Monday, August 18, 2008
Rants? Not really.

I can't continue watching [Fated to love you] because i've got to sleep.

And to make things worse, i haven't even prepare for the chalet tomorrow.

Yes, not even the clothes. Clever?

But this is not my main concern.

My main concern is that i really do want to know what is the next episode of FTLY about.

Though i know at the end of the story, Dylan definitely would be the one getting ditched, but i still want to continue watching.

Because one more minute of watching Dylan is one more minute. *grins*

You know how i feel, don't you?

In every marriage, it's not about who you can live with.

It's who you can't live without.

And for every man to marry a woman, he must prepare three rings.

Engagment ring, wedding ring and suffering.

But behind every suffering, there's a story.

And with every suffering, it can be a piece of art.

If you can't forget the past, then maybe it's not supposed to be forgotten at all.

If you can't get it out of your heart, then most probably it's supposed to stay in there.

Don't try to forget it, stop trying to get it out of your heart.

Turn it into a story in your life.

And only people with stories in their heart can come out with a piece of art.

And isn't this the same with music?

Blues? How does it came about?

Isn't the lyrics all about their life? The suffering that had?

That had a story to tell.

So do all of us.

Are you ready to show the world your piece of art now?

P/s: Thoughts inspired by 13 episodes of [Fated to love you]

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Time to bathe now You know mandarin? lintiein PS Stop, damn it, JUST STOP Fated I swear Puke shit? EWW F1 Short one
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