Monday, July 21, 2008
Counting my lucky stars
I shouldn't be blogging. I should be thinking about the hip-hop RJ. But i seriously can't think of anything. I know which one i wanted to choose, but i just didn't know how to put my reasons into words.

Okay, i know more or less on what i want to write already. But let me procrastinate for a little while i refuse to start typing about it.

ANYWAY... ...

What's wrong with me chasing someone (literally around in circles). Or the matter of fact, running.

I have two fat things attached to my hipbone, called legs. They can move in front of one another to initiate movement. And when they move with a certain degree of speed, they're called running.

Yes, i can RUN.

Anyway i was tempted to text both of them to turn to their side and say hi to each other. They apparently know each other, though not personally, but still, they KNEW each other.

Just say HI!!!

And and AND!!!

Get Christianity stuff OUT of my life. Ever since i knew that Brandon had been part of that Mooncakes clique before, i was already trying very very hard to control myself.

But things are getting out of hand. Seeing people reading bibles, listening to people worshipping, having caps with prints "Jesus is the boss" and car stickers with "Jesus is lord" is more than enough.


What in the world?!?!!!!

Of all people, why him? On second thoughts, i rather seeing him than Wei Jie.

Right, so i should count my lucky stars then.

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And my boyf.
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