Monday, March 29, 2010
Melted Belgium Truffles :(
I love my new Swarovski phone charm from zeh. It's mad super bling. 3 round crystals linked up to a larger heart-shaped crystal.

Pity my phone doesn't has a place to hang phone charms. So I hung it on my wallet and is still loving it to the max.

Zeh gave me the choice between the charm and a bag and I took the charm. Without hesitation.

Okay~ First of all, the color of the bag wasn't something I'll choose. Sky blue. I mean like HELLO? Sky blue? And it was a ridiculous size. Yeah, I don't mind caring out brands but... SKY BLUE? No way I'll let myself caught with such a bag.

Took the charm without thinking even though my phone has no place to hang it. Plus they're bling crystals. BLING crystals. How would I choose some bag over it?

Let zeh and jie fu looked at my arena...

Then jie fu said to change a phone and I was like, JIE FUUU~~ YOU WANNA BUY ME A NEW ONE ARH?

He was like ... HAHAHAHA. But I could almost virtually hear him say, FAT HOPE. YOU WISH. I could see it from his eyes. Oh, so obviously.

Ahhhhs. I got to go off. XZ is bugging me to go sleep now. So byeeeeee.
(Yeah, I'm just going to stop blogging. Probably not going to sleep so early anyways. :D)

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kthxbaiiii 兩万塊新幣!!! *kisses* 坏男人,好男人 hmmm. XZ~ 我創造屬於我的天堂 I'm tired Oh no. virgin arena trip. NO MORE
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