Friday, October 31, 2008
Yes, i'm back up and running.Thanks to panadol extra. No more pounding even when i'm not moving. Much less the sharp pain when i'm tried to move. Or the suicidal ache when i coughed. ALL OF THEM ARE GONE!!! Panadol, you rock!! So yes, let's talk about The Coffin. Yes, you guessed it. It's a no-pictures-kind-of-blog again. No wonder my hits are like dropping drastically. But then again, i'm positively lazy to transfer pictures. Much less upload. :X Oh right, back to Coffin. ALL FIVE OF US DECIDED THAT WE WERE SCAMMED!!! The thriller looks so drool-worthy, but the movie proves itself otherwise. And to think we're watching on Halloween's Eve. *shakes head* I wouldn't say the plot was horrible, and on the other hand, i thought it wasn't too bad. But if we're considering on the genre itself, it does shine a bad light. It's supposed to be Horror-PG, but the fact is that, it's not the least horrifying. Not one sight made me close my eyes and shriek. There was a lot of places where they can build up on the atmosphere. How do you make a specific sound louder? One way is to tune that specific sound louder or u can turn the other sounds softer. So how do make a specific scene scarier? By either building up the plot, or making it suddenly pop out. But neither happened. ): And to think we were so excited about the moving. We heard it was good but alas... ... Fine, it wasn't that bad either. Surprisingly, there's values learnt. ^^ Yes, be shocked. Karma. The wheel. Watch it to know. The most you'll be wasting is $6. And so, my favorite word nowadays will be... ... KARMA!!! ^^ Yes, i've no idea why too. *smiles* |
Previous Posts:
not making sense
I'm dead
can't believe
happy day
Paiseh seh
習慣了痛的感覺 就永遠不會在感覺到它了
Jolted awake
Cafes cafes cafes
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J