Sunday, November 16, 2008
Long boring post
I'm so used with Gary's gentleman-ness that i'm not awed over by him yesterday. But we still have our laughs and fun, poking and bullying.And i'm so NOT a pokefan. *glares* Anyway, how should i start? How about with the fact that i finally found out one bad thing about Gary? He made me wait at a NON air-conditioned place for 20 minutes. But after knowing that he had a fight with his sister before he came out (which is probably true for he had a fight earlier on in the day too) and that he was GUILTY, i decide to forgive him. *grins* And after that was shopping for gifts. We walked around AMK Hub for more than 5 rounds, i BET. It's like, i've been to almost every part of the AMK Hub already. From the first floor to the last. *stuns* It's just so difficult trying to get gifts for his friends. But at least he got the cards and a ultimate cutesy square yellow cushiony cat at YG. ^^ And yes, we got to name it. It's called SUSHI the cat who loves to eat fish AKA the polyhexmethylene. Don't ask how the scientific name came about. But it's from a contacts solution box. *winks* And i finally knew what plastic girl or plastic boy means. And no, it doesn't mean literal or someone who undergo some plastic surgery. xP So yes, as i were saying, today will NOT be focusing about how he paid for me the whole day AGAIN, sending me home, letting me choose, letting me hug Sushi, attacking sushi *glares*, not realizing we're taking the couple seat, holding the door open, blah blah blah blah. You get the notion. *smiles* Anyway, we were at MCD and somehow, randomness surfaced. He pushed the wallet away when i wanted to pay. *swoons* AHEM, as i was saying, at MCD. Foldovers are impossible to eat gracefully. Honest. We were laughing at how every single piece of lettuce, onions, tomatoes and EVERYTHING are falling out. And at his horrible tasting Bigmac. Almost puked after he finished. And of course, we were chatting about some random stuff. From his friends to mine. *smiles* PLUS the TV at MCD. I always have this habit of staring at it and Gary was like, "Hmmms?" Then i tried to come out with an answer but to avail, so i just came out with something random. "It's just so fascinating to watch these. They're like... ... moving pictures. WOOOOWW *in a fascinated voice* He stopped eating and stared at me. And my eyes looked around shiftly. And we suddenly burst out laughing and he said, "Yes, you found the meaning to existence." And i went, "Wooow", again in the voice of ultimate fascination. And some other stuff which it's not meant for ears. *smiles* So after we went back to AMK Hub, we saw Evon working there. She was like screaming my name but i didn't realize. I just looked at her blindly for about 2 seconds before realizing, SHIT, SHE'S EVON. I know her. And i went up and talked to her for a little, leaving poor Gary standing there. But to think Evon thought Gary was someone else. HEYYS, TWO DIFFERENT RACES? DIFFERENT SKIN COLOR?. Oh yes, i forgot to talk about something that happened after we left MCD. There's this salesman who came up to us and wanted to sell us tissue or cottonbuds. At $2, $5 or $10. And he spoke in Singlish (obviously) which got me uber irritated and Gary not being able to understand him. So yes, he didn't get his money from us. Poor boy. Can lah. Can lah. The words he said to our backs. Gary was saying how he can't understand him and i was saying, i almost lost count of his 'lah', 'li', 'leh', 'lor'. No doubt i used them and is rather alright in speaking Singlish, but not once have i been so irritated with them. Not even my classmates's Singlish is that bad. Pfft. How can he be a sales guy like that? *wonders* But yes, this is still one thing, and here's another. It takes a local Singaporean to understand another local Singaporean. Gary CAN'T. But yes, i'm still think Singlish is an identity unique to Singaporeans. And it's an art which i am trying to master. *smiles* Anyway, after dinner,we walked around AMK for another 2 rounds before i decided to bring him to hell. Or at least to the basement 2 where they sells durians. HIS EYES ARE LITERALLY WATERING!!! *points and laughs* And poor him. He kept on smelling the revolting, slimey, stinky, disgusting, is-even-skeptical-if-it's-a-fruit, durian. FOR THREE TIMES IN TOTAL!!! His eyes went from white with violet lenses to RED with violet lenses. *laughs even harder* THAT'S for bullying pikachu and Sushi. *smiles* So after that, we went for coffee to kill our time until 8.30pm, for the movie. And we were so happily talking that we didn't realize it was 8.26pm until he checked his phone. So he got his coffee to go and we rushed up to the cinema. Or... well, not exactly rushed up. He still had time to ask me, 'What would i do/or be doing if i only have the last 30 seconds of life before a meteoroid strikes me.' I was like, what else can i do? Run around in circles? And another alternative we came up is that to avoid being vaporized, stretched and incinerated to death would be to kill ourselves in the last 30 seconds before we die from the comet. So, we can calculate the time from the building to the ground floor before we die. And we still can get to fly. Just that the thud at the end might be a litttle painful. *grimaces* But at least we wouldn't feel the pain of being vaporized, stretched and incinerated. *shrugs shoulders* So yes, Madagascar. Not too bad for a cartoon, i guess. A tad funny. *smiles* But yes, Gary thinks that i theoretically don't exist any longer. My poor existence. ): Because i had NEVER watched the classic movies. He even asked it on the way home and still, he can't believed it. Yes, he choked and spasmed over it. And did i mention, i was hugging Sushi ever since i got up the mrt interchange. All the way until i reached my home did i part unwillingly with him. I even said goodbye to Sushi and NOT Gary. No matter how badly did Gary stuck out his tongue, my only focus was Sushi, the ultimate cutesy in his arms. Poor Sushi, Mummy will protect you. *hugs defensively while Gary tried to squish and poke him* He can even do that over my shoulder. Damn it. My poor little baby. *wails* But yes, Sushi is such a cute baby that i'm going to find his twin. :) P/s: And yes, Gary smokes. BAH. At least, only occasionally. *relieved* |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J