Monday, February 16, 2009
I always wanted to grow older, faster. Stuck at 16. Now at 17.Seeing almost everyone else older than me comes the desire of wanting to catch up with them. All the more having my birth date at the end of December doesn't really help either. Wanting to be 18 soon. Wanting to be considered as a legal soon. Wanting to grow up so soon. Wanting so much that led me to not enjoy what i'm having now... 歌名:阿不是要長大? 詞/曲/演唱:謝和弦 編曲:何官錠 版權所有:生命之水 於是長大了以後 你發現聖誕節 沒有聖誕老公公 於是長大了以後 你發現吳剛嫦娥 都不住在月球 於是長大了以後 你發現王子公主 居然也有在陪酒 於是長大了以後 你發現課本裡面教的學的 都只能當參考用 於是長大了以後 有些事你非得要經歷搞懂 長大了以後 不想懂也要懂 認命的接受 不認命也接受 只是受殤還受用 於是長大了以後 我們都 跟現實做了朋友 忘記了 單純和天真其實才是摯友 卻沒人能夠 卻沒有人能夠 躲的過 原來這就是登大人 原來這就是社會黑暗 原來這就是小漢時候 整天夢呀夢呀夢 原來這就是登大人 大漢了後才知挫哩等 原來三分天註定 七分靠打拼 愛拼才會贏 Maybe... I'll start to have a little change in viewpoint soon. (: |
Previous Posts:
Unhealthily round
Hot to me might not be hot to you
A long boring post *yawn*
happy v day
Nite nite peeps (:
Scaredy a caT
I haven't sleep yet
I want my own Shinigami!!!
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J