Thursday, February 12, 2009
Oh no.*gasp in horror* Now more and more people know how i act when i do not have enough sleep. I thought only April and the rest of the cliquables (along with those who stayed with me overnight during chalet) would know. But now, please give a warm round of applause to Gary!! I think from the violence towards his phone and having flies as my BFF shows pretty much how much he should not keep me away from sleep. (Though it's not like it was he who is preventing me from getting any rest. To be honest, i think it's more of the other way round. Me being online and talking to him, not letting him have enough sleep.) But it's a feat. Another more than 24 hours without sleep. And i just washed a few dishes too. Yes, gasp in amazement. I actually do housework. (: But it's obligatory ones of course. For i was the one who messed it up and therefore should also be the one cleaning it up before i go out. Ah wells. Housework can wait, can it not? See, haven't i done it all the same now? *smiles* And i think i did a pretty good job today. First batch was alright though albeit charred. Second was cooked but not crisp enough. Third batch was hideous but taste wise seems fine. Last batch LOOKS the most normal but i didn't taste it. And till now, i'm still alive and kicking without any signs of food poisoning (yet), so i guess it's safe for all to be consumed? Unless you're so down on luck to grab the fourth batch in which i didn't try out the taste and it just so happens that the fourth batch has some problems in it. And it's not because i'm lazy and therefore didn't taste it, it's because i had to go out directly after that. Please don't blame me will you? *lower eyes* Anyways, i'm off to trim my nails a little shorter. It's too dangerous for myself as well as others. ="= P/s: I lost very badly at Time Crisis but at least i won him at Tekken. (: P/p/s: Relax KiSa, i won't blog about that. This should be the least of your worries. ((: |
Previous Posts:
I haven't sleep yet
I want my own Shinigami!!!
DJWY = Ah mah
Wan mei bing bu mei
gender crisis?
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J