Sunday, December 28, 2008
Okay, i'm starting this on a clean slate with a clear mind *yawns* or at least, half a clear mind.

I've decided to rewrite this entire entry because i don't want history to repeat itself again. (As i'd always say, i can't blog the things i want to blog on my own personal weblog)

Although this had been imprinted in my head ever since gazillion years ago, but it seems that more and more issues require this 'motto'(?).

Probably one can say blogging had lost it's true meaning. But probably that all depends on what our definition of blogging is.

Anyways, i'm supposed to talk about me being twenty one SEVENTEEN!!!

Yes, i've accepted the fact that i'm seventeen this year and not twenty one (finally) but honestly speaking, haven't i been accepting THAT fact for the past 361 days? (:

Alright so i went out with Gary to celebrate my birthday today and i was finally early. Not that it matters since i get to continue reading.

I've no idea why but i don't MSN and read at the same time. Okay, maybe i do a little... Fine, maybe i do that a lot but i would try not to do it.

Ben would know best. Because he MSNed me during my last 20 minutes of reading time (had to prepare for going out after that) and i'm like...

Alright and i've finally realized. It's easy to spot Gary in a crowd. I could see his purple(?) hair from the stairs. But he just have to move and leaving poor me looking around like a duck.

So he carried Sushi along with a huge ass box in a PET SHOP bag.

And when he asked me to guessed, the first thought was... a HAMSTER WHEEL!! No idea why, but i thought of that.

Then he said something cute about the hamsters. Those ham hams would run reallll fast on the wheel and when they can't keep up with the speed they fall and spin around in the wheel before flying out. And the process continues.

Isn't that cute?

Ahem, alright. So it wasn't a wheel and my next guess was pet food. And that immediately brought my thoughts back to the EMP meeting where April and i ate cat food. A very fishy taste, i could still remember.

But nopes, it ain't hamster wheel nor pet food or leash, it's SPEAKERS!!!

*pushes old speakers and bass box away*
A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE NEW *urhhs, check box*

It just sound so SO awesome!!

And somehow i feel really young after reading his card. Because i've done none of those things and so i'm NOT old. :D

*scratches chin*
And somehow, i got this feeling that Lynnie might be my new permanent nickname.


I think i can live with that name. Not that bad sounding after all. :D

Alright, i digress once again.

So, we had dinner at Bakerzine and their ham tastes sour-ish? But their warm chocolate cake made up for it. *licks lips*

Pity i couldn't catch a video of Gary singing the birthday songs. (My phone was confiscated for 2 minutes, you see)

And it's the first time i heard it in French and honestly, the only word i could catch is 'Lynnie'.

French seems like such a difficult language altogether. But it sounds really really nice.

So after dinner was movie time. Bedtime story was alright i guess. Was really tired after watching the movie. But something got us talking after the movie which perked me up.


I thought of Charleston, Roy, Ivan, Wei Jie, Yassy, Jia Yang and her.

It was almost painful to think about her.

Even the sharp words and actions by Ivan and Yassy didn't hurt as much as what she had done.

AHEM!! (You need to stop. You're rewriting this entry for a reason)

Alright, and we missed the last train by a few minutes. A FEW MINUTES!!!

And the uberly *cough* nice *cough* cab uncle refused to go to Pasir Ris after reaching Yishun. Could be that he's changing shift soon, i guess.

Plus did i mention that gentleman-ness has reached a whole new notch?

Alright, i really got to go. Parents had been nagging me to get out of bed to go to Jie's house. Dad has came in twice and mum, once. So the next time mum's coming in, i'm getting my ass kicked out of bed.

So to prevent that, i really realllly got to go now.

And yes, i wished the new entry is wayyy better. ^^

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new moon BFF? unfair 再見 dreams Lamb Exponential growth Really long entry cold Insomia?
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And my boyf.
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