Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I think i spoke about these dreams before
I've just realized I haven't been updating my blogs, yes, blogs because I have quite a few places where I mainly blog at and I just realized that I haven't been updating ever since the last few weeks of school.School then was crazy. I swear! Crazy. Like three, four assignments all due in one day after another. Of course, we had ample time. I was just lazy. Like the gaming video, I had two weeks to finish it but I only started on the two nights before the submission date. And ditto that to the music composition. I merely started a few days before the submission date. Yep, I literally chionnnnngggggeeeddddd!! That looks like a very funny word. And oh!! So, I'm trying to be hardworking and blog a little bit more. Anyways, another reason where I stopped blogging a little while was because I started to find the beauty of offline blogging. Because sometimes, what is written online, though can be taken down and deleted away by you, it will never be gone from the internet. So, went through quite a little bit of things then and decided to not write online instead. But that period is... hopefully gone and I'm back here!! And yes, I think i mean it seriously, that offline blogging place ought to be burned. I'm already making plans for it. Evidences of it should never be read. It is fucking interesting and smirk-while-raising-eyebrow-worthy. I swear!! Lots of real feelings, man! Anyways, that's not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is that... I JUST REALIZED I HAVE NO PHOTOS TAKEN WITH GARY IN MY PHONE!!! And I'm not kidding about it. I was scrolling through my gallery and I found out one weird thing... I don't have photos with Gary in it. Okay, there were a few taken on my birthday, but that was IT. Yep, IT! I wonder if I can forcefully photoshop his face onto my photos. Yes, of course MY photos. Hello? And oh! I think I didn't mention it online, but I saw Jeff at the place where I work. Right now, I'm trying to keep the place of me working as a secret. So if you know, then SHH please? Even my parents don't really know what I'm working as. Mom thought I was still at AMK Raiders (lan shop). But no, I'm not. Except a little part of me really want to... because it's so much nearer to my house. Yes, back to Jeff. He MSNed me just now and just causally mentioned that he wants to work there too, for fun of course. I envy his bling bling stones. He told me not to say but I think I'm making it pretty obvious over here (*imagine me saying the last few words in a singing way*). Heh. So, am going to call wa eh tao (literally translated into: my head) and tell him a little bit of my shift. I think I'm to the point where I rather except less salary, YES, I'll work even if it is less than 1K (*cues OMG*) but I'm not going to work on Thursday and weekends. And honestly, this is just the second day and I'm dreading work already. I don't know if it's work or the senior that's making me dread it. I'm confused... and really dreadful about it. Anyways, it's almost six now. Have been sleeping at these hours lately. Super mad. It's not that I'm not tired, in fact, I AM. My legs hurt, my back hurts, my shoulders hurt, my head hurts... and is getting duller by the second, but yet I can't sleep. Not that I mind, cause the harder it is for me to fall asleep, the more clearly I will remember my dream. And I like dreams. Cause it's like watching free movies. Yep, my dreams have a story. A story line. It's so entertaining to dream. Things don't happen because they do, things happen because something happened before it. Cool right? But most of the things that I really do remember (I can even tell you know) are things that are mostly connected with fear. I remembered getting tossed out of Daddy's car. Daddy was driving a sports, with the top opened. Then I think Dad was speeding as he was being chased then something happened and I got tossed out of the car. I can feel how my heart was feeling while I was thrown in a perfect ark and guess where I was about to land? The stairs. My body was in a 'n' shape, with my tummy in the air kind of 'n', and my head would be the first to see if I fell. I then saw the stairs with its sharp edges coming closer and closer to my eyes. Then I woke up. I think? And the more recent one which I remembered was because the place it happened was in my own house. That's why I remembered. It started off with the few of us taking a ridiculously small plane that has the interior of an old-school school bus. You remember the ones where there is still some places for the kids to sit at beside the screw driver. Then the rest of us will seat in the normal seats of the two sides of the bus. Really old-school. Am not even too sure if some people from MY age would have seen them before. I remembered I saw no comfy seats on the plane left and therefore went over to one of my friends (that I know in real life) and squeezed with her. And so, we miraculously reached the place without flying. Got off the plane and was sent to our individual rooms. My room was, yeah, my own house. But I'm supposedly to be in another country, in my dream. Then I think I realized something was wrong as I talked to a voice which seems to know every of my actions. I can't remember if it was a voice or a floating teddy that always sticks close to me. I think I wanted to go home at that point, but I have no idea why I didn't press on about it. Instead, I thought it was late and I should shower. So I went to the kitchen shower and was arguing with the little teddy/the voice in my head and I looked out of the kitchen window. Yes, everything looks EXACTLY the same with my real house. I realized that the block opposite wasn't like what I anticipated. Like what the HDB opposite my kitchen would be. Of course, there were some elements that still resembles it but now, it looks more like an evil factory more than a hostel. And at the bottom, there were a large teddy head as a sign to represent that that place is theirs. That was a place that I can never escape... alive from. Everything looked and sounded so evil in my dream. Ironically, that was the only time where I really held Mylo and slept because I felt lonely. Thanks, Mylo! :( AND OH OH OH!! I suddenly remembered another dream which scared me. That was a dream apparently that I was hurt. I forgot why but I was being chased down by some people. So, there was a scene where me and my mom is within a dark tunnel and I was like sitting down at something that resembles my sister's mattress (I was sleeping there at that time) and was telling Mom to go. Because I know I will be in danger and she would be too if she stays with me. So I made her go. And yeah, she left. Heartless mom in dreamland :( So then I started to climb this wired cliff, kind of like a building from far but something like a cliff too. I climbed like fuck and I just couldn't reach the top. But I knew I have to. Then I appeared at a little cafe in the clearing of a flat land, but there was a sand/rock/stone/ground wall (like you know... err... it was initially a flat piece of land but a part of it was cut away and the cafe was at the indent part of the piece?) So I was in the cafe and I knew something bad is going to happen. And therefore, I kept very close attention to how I act. Then suddenly a girl moved. Then two man stood up wanting to kill her. I stood up trying to protect the girl only to realized it was a ploy. The girl turned out to be one of them. I ran and tried to fight for myself. But then I was hurt by them. I can literally feel the sting and pain from the cuts in my dream. Then while I was running away from them, I kept on hearing the girl telling me in an ominous voice, telling me that "You can run but you can't hide from me" and laughed. I was so scared because inside my dream, I knew I was going to die. Like, really die. And what is really cool (or sucky, depending) is that all my dreams have ME in them and they feel so realistic... and they make sense. Like they can really happen in real life. But I like those. Cause it's fun. And oh my. It's so late. I would be damn dead tired and shag (yes, shag without the sex) tomorrow. Hope everything will be good tomorrow. Wish me luck. NIGHT EVERYONE!!! :D |
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Abrupt ending
Personality test
zhi tao ku chi - ing
OMG. I'm laughing at the manhwa rather than feelin...
油菜花 - 大兵小將
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J