Friday, November 28, 2008
100 truths about me
ARE YOU►Perfect: Sadly NOT. ►Tall: With heels, i AM!! (: ►In your pajamas: Nope. I don't have them ironically. ►Lefthanded: I live longer. I'm a right-hander. ^^ =================================== LAST ►Last Friend you saw: Pshan, Jeannie, Yong and William ►Talked to on the phone: Dad (dinner orders) ^^ ►Person to text you: Gary ►Is today better than yesterday?: YES!! I slept till 1pm today ^^ =================================== FAVORITE ►Number: 7 ►Color: black & red ►Food: anything that's yummy enough ►Place: anywhere with him (: =================================== QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up? ► goes back to sleep Q: Do you have anything bothering you? ► Yes. Very much Q: What's the last movie you watched in theaters? ► Madagascar 2 Q: Where is the last place you went? ► Snooker club (but no, i didn't play) Q. Do you smile a lot? ► I am now. To the point i've aching cheeks. Q: Do you wish upon stars? ► I once do. But since i don't see stars right now... *shrugs shoulders* Q: Are you a friendly person? ► I think yes. But first impression of my classmates, NO. Q: Where did you sleep last night? ► in my bed? Q: Why did you sleep there? ► Cause.. it's MY bed? Q: When was the last time you cried? ► ages ago. Q: What was your last thought before going to bed? ► So going to pon tomorrow. Q: Rate life as of right now, one being bad, ten being great? ► 5/10 Q: What do you hear right now? ► iTunes Q: Does anything hurt you right now? ► Yes, because of good karma (monthly blood donation, you see) Q: What's your favorite month? ► December!! =================================== EMOTIONS : Are you missing someone right now? ► Yes!! Are you tired? ► Pretty Are your parents still married? ► DUH? =================================== BASICS: ►Real name: Joycelyn ►Age: 16+ (17 soon!!) ►Eye color: Black ►Sex: Female ►Crushing: Hmms. Is that considered a crush? ►Smart: I think so. And only me think so. ): ►Hair color: Faded + bleached version of ashy asian ►Sweats or Jeans: Jeans ►Phone or Camera: Camera phone? ►Health freak: never ►Righty or lefty: Righty ►SMOKE or Drink: NEITHER! ====================================== FIRSTS : ►First best friend: Hmms. I cant rmb. ►First award: Some spelling thing. ►First pet: FISH? ►Firstvacation: Malaysia CURRENTLY: ►Eating: Nothing ►Drinking: Nothing ►Listening to: Raving 2007 ►Plans for tomorrow: It's after 12. So you're asking about Saturday? *winks* ►Waiting for: sushi to come into my open arms =================================== WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER: ►Lips or eyes: Eyes ►Shorter or taller: Taller ►Romantic or spontaneous: Knows when to be either ^^ ►Sensitive or loud: Sensitive and loud. Ditto to above point. (: ►Hook-up or in a relationship: Relation!! =================================== HAVE YOU EVER: ►Drank hard drinks: Didn't dare to ►Lost glasses/contacts: Yeaps. Was freaked out ►Ran away from home: Nah. I have no where to go either. ): ►Broken someone's heart: Depending on how you perceived it ►Been arrested: Nopes ^^ =================================== ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: ►Do you like someone: Yes!! ►Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: I dont think so.. ►Post as 100 truths about me Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:41 PM): *yawns* :D and i get my PAY SOON! ^_^ wanna go xmas shopping? Joycelyn 依靜 says sleeping till 1pm is heavenly. :D says (11:41 PM): now that sounds positively depressing.. to ME!! Joycelyn 依靜 says sleeping till 1pm is heavenly. :D says (11:42 PM): *looks at your pay cheque* humphs hehhs and hmmms.. xmas shopping after u come back to SG? or before hehhs Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:43 PM): well up to you i guess.. preferably after? but if you like we could do something before i go ^_^ Joycelyn 依靜 says sleeping till 1pm is heavenly. :D says (11:45 PM): hmms.. yeaps.. after sounds good especially since my hols are starting on 13th!! *counting down* ^.^ and hmms.. the only thing i want to do is to see sushi owww LOSL Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:46 PM): haha.. well truth be told i was going to bring him along the next time i see you anyway.. :) hes gonna be something you can help me with 13th.. damn.. lucky.. haha Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:47 PM): i get like 3/4 of dec off anyway Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:48 PM): ^.^ finally.. sushi!!! ^^ and hmms.. 3/4? i thought u're only quitting in jan? hehhs xD Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:49 PM): haha.. its christmas month.. besides halloween i love xmas the best so.. ^_^ nuff sed :D Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:50 PM): lols.. i can see that ^.^ Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:50 PM): haha ^_^ i think im gonna get a bunch of santa hats when i go back to oman.. ^_^ so anyways are you free saturday? Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:51 PM): how about the socks too ^^ and hmms.. saturday.. Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:51 PM): socks? nah.. santa hats are the way to go ;) ill leave socks and stockings as such to the females.. *shudders* Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:51 PM): not really sure.. prolly i can only confirm tml? riight xDD lols Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:52 PM): haha no problem ^^ jst lemme know okay? but anyway... arent you curious to what i said you could help me with? Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:52 PM): oh yes u reminded me twinkly i hope it comes in.. letting me babysit him xD jking lol Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:53 PM): but hmms.. what's teh thing i could help Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:53 PM): well.. you can babysit him while im gone if you like? Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:53 PM): hmms.. arent u bringing him back? Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:53 PM): i would... but i dont think sushi would survive a 7 hour flight with me sitting on him,, Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:54 PM): xmas is the season of being kind and generous so ill be that to him :) and this way, you win too! of course.. if you DONT want sushi.. then ill bring him i guess Joycelyn 依靜 saw a freaking long RJ and was glad she stayed at home :) says (11:54 PM): NOOO!!! i want!! i definitely want him!!! *runs over and snatches him* and woooosh~ Gary .. REIxSHINJI FOREVER... To the ends of the abyss... says (11:54 PM): haha okay ^^ Lesson learned? In life, you only get the things you ask for.
(: |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J