Saturday, November 8, 2008
I was so tempted to post Hafiz's MSN up. But then again, he's my son.And a momo can't be so mean to her own son right? HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:10 AM): can u c yong cai online ? Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:11 AM): hmms.. nopes? why lols HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:11 AM): dun tell me he only unblock me..........? ohh no.... he tink tat i am his best fren..........? HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:12 AM): watthe Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:12 AM): LOLS Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:13 AM): omigosh ur best friend seh quick.. go hug him or he knows u actually want to fuck every asshole HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:13 AM): eewwww Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:13 AM): and he secretly wants it ;P HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:13 AM): wat the omg kinky seh i told u i was drunk i even said tat alr at ur blog haa Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:15 AM): lols.. it's only at the times when you're drunk will u say the truth OMG now you made yc yearn for you tsk tsk LOLS ;P HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:19 AM): NOOOOO omg.. cant imagine him n me in bed his muscular body all over me..... eewww puke Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:23 AM): uurhhs.. when is that ever called muscular? that's called fats lurs LOLS and well.. u can always play PSP and ignore his existence while he gets his way ;P HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:23 AM): oh yea tats true!! HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:24 AM): or mayb play with my lappy msn-ing with u at same time or play some online pool haa or swearing non-stop with malik at msn! vv Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:25 AM): WOAH!! i always know u can multitask but i didnt know u can do it THIS well ;P HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:26 AM): hmm... mayb a penis in my ass makes me so good in multi-tasking ah fuck... tis aint going to ur blog issit ? watthe Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:27 AM): YIKES!!! i didnt think about that.. until now Giggle so yes.. it shall appear there MWAHAHAHHA ;P HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:28 AM): ah shit.. shouldnt hav said tat.... *covers face* Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:28 AM): too late.. *smiles* you're going to be SO SO famous at my blog these few days i shall blog about everything kinky you said MWAHAHAHAHAH HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:29 AM): NOOOO there goes my honour n self-confidence...... haiyer Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:29 AM): urhhs.. dont worry Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:30 AM): only meiling and darren knows about it the rest havent read about your corruptness yet :) HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:30 AM): but its onli a matter of time..... i tink i hav to cover my face with a paper bag frm now on hurhur Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:31 AM): oowhh.. dont worry Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:32 AM): u'll just see guys keepin their distance frm u except for malik and yong and prolly aizat too ^^ ahhhs.. and your new BFF yongcai too ^^ HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:33 AM): hurhur wad a sad life i'll be having soon cry1 Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:33 AM): awwww Pats ^^ dont worry son Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:34 AM): mum will be here all the way ;P HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:34 AM): aww thx mum..... *mum u sucked big time* ure the best mum ^^ *i still tink u sucks mum* HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:35 AM): i love u mom! *cant believe i juz said tat* MOMO! Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:35 AM): now u're so dead Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:36 AM): for saying i suck Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P - Hafiz's new BFF + fpartner, YONGCAI!!! (: says (12:36 AM): look at nic for more info MWAHAHAHHAHA and yes.. i love you son ^^ HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:36 AM): nooo.... i didnt sae tat..... *how she read my mind* o.O dun put tat as ur nick fer goodness sake!!! HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:37 AM): yongcai might really see it! /die Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P - Hafiz's new BFF + fpartner, YONGCAI!!! (: says (12:37 AM): urhhs no worries i blocked him before putting that ^^ im being such a nice mum xD HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:37 AM): aww thx mum.... *i wish u dead mum* *who's my dad anywayz* HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:38 AM): i love u mom! Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:38 AM): now now son.. u sure u want to wish i was dead? *types msn nic* HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:38 AM): *omg.... how she read my mind* Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:38 AM): yes son.. momo knows best *grins* HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:40 AM): *shit.... i tink my mom is a witch* MOMO IS THE BEST ! smile Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:40 AM): awww.. son, you're the most awesomest child i had too Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:41 AM): *my son is so going to die... SOON* *probably by witchcraft.. but possibly by over fucking by yongcai* ^^ HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:41 AM): *dunno y but i got tis strange feeling tat some1 cursed me* i love u momo ! HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:42 AM): alrites den momo i gotta gay GO i gotta go! go Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:42 AM): uurhhs HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:42 AM): *ehem Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:42 AM): go and gay urself momo understands HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:42 AM): ok so anyways Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:42 AM): ^^ HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:42 AM): goodnite Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:42 AM): nightyz ^^ HaFizZzZ MARLBORO : Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only says (12:42 AM): cya Joycelyn 依靜 - PROSPERITY!! Pure corruptness -- Y must the world end? :P says (12:42 AM): rest well xD /waves And NO. Nobody asked you at select the huge space up there. *smiles* |
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Holly J