Monday, September 8, 2008
New Blogshop
While panicking for my turn to present, a pop-up just appeared at the bottom right hand corner showing a link. Rest assured it wasn't a virus, but it was something that can still catch my eye even though i was close to hyperventilating for my presentation.

OMIGOSH!! See this? See this? See this?

I found a few designs from there that's very
tempting and somehow, i find the black
background with white guitar very smexy.
April liked this but i prefer the Rainbow star hoodie though.

(*Pssstt*, you can click on any of the image on this entry to link to the blogshop)

And other than these, there's more to it.


On the way. They're on the way. Almost here. ALMOST HERE!!!

OMIGOSH!!! I'm getting to be so SO excited.

Plus can you imagine a hoodie for just $22.50?!?!!!

And you don't have to worry about the collection of items either. It's a face to face collection and you don't have to worry having your items being lost or damaged along the way.

To add on, you might get to see the cute And... Errr, i mean cute and wonderful clothes when you collect them at either Woodlands or Tampiness.


What makes you think that i wanted to say Andy. I totally didn't mean it. >.>

So quick, what are you waiting for? Click on it NOW!!! CLICK

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will update this post again. aircon is off! Memories just smack me Durian Click, please? Roaches NOT fat Not mocking. Serious Papa Lobster Jeff *winks*
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That's me in the picture.
And my boyf.
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