Monday, May 19, 2008
Now is the 19th, 10.16pm
Right. This blog entry should be posted yesterday, but halfway through the uploading of pictures and installing HighStreet 5 in my lappie, i got pretty pissed and stop doing both things.And i spent the entire of today playing HS5. YES, it's that addictive. GO DOWNLOAD. GO DOWNLOAD NOW!!! But there's always a catch. A lot of the audition pros are also in there. Made me look so noobish. But still, i managed to level up twice today. (: Even though HS5 is installed in my lappie, but i still couldn't play it in school. Cause i need to use the 4 arrow keys to play and my left arrow key is spoilt. And no, i can't change the key settings. Good thing that there's still StepMania. Gosh. I'm playing so much music-based games lately. Guess i should really stop procrastinating and contact ACER to get my keys fixed. But till then, should i get a portable keyboard. *scratches chin* Anyway, April and i went to Far East yesterday and i spent more than i should But whatever i bought was loved. Though i saw another dress that i fell in love with, but without NETS card, there's nothing much i can do. *sigh* I should get a rich boyfriend soon. KI TAT, YOU STILL AVAILABLE A NOT? O.o Just kidding. SERIOUS. I'M JUST KIDDING ABOUT IT. Anyway, i can't really remember what happened yesterday. So let the pictures tell the story instead. I was seriously late in meeting April already. But how could i ever resist taking a photo before i leave. AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A STRONG HEART IF YOU WANT TO SCROLL DOWN. YOU SURE?? BOO!!! The reason as to why i would choose to keep bangs now. Me without fringe = nightmare. See. So much better with bangs. I can't use my PS anymore. Therefore, see all the pimples starting to appear on my photos. With thick lips. DAMN. I love my clothes. But quite some people think otherwise. But who cares about their thoughts. Waiting for my turn to get my table ornament back to it's original purpose. Being a handphone. My mouth looks weird. Explaining the heart over there. Just pretending to be studious. After getting our loot and being almost broke, we decided that we were hungry enough to eat. When to some Thai restaurant and got a two person meal. Cost around $34.20. Worth every cent of it. I was damn hungry. Was complaining to April ever since god knows when. And the Shilin XXL chicken did little to sooth my hunger. I initially thought that their drink would be diluted. But NO. IT WAS DAMN THICK. ("V") their drinks. I love to use straws. Drinking from the cup was just for photos. Given a choice, i would rather use straws. SIAN. Caught stealing April's drink. Isn't this cute. There's this mushroom stuck to the underside of my plate. I love their rice. Round. Round. Rice. April wanted to take a picture of me eating the rice. Then i did this. Chicken with cashew nuts. Scallops with Kai Lan. I LOVE KAI LAN!!! And there also this sweet and sour fish. Just that we were too hungry and dug in before the fish came and by the time it came, we were too busy eating to think about taking pictures of it. Tsk tsk tsk. What kind of bloggers are we? But who cares? We don't blog for a living. We blog for interest. Therefore, we're forgiven. HEH. I seriously tried to finish the rice. But i was too full. Now i hope that the superstition which says that the rice i didn't finish would appear as pimples on my spouse face isn't true. If not, my spouse must be an acne-y guy for sure. =/ April and i didn't clean our plates. Good thing we aren't eating buffet. See the amount of onions? All the food that we can't finish were all arranged by April into weird formations. And lastly, the chillies. Both April and i can't take any degree of spiciness and we had this challenge. To pop one gigantic piece each. I did it first. I chewed. I swallowed thinking it was alright. But once i swallowed, the spiciness came up and out. Drank a waterfall full of water. Sheesh. Anyway, it's 10.10pm now. I should |
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I've just cried
Finally. Pictures!!
Love is also loved
Layout done!!
Blogskin will soon be fine (i hope)
Changing layout
Killer headache
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That's me in the picture.And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J