Thursday, March 27, 2008
Say HARLOOO as Achmed
Wahlao, i'm still quite bothered that boyfriend didn't contact me for two days already. I think he already had gotten himself a new girlfriend. And, was really glad Alvin was there to encourage me, *smiles*, but he stood on boyfriend's side. *roars*Shucks, i think i'm starting to sprout quite some expletives in real life. *slaps myself* Alright, it's still not too bad yet. And at least all my expletives is the ang mor pai. I don't use CCB, KNN, and whatsoever. I use words that can be found in the dictionary. (But here's one for you. How do you know if the dictionary makes a mistake *grins*) And i think i'm sharing the same fact as our merlion right now. We're both facing identity crisis. Our merlion couldn't decide on being a mermaid or a lion. And the same goes for me. I couldn't decide who i am either. Fine, i shall mimic Achmed instead. *smiles* (And no, i mean i have no idea who i am. Not if i am a mermaid or lion. Cause i'm a HUMAN. HUMAN!!) And *scratches chin*. How comes RP send a sms saying that orientation is on 2nd to 4th of April. Isn't supposed to be today? Well, at least the paper said so. (Or is the message meant for the pon-ners? Damn) I'm supposed to go NUH on the 4th leh. Sheesh. Whatever. Shall pon the 2nd to 4th orientation too. Pretend that i never recieved the sms. Sheesh. Any Republicians reading this, please pretend you didn't see anything. Or any Republicians in the School of Technology, please pretend that i am a student in NYP instead. And April, if you see this, you don't have to pretend. *grins* Anyway, MY COUSIN IS IN THE SAME POLY AS ME. Darn. My wonderful plan of being 'good' in school is foiled. So, can anyone please tell me if the course doing environment under the School of Technology. I hope not though. AND UGINE, GUI FANG IS IN OUR POLY. NOT IN ITE LEH. GOT CELEBRATION MAH? (But i still hope that she would be in your school though. But chances of her being with me is higher. Damn) And speaking of the 'wonderful plan' in school, i'm deciding to act as Achmed in school. April has decided to shun me for that, but i'll so pull her into it. *winks* Harlooo, i'm Lindsey Loham. This is just a little of what i've decided to do in school.
Pppps: Roy is so good. He said i was SA-ed when i was young and true enough. I got into SA (Sonic Arts) this year. *grins* Bow to Roy, people. Bow to him. (And shun bian kick him after bowing though) |
Previous Posts:
Kinda miss boyfriend
Sibeh bored
Jeff, Caleb, Ben's hair
Chocolate fonde
Damn funny. Must watch
No feel to blog, very tired
Damn diarrhoea
April and i are okay, i hope
Damn and damn-er
Long post of random-ness
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That's me in the picture.And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J