Thursday, January 8, 2009
Big Yawn
Daddy Malik has an awesome phone. But he doesn't want to pass it on to his daughter (AKA me) as a family heirloom.): Yes. I was uber fascinated by the phone. I was like... WOWing at all the new features found by playing with his phone. And Daddy Malik start to question my mental age and sanity after seeing my actions. :X And Aizat is an awesome friend. He asked me RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FACI "Joycelyn, where you going later arhs? How come Malik changing team?" I paused in mid-air, trying hard to come up with a vaguely logical response but failed. And i threw the question to Yong (who's also zhao-ing by the way) and Aizat insisted on trying to get me into trouble instead of Yong. *grumbles* See, what awesome friends i have in class. ): And my wedges survived. It's repaired. *jumps happily about* Have you ever read a mere sentence and can't help but feel really uberly happy? I just did. I close my eyes and i saw him right there.
A temporary medicine that is getting harder to bear... |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J