Thursday, March 12, 2009
day out
I was debating if i should blog (since i've really no idea what to talk about) and Garweeee gave me a few ideas.
I really don't know what to blog about!!! (read: I'm really lazy to think what to blog about!!!) *coughs* But since i'm already here and had been typing for a while, so let me continue. Let me continue to rant for a little while first. There seems to be something really wrong with my MSN lately. Garweeee can't receive all my messages at times and April didn't receive my messages at ALL last night. ): NOOOOOO!!! Why must you treat me this way, oh my darling MSN? )): Anyways, i woke up at 1230 and yes, i call that early. 9 or 10 are torturous, 7 or 8 are inhumane and 6 is murderous. *nods* I think one day, i might just die from trying to wake up for class. But ah wells, at least i still can sleep in for another month or so before school starts and that's when i have to think of ideas to kill myself in the most possible peaceful way. So yes, as i was saying, i woke up at 1230 and went to wash up slowly. Cause i only need to meet April at 2 and i thought i have tons of time. Then Momo started to ask me from the living room if Dada should help me da bao dinner. I raised my eyebrow at myself (cause momo can't see it even if i did it in her direction) and wondered how am i suppose to respond while brushing my teeth. So i stuck my hand out of the bathroom and waggled my finger. Then she chased me out of the bathroom because she had had to bathe too before heading out to work. When she's finally done (like ten minutes later - and i can't understand how can some peeps spend so little time in the shower *sigh*), i MSNed a little before going to bathe. After the 45 minutes long shower, i started on the mandatory makeup (foundation&eyeliner&mascara) and began to flare up at my own cosmetics. The liquid eyeliner just doesn't work. April even saw the attempts of me trying to make it work on my hand. I literally drew on my hand just to try and make that liquid flow. *growls* I need new eyeliners!!!! And i was late. As usual. For 5 minutes. Just merely 5 minutes!!!! Then off we go to Bugis. We walked around the entire Bugis Village but found nothing to my liking. And April said she wanted to go into this particular store on the ground level. Too bad she has to wait until 23 years old (or at least that's what the sign said :D) Then we went over to Sunshine plaza and we got a litttttle lost. Just a little, i insist. To think i actually forgot how to go over to Sim Lim Square. That was the place where i got some of my stuff (i only started to hate that place ever since a few months ago) and i can't believe i actually forgot how to get there. I only had very faint memory on how to walk there and i don't have enough confidence on not getting us lost on the way. So we took the bus there. And being RP students, we did our research and note the buildings we have to pass before reaching Sunshine plaza. So we know that we have to pass IOI plaza first and NAFA would be on our right. So while at the traffic light, i went O.O as i saw we had past IOI plaza but NAFA was on our left. I was thinking for a minute on two with a puzzled look while scratching my head and looking at Pril. She laughed and turned the book around. And my face lit up and i saw how it was. *shifty glance* HEYYYYS!! I'm never a geog student, alrights? I was never taught to read maps. :P Ahem ahem. Moving ON, like now!!!! The KKNM which Amon told me moved!!! To #01-34 instead. *phew* And after getting some stuff from Shen Me Shu (i didn't realize the name on the bag until April suddenly said it aloud) we got ourselves some fried ice cream. I had ferrero rocher with cookies & chocolate cream and she got nougat with chocolate banana. Then we went over to Art Friend and stayed at the styrofoam area for quite some while. We saw pieces of styrofoam from an experiment thingy in one of the science mod problems, styrofoam balls that my secondary school teachers gave us to meddle with, styrofoam chess pieces, styrofoam HEAD and styrofoam hearts. And there i was telling Pril to get one, paint it and give it to Ben for Valentine's while telling him she painstakingly shaped it into such a perfect heart. She ignored me on the spot and went off helping me to find paper. And i was poking at random stuff until she called for me. And she found the paper section for me while i was still happily running around the store, grabbing random stuff. Then i went through each type of paper slowly while asking her for an opinion. I thought of black and red (as usual) but i didn't have sliver marker/pen/stationery so black was out. Pity i didn't bother to find it either. So i decide upon this really ugly shade of red. While i tried asking for Pril's opinion on the color, she totally ignored me and kept on staring at Garweeee's hair. I blame him for taking her attention away from me. But at least, she agreed with me that he had pink hair at certain portion of his head. Plus, there was this shade of purple/pink of chalk pastel that was really close to his current hair color. And i think no girls should crouch in their heels for a prolong period of time. Because it hurts when i tried to stand up. But i still think i'm taller than Garweeee if i'm in my platform shoes. Then we went for dinner and none of our food tastes great. We were wondering what kept their store going despite serving such food. While happily eating and chatting, we noticed Garweeee was really quite throughout his meal so we decide to keep quiet too. And when he finally took note that we weren't talking, he asked if we were having some sort of silent conversation and from then on, i think i went really abnormal. I forgot what was being said but i remembered laughing a lot. And when i mean a lot, i mean a LOT!!! And when Garweeee asked April what she got today, she gave him this really weird look before answering. Then leaving poor Garweeee bewildered, i burst out laughing. It's a 你知我知 thingy. I've realized, once i started to laugh, it's hard to stop me after that. Every little thing that April/Garweeee did after that made me laugh uncontrollably. Man, that's bad. After dinner, we went to Bugis Junction and Garweeee to class. And that's where we took our neoprints again. It had been such a long time since we took it together. That machine we took gave us very little time limit. To choose or to prepare taking the photos. Normally machines would count down from five before shooting but that machine counted from three. And we didn't have much time to choose the background we wanted either. *growls* ![]() The narcissism in me totally surfaced when Pril puts the "I ("V") me" icon next to me. But it died when the "變態出沒" thingy pointed at me. And Pril finally got the BLACK cat around her shoulders. And the three mochi sitting near her legs with a blueish ribbon around her hair. Cute or whhhat? ![]() I like the little bunny grabbing onto April. And her eyeliner looked so so so obvious in every neoprint. I need to draw thicker eyeliner these days. ((: ![]() Heys!! It's hard to climb our of some weird heavy box with such a thick glass called the screen, alrights? :P ![]() (: Plus the two little pink and orange little balls of cuteness is just uber uber uber adorable, isn't it? And after the neoprints thingy, we went to 77th street and i got a tube dress. I thought it wasn't half that bad but then again, i think i've something pretty close to that already. Ah wells... ... Then they asked if i was a member and i asked them about the membership card thingy right there and then. I don't have to wait till Sunday to receive my reply. Hopefully, i'll get an answer from them by tomorrow. And i was wondering if i should post the past neoprints up and after thinking for two minutes, i've decided against it. Since my eyes are getting to be really dry and hurting slightly now. Yeowch. P/s: misosoup(=^-^=) added; that's when I know i'm actually talking to you ;] says (1:39 AM): *hohohoho! *starwars suck misosoup(=^-^=) added; that's when I know i'm actually talking to you ;] says (1:40 AM): **shhhh! dont tell garlic* *LOTR then nice Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with says (1:40 AM): *hor hor *i wont tell garlic *i just post it on my blog *MWAHAHHAHAHA *;P misosoup(=^-^=) added; that's when I know i'm actually talking to you ;] says (1:41 AM): **faint immediately* *hohohoho! not scared... i just make sure he doesn't meet u when im with u *hohohohoho! Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with says (1:41 AM): *errrss Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with says (1:42 AM): *night safari *remember? *;P P/p/s: Lols. |
Previous Posts:
Strikethrough and carve the new name?
blah blah blah :)
Jie Mei
Up and Down
Poor pathetic guy
Haru goth
I talk to the rain
soup soup soup ((:
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J