Sunday, August 3, 2008
Okay. im feeling better now.
*breathes in. breathes out.*


The pain that runs in our veins.

The blood that flowed from the heart.

The tears that couldn't stop no matter how many times we tell ourselves.

This pain.

Have you been through it?

When people from all walks of life come against you.

When you realized the person you had betrayed are none other than your parents and your true self,

How do you feel?

How would you feel?

The feeling of being lost,

The feeling of being abandoned.

The feeling that all hopes had been lost,

The feeling of death.

How would you feel.

The feeling that would have stop you from feeling.

No more pain. No more tears. No more blood.

Numb. Emotionless. Dead.

What would you have done?

What can we ever do to stop being defensive?

How can we ever start trusting mankind?

Slowly but surely, we did.

Step by step, walking on roses with thorns, veins with pricks.

It's a tough route, but that's the punishment we had to take.

Every step we took, thorns drove deeper into our soles.

Step by step, blood flowed out.

We started to feel pain, tears came along.

Is this what they call resurrected?

Our emotions came back.

We started to feel.

We started to live once again.

Given a new life with old memories,

We took each step carefully.

Never wanting to go back to our old path,

Where there is no light, no smiles, no hope.

A place only for the abandoned, the dying and the dead.

We can't help but feel defensive against the ones that seems to be like their guardians.

We know you aren't,

We know you kind intentions,

But we can't climb over the wall of death that was build while we were being resurrected.


We just can't climb over it yet.

One day, just one day, i know we can.

Just give us time, and we will fly.

Fly from our past,

Not hindered.

No longer weighing us down.

But one day, it will push us to a higher land.

Higher than we had ever seen or went.

But till then, let our hearts heal.

There are just so many tears still in our heart that hadn't reached our eyes.

Let them heal.

The imperfect heart.

Give it time to let it be perfect.

Things aren't always as it seems.

It's only a dream now.

When we see past this exterior, and deep into your heart

Maybe that's when we can start trusting you.

Maybe that's when we wouldn't deem you as someone else

That had killed us and dashed all our hopes.

P/s: Okay. Movie post NOT coming up anymore. I've nothing to blog about it.

And *pssst* I thought Jet looks better than the angmors. On second thoughts, maybe i don't want an angmor husband anymore.

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Rushing here and there. This is a title I want to marry ... Truth / Dare Random I lost the touch of writing *gasp* Penisland? I have no title for this To: Mentor Is ANdy cute or is ANdy cute?
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And my boyf.
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