Saturday, October 4, 2008
I'm such a meanie that i actually went to find out those horoscopes thingy for Leo.And i honestly want to find out about his *wink wink* investments too. But i have no idea what her horo is. So now, let me flip through my horoscope bible. 獅子座 LEO 狮子座 狮狮去参加奶奶的寿宴。到了吃寿包的时候,狮狮问: ” 我们为什么要吃这种像屁股的寿包? ” 众人听了脸色大变。 接著狮狮拨开寿包,看看里面的豆沙,说: ” 奶奶,快看!里面还有大便! ” 众人晕的晕,吐的吐。 (以自我感受、不怕旁人眼光的骄傲的狮子) 屬於火象星座: 個性明朗、充滿活力與熱情,為人驕傲、威嚴、剛強、專制,做事獨立,有俠義風範及王者之姿,喜歡被讚美、受尊重;獅子充滿智慧和遠見,永遠充滿活力,心地寬宏,強壯自信、好面子、專橫,遇事據理力爭,接受挑戰,工作勤奮,擅掌握權威,成為領袖人物,受到別人的依靠,凡事 講究氣派,耐不住寂寞,永遠懷抱崇高的理想,能全力以赴,是個行動派,具有權威感與支配慾,雖然樂觀、 海派、不拘小節,但也容易心浮氣躁、缺乏耐性,有些吝嗇、反覆、愛炫耀,帶有頑強與傲慢、無情的一面。 獅子座的人, 屬於侵略型目光,他們的眼神犀利而憂鬱,喜歡用眼神誘惑別人,目光有很強的侵略性.他們喜歡對 視,哪怕你躲開,他還是會找到你的眼神.可以看的出獅子座的人心 裏的征服欲很強,而略微有些憂鬱的神情,也是他們心裏有所顧忌的體現. 獅子們往往是所有星座中最有可能做出驚天動地事情的人,她們不會考慮過程,只求達到手段,而且目的十分明確呦~~比較浪漫的一種是購買戶外大屏幕廣告牌,放一段小廣告,寫上你想要說的話,讓對方在那個時候正好經過那裡,雖然一定會被你的壯舉嚇到,但是還是會很感動,在大家的祝福下,你們一定會幸福 的啦~~ 充满自信的狮子,自认为自己做的东西是「天下第一」,绝不容许别人随便的批评,如果你敢在他面前说上一句, 包准你见不到明天的太阳。 獅子: 很幽默、慈善、長相加、思考、保護他人、忠誠心、聰明、自誇、愛現、蠻力、欺負技術一流、自我滿足 表面VS内心郁闷憔悴指数:10VS50 面子很重要,郁闷憔悴我知道就好了狮子座不喜欢表现得太不得体,除非恶意的攻击,不然他们都是很有礼貌的一群;郁闷憔悴时不会表现得太明显,只因为他不喜欢在人前表现自己惊慌失措的无助样子,他们会觉得很丢人。另外喜欢工作的狮子座,在工作时就很容易遗忘工作以外的事,而如果困难来自工作,他们也会当作挑战,不太会郁 闷憔悴。 And to be a really nice friend, here's a HUGE chunk of info about LEOs. Leo boys are totally masculine and the girls completely feminine. Right from his childhood, a Leo baby will dislike small chores and resist doing it. Give him some work that requires some responsibility and authority and you wouldn't have to remind him twice. He is quite intelligent and learns things pretty fast, but only if he wants to. However, he may get lazy in respect of studies and you will have to show extreme patience to make him work hard. Another way is to make him see how superior he will be to other children, if he attains the top position. You will never find your Leo child making airplanes of his class assignments again. Do remember to compliment him and pat him on the back when he comes first in the class. He needs more compliments, no matter how much he's already got. The term savings is alien to most of the Leo children and they are prone to extravagance. A major portion of their money will be spent on giving loans to their friends, which they will most probably forget to take back. Leos are amongst the first ones amongst the entire zodiac signs to feel attracted towards the opposite sex. He will fall in love and have heartbreaks every now and then. Most of the Leo children love parties, because that is where they can become the center of attraction. They need freedom and harsh words dent their ego. Be a little patient, a little indulging, a little strict and totally loving, when dealing with a Leo child. He will turn into a secure, generous, proud and strong lion! Leo Man While dealing with a Leo man, be sure of one thing - you will never find him alone. He will always be amongst a group of people and, more often than not, he will be the center of attention. He is not the one to waste his charm in empty air; there will always be an audience admiring him. This is the key to a lion's heart - attention, appreciation and flattery. If you want to get close to a Leo male, become his audience. In case you have fallen in for the quiet, gentle lion, don't be fooled. Behind all this calm is the fire of an August-born. Try dominating him even a slightest bit and you will see the fireworks. His personality traits include generous doses of chivalry, courtesy, gallantry, care and warmth. You will not require too many preparations to make a Leo guy fall in love with you. Candlelight dinner, moonlit night, sensual music and lots of romance - that's it! He will instantly fall in love with you. Infact, romance is something without which no Leo can survive for too long. He needs the constant love and attention given by a lover. Leo men will be extremely generous while courting. You will be showered with roses, given gifts every now and then, taken to the best restaurants and be loaded with love letters, sprayed with sensual perfume. You will think that you have fallen in love with the most amiable person in the world. Now, comes the real part! Once you have entered his den, you will have to be his forever. A Leo man is extremely possessive of his loved ones and as far as you are concerned, you belong to him and him only. He can get very jealous, very easily! Even a playful look at another man will send his jealousy meter to the topmost point. When pushed too far, he will send that man thrashing to the floor, if not the hospital. If you said you would be gone for two hours, be back in one hour and fifty-nine minutes. When a Leo male becomes unreasonable, it is advisable to pamper him and get your work done. His vanity may at times come in the way, but then, you will have to subdue it with love, care and your own stability. Most of the Leo men do not want their wives to work after marriage. It is because they want to be the primary interest in the life of their partners and cannot stand anything else taking that place, even if it her job/work. A Leo guy will always pamper you with the best things in life and he will expect you to turn out looking stunning beautiful, when you go outside. Now, after you have managed to swallow the initial hiccups, you can be sure that you have the most devoted husband in the whole world. Just remember to respect him and he will be generous in all respects - love, money, care and everything you want. A Leo man is not one of those who forget to say 'I Love You' till the next anniversary. You will be showered with attention and compliments every now and then. He will also remain faithful to you, though he may look at the pretty faces every now and then. However, don't take that too seriously and leave him. He will be very hurt and may go to the extreme of faking a heart attack to get you back. Your part of the responsibility is to make sure that the romance never goes out of the relationship, even after the kids have come. Don't ever sideline your Leo man, not even for the kids. Then, he will remain contended and will play the perfect protective father to the children. He may not be very good with finances and this is where you will be required to provide some stability. There is a gambler streak in almost every Leo male and he will have to learn to keep it under limits. He is very good at repairing things around the house and this part of his characteristics profile may come quite handy to you. He has a very bad temper and it will be displayed when you show him disrespect or indifference. Then, he can turn hotter than a burning furnace. Apart from that, he has a very cool demeanor. Leo men make wonderful, warm and loving fathers. In this area also, they demand respect and it is again your duty to ensure that the kids do not forget their manners. Always remember that a Leo guy secretly fears being ridiculed and his pride is just a veil for his fears. So, make sure to keep him nourished with love, care and respect. You will be rewarded with a loving husband, who will never let you be lonely again! And yes, if you really want to know where i got all these without paying me any money, remember, your new best friend google, is always there. |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J