of those Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You need to choose something Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Go for it to be happy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Achieve success How do you view success: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are afraid of failure Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you'd fail Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous What are you most afraid of: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are afraid of things that you cannot control Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel The analysis: You are probably a romantic and passionate person. You are sensitive and lonely when you aren't in love. You can be somewhat self-centered, but you are honest and sincere to others. You like to make a good impression of yourself and worry about what others think of you. What others see from your style: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You probably live in your own little world Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Studiously avoid having to search for your own identity Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You may feel that you are not loved Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Being in your imaginary world is your way of coping with this Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You get moody easily What your nightclothes reveal: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are friendly Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Always in good mood Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are candid Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Helpful Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Can be sexy at times too What others see from your ties: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You enjoy being alone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You like to life the simple but good life Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You cherish your freedom Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are thoughtful Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Confident Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Uninterested in glamour What others see from your belts: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are a frank Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Assertive Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Sometimes flamboyant person Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are friendly Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Want to be accepted by everybody Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You like to have fun Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :To be free Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :To live a comfortable lifestyle What others see from your shoes: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You like to be the center of attention Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You like to look good at all times Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Probably never leave the house without makeup on Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Although you may be intelligent Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You're also insecure about your looks Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You care about others Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Will always listen to what they have to say What others see from your earrings: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :You are probably an independent Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Get along well with people So yeah, here we go. And guess what. The page stopped loading!! GRR!!! zhi tao ku chi - ing Oh man~ Went offline at 330am, thinking I would be able to sleep a little bit earlier tonight so I would have enough strength and energy to last me till 1am tomorrow, but alas... I had been tossing and turning for one hour, and yet I feel no sign of sleepiness at ALL. How is it that I always manage to sleep so soundly at Gary's place and not at my own. Or it could be that I can't sleep at night. I used to have sleeping problems, but it normally occurs throughout the day. Not only in the night? Why has it changed? I really feel super uneasy now. Sigh sigh. And I wonder why :(( I hope I can sleep soon. And I hope to have enough energy tomorrow. And please, let me work at least a week before I decide to quit eh. Man oh man, I really am not suited for working. I'm so screwed. But for the money... Should I hang on? :( And this is so shitty. I wanted to ask if I can change my rest day to one of the weekends and guess what? Final Year Project meeting is out. It's either on Monday, Thursday or Friday. And guess which are the days I can choose? Yep, I only have one day, THURSDAY. This suck. Okay, MAYBE I'll just work 2 weeks, earn a few hundred dollars... then continue to save my measly allowance when school starts... And I can still meet Gary (eight weeks of hols - one week which has passed, two weeks spend on working... equals 5 more weeks of annoying him until he's so tired of me) for the rest of my holidays. I honestly have a ton of questions for Ken. I hope he comes to AMK Raiders tomorrow. If not, I be screwed. Okay, technically I won't... but I just will have a lot of questions unanswered. Which isn't good. Where's Garyyyyyyyy~~~~ :(((((((((( *roll eyes at self* I'm just zi tao ku chi-ing with this gong zuo lahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Saturday, February 20, 2010
Okay, I don't get it.Why would you bother to IM me over FB when you have my MSN. IM over FB lags my game to an extent that I'll block you from all my social communications platforms, I SWEAR! Plus, I don't even know you. Okay lah, if you're my closer friends, I don't mind spams from MSN/FB IMs, but if I don't know you at all, then please, you're just annoying when you do that. And if I don't reply to only you and you alone, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... catch the hint. Grr!! Friday, February 19, 2010
總以為翅膀硬了,就能夠不顧一切的,在天空翱翔,飛過了最美麗的海峽、最峻峭的高山, 最後,還是想飛回你的身旁。 Thursday, February 18, 2010
![]() Wednesday, February 17, 2010
OMG. I'm laughing at the manhwa rather than feeling annoyed now. LOL
Remember the tweet I had a few hours earlier, about the kid (he's 16, so yeah, a kid), REFUSE to let me go on this chat room thingy that I went on because it looked so damn funny on Facebook.Somehow, I think I'm either (a) going to destroy my own webcam or (b) stop going into that website. And somehow, (b) sounds like a better choice. But yes, back on topic!! He asked me if I had facebook and I said yeah. He asked me to add him up and well, I did. I saw nothing wrong behind it and what can he do to me over Facebook, right? Right. Then he asked me if I had MSN and well asked me for my email add, so naturally, I didn't put much thought into it and gave it to him. Well, after that, I thought since he had my MSN, then we could chat there. And I don't feel comfortable webcamming with someone whom I don't even know. But he simply refused to let me go. I came up with tons of excuses, looked bored, tell him I have nothing to talk about anymore and he simply tried to kept me there. At last, I was annoyed fairly well by him and just gave an excuse and went offline. By offline, I mean off switch off that site and block him. And guess what I saw after I blocked him... What's up with my name with that little emoticons behind... bitch! (He had longer hair than mine, so bitch in this context suits him more than me... even though I declare Mylo and Pudding to be my children rather than pulshies. *silence* STOP LOOKING AT ME FUNNY! I'M NOT WEIRD. MOMMY SAYS I'M JUST UNIQUE, NOT ABNORMAL!!) And hmm, I'm annoyed enough and well... I'll unblock him once he takes my name off his msn. Or at least, the surprised look + heart emoticon in the least. That's fair enough, right? And oh! I was manhwa-ing and I think this is super cutish funny!! Tuesday, February 16, 2010
油菜花 - 大兵小將
一条大路呦通呀通我家 Manhwas Had been reading quite a few manhwa lately. Actually, I didn't really wanted to but I saw new updates for a manhwa series that I had been following like mad a few months before and thought I might as well continue. And that hooked me back into manhwa. I don't know, but the good manhwas all has hot characters and super loud and hot hair. So I was talking about the manhwa I just finished in the afternoon where it shows the ending where the girl and the guy were so close to each other but yet so far... And oh, that is a confusing manhwa, but maybe a manhwa with questions unanswered are cool in the own way. But this manhwa is not as confusing as the one I finished this morning at 8am. It IS a shouju, romance manhwa and has this girl with three guys liking him. And this guy, let's call him Ji cause i forgot the first two characters of his name, because of something in the past, he wanted to protect the girl. (The girl almost got gangraped and because Ji was on drugs and had some fatal illness of some sort and he couldn't save her at that time, had always blamed himself) Then he had this guy, Sun Woo Bin, where Ji also had to protect of some sort. So Ji liked the girl but couldn't make the move because he knew he can never be the man for the girl. The girl and Woo Bin initially pretended to date until Bin actually realized he is falling for the girl. He tried to stop himself but then with some twist, two of them starting going out. Bin is the jiang of this school and then another guy is the jiang of the enemy school. Both guys like the girl. Okay, lots of drama here and there and the girl, who lost some of her memories because of the trauma from the gangrape, got it back and blah blah blah. So, let's skip to the ending scene. Where Ji was at the road on his motorbike. He realized that he finally had protected the two people, Bin and the girl and realized he has no more reason to continue living seeing he only has their few years to live anyways. Might as well to end his suffering sooner. Then as he was on the road, a car appeared behind him and he dodged the car. He laughed at himself and realized that he, who just said he wanted to die, dodged the car. And he also realized that he wanted to go back to find Bin and the girl and live albeit longer. Then as he got back onto the road, a truck appeared behind him and killed him. And the ultimate last scene says that, on the day of the funeral for Ji, it was snowing beautifully. TELL ME LAH. HOW IS THIS A ROMANCE STORY. It doesn't even show what happens to the main characters. And for once, in this manhwa, I actually do hope the girl gets together with Bin. Most of the other manhwas, I always hope that the girl can get together with the unrequited love guy. Cause those are the guys who seem to really love the girl. But ah wells, going for the one who loves you rather than the one you love is a cowardly act, isn't it? Saturday, February 13, 2010
最近你好吗 少了一点微笑
说的话有点少 最近我也不好 全世界都在逆转 人开始反向思考 发现你爱的人到处跑 昨晚刚升职 今天被炒 莫名其妙 谁会知道 是不是上天开的玩笑 地震时 你想和谁拥抱 什么是生命中的美好 轻易放掉 却不知道 幸福就在下一个转角 说一声加油 一切更美好 所有的悲伤 请往边靠 曾经流过的泪 湿了伤口就让 阳光晒干而褪 这一种加油 人人都需要 手牵手我们一起赛跑 说好不见不散 每分每秒守候你到老 The beat goes on 时间它一直走 就像是Life goes on 这过程或许痛 不管顺流或逆流 你总得抬起头 让我们一起走 走过艰难和困惑 关关是难关 但我们关关过 雨后天晴的阳光在天空闪闪 所出现了彩虹 忽然间我们才懂 如果这是一场马拉松 那我们一起加油 Monday, February 1, 2010
Is it weird to feel comforted and happy when I turn my head to the side and see Mylo sitting there, looking cute and smiling at me?I'm so going to sleep with him on my tummy again. Or with him beside me if I sleep on my side, all curled up :D |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J