Saturday, March 14, 2009
blah blah blah
Oh gosh. Momo had been asking me to eat ever since i woke up. I mean, i love to eat but there are still times when i don't feel like eating. Like most mornings/days.Man, i totally can't go on a diet. Cause if i'm supposed to lose weight, i should only be eating in the day and nothing, absolutely nothing in the night. But i just don't feel the desire to eat (though i can) in the day and i can't stop eating/munching/snacking in the night. The desire for me to eat in the night is just too strong for me to overcome it. And you don't want to know what Momo and been talking with me. Yes, i can give a hint. It has something to do with periods and commas and if i'm not wrong, Pril calls it 麵包. *wink wink* Momo had also asked what is Garweeee's name. (She calls him "your friend" and thought it's not suitable because she might confuse him with april(?) or something like that.) So i debated with myself if i should tell her it's Gary or Qin Hui. Before i came out with an answer, she went away. EHS? Anyways, i slept a lot lot LOT today. *big big big smile* 330am to 230pm. Tell me if that's awesome or if that's awesome. (: And Momo also told me to be careful of El's house. (*cough cough* Good thing El don't read my blog.) It seems like there are renting their house to more and more china peeps. Not that it's bad or anything, but they're housing three china peeps now... THAT'S THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE LIVING IN OUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW?!!!! Ahem, yes as i was saying, Momo thought it's not that safe to have so many people we don't recognize hanging near to our house. But ah wells, i don't really go out unless i'm meeting someone else (which implies i don't stay for a prolonged period of time at our corridors/under the block) so i should be alright in all ways.. ^^ And i really really really love my dada. To the point, sometimes i think i love my dad more than mom. (Sorry mom. :[) But i still can't help but feel dissappointed. I mean, i'm still worried for dada and everything but i got past the stage of getting angry with him for doing so. I know dada is such a wonderful dad and i will never exchange him for any other dads in the world. He had done so much for us and i appreciate it. He built up his entire little business by himself. No one beside him (though we try to help out as much as possible. May it be little physical work/financially) but he's more or less pretty much by himself. We know the reasons behind his decision now and as much as i can't agree with him but i can't help him either. As long as he's not too into it, i guess we have no choice but to let him release his stress and tension built up there. I'll never be jealous of other dads but be full of pride in my one and only dad. He'll always be my dad no matter what others may say. :D I don't know how hard it is to run a business/get customers. But i know, it's never easy. And dada never advertise himself. Not a flyer or a website. Neither did he get any customers from a mouth to mouth advertisment. Base on his own strength and abilities, he got where he is today. He has customers from our very own airport and IMH and i call that a feat. He didn't go for the little companies, he went straight to the ones that have connections to the big ones up there in SG. Taking a gamble. A bet. A risk as how i call it. And i don't mind this kind of gambles/bets/risks at all. Because that's life. I am proud of my own family and i dare to say it out loud. No matter what happens, no matter how disappointed we might be with one another, we still love each other. That's one thing i'm sure of. I'm their little kid and Jie's little mei and nothing can change that. And today's dinner is awesome!!! It's a 名不虛傳的大魚大肉. Am so freaking full now. ((: |
Previous Posts:
*huge huge huge yawn*
Shinigami CHOOOOP
Loneliness is different from being alone
Xiao Chord Chord
day out
Strikethrough and carve the new name?
blah blah blah :)
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J