Friday, March 28, 2008
Die, i still haven't buy my Jie's birthday gift. I've got to go out and buy later. Sheesh. Yes, i MUST. If not, i'm afraid that i will only get a gua zi ke for my ang bao next year. *shivers upon the thought* Worse, what if it's only HALF a gua zi ke. *feeling ever so traumatized*

Wahlao, have anyone heard that someone can feel like crying while listening to a mando-rock song? *sigh* Yep, YOURS FAITHFULLY felt like crying. I was listening to Xuan's old old creation. Not his new ones. SEH, his old songs are so so so good.

Anyway, this song was created with his old band, and i remembered what Xuan said when they were disbanded at the end of last year.

The song written when they were 18, "We aren't very good, but we're willing to play music, and to be played by music".

This is a 19 year old vocalist, Xuan. A 19 year old bassist, Wei Fan. A 19 year old guitarist, Jia Wei. An 18 year old guitarist, Zheng Li. A 21 year old drummer, Yue Hua.

They were young and the days they used to play their band, were accounted towards Sea Level.

In the holidays of 2001, Secondary 3. The band were created in the midst of exams.

In 31st December 2006, because of NS, enviorment, family, life, they disbanded. But it doesn't mean that they wouldn't come back together again.

They're brothers... for life.

Not very well translated by Yours Truly

Anyway, it's sibeh touching can a not? But what makes me really feel like tearing is the songs Xuan is writing now. Set aside the tune, the lyrics which he was once strongest in, is... ... *sigh*

But i will still hold my faith in him. Just as people is willing to wait for my blogging bug to come back, i'm too, willing to wait for his song creating bug to come back. For he's the one that brought me into this realm. *smiles*

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Sorry I love the TCM doc Say HARLOOO as Achmed Kinda miss boyfriend Sibeh bored Jeff, Caleb, Ben's hair Chocolate fonde Damn funny. Must watch No feel to blog, very tired Damn diarrhoea
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