Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I think i'm turning into a glutton really soon. Someone, please stop me from eating!!!I just had 2 cone pizzas, 1 mashed potato, 1 juice 2 scoops of ice cream, a custard puff and a curry bun. Despite so, i still feel like eating. Maybe that's one reason why i shouldn't snack along but have real meals. I was intially really full after 1 cone pizza, mashed potato with juice. But once i reached home and settled in comfortably on my sofa, i started to feel the desire to munch again. The feeling of eating is overwhelming but i know i can't eat. Unless i really want to be unhealthily round. Guess my lifestyle doesn't really allow me to eat as much. Ever since i don't have a high metabolism rate either. *lower eyebrows* And yes. I've been out the entire day. Ever since i only went to bed like what? 7am? Then i was awaken by a text by 10am (i was semi awake then since i was dreaming then) and was texting all the way to 12pm. And slept overpowered me and i dozed off without realizing. All the way until April decided to call me. Her reaction upon waking me up was hilarious. April: Hi Me in a really groggy voice: Heyys. April: You were asleep? Me: Yea. April: Sorry sorry sorry. Me: No no no, it's okay. Why? April: Sorry, go back to sleep bah. Me: No no no, it's okay. Why? April: Sorry sorry. Me: No no no, it's okay. Why? Yes. I remembered i had to reassure her thrice before she told me why she called me for. I guess she still remembers how pissed i can get if someone rudely awakens me. Up till now, i think the only person who ever dared to call/text me and happily call it his power fix (and still survive) is Gary. And yes, only him. I got this feeling even April got a little taste of my fury when she woke me up before. *cheeky grin* But yes. I have to say, i performed a feat today. It was almost an impossible mission. Bathing and preparing to go out all under 45 minutes?!!! Yes, i did it!! A normal bath for me would take at least half an hour for me. And i brushed my teeth, washed up and bathe all under 25 minutes. I call that a personal achievement. (: And i rushed throughout the entire house to prepare while still continuing to text here and there. It's a miracle i got out of house as planned as 3pm. I was happily on the bus thinking i wouldn't be too late and was about to get off at the stop before reaching northpoint when the bus driver suddenly drove past that stop. I went O.O!!! and said a silent fuck. And i have to endure the excruciating pain from the sun as i walk from northpoint to the community center. April literally saw my skin turning slightly red on the journey. Now i think she'll believe me when i say "it truly hurts when i'm under the sun for too long". And we had cheesecake in front of the cafe area. More of her cause i don't really like the taste of cheesecake. But i did have one bite of it though. (: Then we went down to Sembawang for our little arcade trip. Para, DDR, doughnuts, tekken and photohunt. And i keep on having this feeling that April is letting me win her every single time. Maybe that's true. (: Then she went to work and i went down to Chong Pang CC to print those stuff out for Dad. And skimmed through the quiz thingy and went O.O!!! After that, i walked back (yes, WALK) to Northpoint and return those really overdued books. Saw a few people on the way there and none of them recognized me. ): And i went down to look for April at her work place. Reached there about 645pm and missed the time for those student combos. But i had a combo A which gives me a cone pizza, mashed potato and juice. I was literally really really bloated after that. And while paying for the food, Ben suddenly appeared behind me. (No, not Ben Low. But Ben as in April's Ben.) Then we stood there talking with April and deciding to wait for her until 10pm. Ben thought i was kidding but sad enough for him, i was serious. And remember the time when i mentioned there was a girl who badmouthed me and Ben? Both Ben and i saw her today and she literally was really quiet throughout the entire day. I snickered at the mere thought of that. *heh heh heh* Although Ben said that she was secretly treating the mushrooms she was cutting as me (and was also silently thinking about ways to kill me) but i was still rolling my eyes at her back everytime she walked past me. And it seems like those ladies working there are not treating April really well. *frowns* Oh!! Did i mention how violent April is? She shook the hand bell until the ball bearing within it came off. Yes, violent. *shudders* Anyways, i didn't really had a chance to talk to Ben before but it seems like he's quite a funny guy to talk with. (Although he was really hentai-ish.) While waiting till around 9 plus, a sudden farmiliar figure appeared. And *nods* it's You Liang. It was funny as to see how Ben and YL shook hands with each other as a form of greeting. YL literally held Ben's hand for a good minute while thinking of how to address himself. *Ben held out his hand* Ben: Hi, i'm Ben. *YL shakes his hand* YL: Hi. You can call me... ... - silence for a minute between them while i was laughing - Me softly: Just tell him your name? YOU LIANG.(I was afraid that he forgot his name and was trying to remind him about his own name.) YL finally speaks after the minute: You can call me Liang. I was giggling. Trust me. And i asked YL and he explained that he was worried that Ben might not be able to pronounce his name. I was happy at my senior's thoughtfullness but i had more faith in Ben than that. So i asked Ben to pronounce You Liang and he could. Pffttt!! I still remember the actions between those two within that minute. :X And yeaps. April had THREE people waiting for her to get off from work. Isn't that awesome? Ben and i waited for her from 645 to 10. Our willpower is not to be underestimated. *glances at Gary* See, i DO have willpower. And speaking of which, i was worried about a minute or two after he stop replying all of a sudden. (Alright, maybe like an hour or two.) I was telling April that i was afraid that i pissed him off accidentally without realizing. But seems like i was just a little paranoid. It's just that his phone connection went down. (: *coughs* Oh yes, i'm still not done with talking about April's workplace. I was literally eyeing her ice cream and salivating in front of her workplace. Then April secretly gave me a scoop of raspberry sorbet to sooth my complaints for a little. And by then, my legs were aching so much that i couldn't stand up straight any longer. I was literally crouching at a corner eating my sorbet. And after finishing that, i went straight on to my dark chocolate ice cream. April gave me a tad more than two scoops worth of dark chocolate. *big smile* I AM a glutton, aren't i? Ah wells. It's almost three and i'm still in my contacts and am stinking. Maybe it's high time to go bathe and watch a little of Superstar Express. :D |
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Unhealthily round
Hot to me might not be hot to you
A long boring post *yawn*
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J