Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mummy, Ge, Jie. :)
14 more posts to go!!!!! And man, i really feel like blogging but i have nothing to talk about. I think the 77th street card really suits me. (Those who have it would know what i mean.) Speaking of the card, i finally received it by mail today. *cheers* The temporary card i got was black and white and so i thought that the permanent card would also follow that same theme. But no, it was a pleasant surprise when i opened the mail. It's red and black. Both my favorite colors. I really want to flash my card at the respective outlets now. (I heard some stores, like Ramenten, Yoshinoya *licks lips*, accepts it too.) But before i decide to go around flashing (the card, of course) at random places, i probably should check it online as to which places accepts it first. Ah wells. I guess i better catch some rest, although i don't feel the tiniest bit tired, but i want to have enough energy to enjoy the lunch tomorrow. Oh yes, i've heard that SY might be there too. Omigosh. I haven't seen her for YEARS although i've been living only one block away from her. And i even know where her apartment is. (Yes, i've once always went there with my sis's fujitsu lappie.) I am so SO excited in seeing all of them tomorrow. Qing, SY, Val (she's our chef for the day, btw), Gui Qin and Jia Min. And maybe i'll just clarify a little. When i say mummy, i can generally refer to a few of them. My real birth momo (duh?), Val, Ben (yes april, it's Ben Chris and not your ben. I can never imagine calling your ben, mummy.) and some other random peeps i guess. And i insist. I have no weird obsessions over mothers. It's just that i always call those who would care & look out for me as mothers. Cause they're just like momo, so protective over me. It's heartwarming alrights? I guess i don't have to explain for my real birth mum, RIIIGHT? *stares* But for Val and Ben, i think maybe it's a little weird. The first time i call Val, mummy, was sometime in Secondary 2 i think. She was initially my D&T + Home Ec. partner. And as many know, i'm not good at art, technical stuff AND cooking. She was the one who helped me a lot in those classes. While in those classes, we have to do some food experiment/technical design of some weird stuff, so we would just meet up at her house and finish our assignments. And i would never go hungry or bored over at hers. She was the one who intro-ed me to quite some online games, fed me with scrumptious snacks AND dinner, let me fed her dogs with CARROTS (yes, i remember snowball. I was so sad that he was sent away. He was such a lovely huge and bubbly furball who almost bit my finger off. And shadow. My huge lovely though albeit scary shadow. I'm so sorry for being afraid of you. I apologize for making them tie you up and make you hide under the couch/table just because i was so freaking afraid of you.) Yes, as you can see, i do have a rather complex love-hate relationships with dogs. Speaking of which, i don't think i will ever properly hate any dogs. I had been bitten before and i don't think i was really fearful of it. I remember being bitten once at my teach's house and after applying antiseptic oinment, i continuet to happily stand around it though i refuse to touch it. (And no one ever dared to anyway, after seeing the incident. And let me clarify, i DID NOT do anything to the dog who bit me. I was just minding my own business, sitting on the couch, talking with my friend and suddenly the little devil ran towards me and bit me.) I think i showered more love to the other dog who is albeit old and forgetful after that. And when i mean bite, i really mean, bite. I bled. Ahem, yes. As i was saying, Val. She was also the one who is ever on the lookout for me when i'm drinking. (Though she was the one providing me too.) She would literally take the glass out of my hand when she thought i had enough. But i really have to say, i had barely drunk it almost everytime. "Mummmmmy, let me driiink!!" Also, i need to talk about my laziness too. I can't expect anyone who knows me personally and not know about my degree of laziness. I can even be lazy enough to skip meals just because i'm lazy to get out to buy/whip up something easy without burning my kitchen at times. And she would just pull me into her classroom (we changed class in Sec 3 but her class was still just next to mine) and stuff me with bits of the food she bought from some cafe before she came to class. Yes, she's an awesome friend. Though i think the last time i saw her was on her birthday BBQ. And i really really miss the food!!! :X Oops. Seems like i would only be invited there if food is being involved. So yes peeps, now you know how to make this huge, fat lazy monster out of bed. Food will do the job just well. *big big smile* And now mummy Ben. I really can't stand him at times and was so SO mean to him but he's still an awesome guy. That is something i really have to say. The amount of times i make him da bao-ed for me, ignored him on MSNs, being extremely fierce towards him (i screamed in his face before and HH even went O.O!! at me), blah blah blah... he still regard us as one clique. That's something i really have to salute him for. Thanks Mummy Ben. So moving on from mothers, i do have a Daddy GL (and i think he's my only official dad, though he doesn't acknowledge us as his children, but who cares. P/s: GL, now i know you read my blog so take THAT, daddy!!!!) and a few other siblings. Ironically, i don't think i regard anyone as my di/mei though i recognize the fact that i probably look older than all of them. From cliques, haylie and tobi are both my sis & bro (though i really have no idea why) and jeff is my new brother. (Okay, i honestly have no idea about this. Haylie suddenly thinks Jeff needs a role in the family and gave him a brother status a few hours ago.) But for Qing and SY, i think these 2 are the ones whom i've called ge and jie in AND outside school. And the way till now. (NOTE: Qing IS a girl, regardless of the fact i called her ge.) I don't know why but neither Qing nor SY ever thought that i would start calling them ge/jie. And i didn't think i would that either. But i did and they accept. Sometimes, i honestly wonder how does Qing feels when i call her ge. Anyways, i don't think i should go on writing for such a long time. It's almost 6 and i have to wake up in 4 or 5 hours time. IF i can go to bed and fall asleep like NOW. |
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Loneliness is different from being alone
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J