Monday, April 6, 2009
5 survey thingy
1. I’ve come to realize that…— everyone, no matter what they claim, are selfish 2. I am listening to… — Aitai Kara 3. Maybe I should… — try to live once in a while 4. I love… — anything that wouldn't hurt me 5. The best days of my life was… — the day where i lost all the knowledge of what emotions and feelings are 6. I don’t understand… — why am i feeling this way 7. I’ve lost… — all the bad things.. as well as the good 8. People say… — they will be true to everything else, but the truth is, they're just lying. Just like everyone else. 9. The meaning of my screen name is… — my name 10. Love… — are said to be able to be scientifically proven 11. Somewhere, someone is… — dying (as well as crying along with someone else whom he/she doesn't know) 12. I will always… — change 13. Forever seems…. — to be a lie 14. I never want to… — feel 15. My mobile phone is/are… — still usable after the abuse i've given it 16. I believe that… — i am my own god 17. I get annoyed when… — things aren't going the way i want it to be 18. I am better… — off dead 19. I fear that… — one day, i would realize i'm still as helpless as before 20. Kisses are the best when… — it's not superficial 21. Today I… — officially downloaded every single song 12012 ever published 22. Tonight I will… — listen to the ballads while smiling softly 23. Tomorrow I will… — try to stop being too lazy and go out, if not, continue to smile at the ballads 24. I really want to… — find those lyrics which it's uber hard to and start facing myself 1.If you married the person you last texted, what would your last name be? :: Teo. But i don't remember mummy changing her last name to daddy's. 2.What did you do today? :: Finish downloading every single song i don't have of 12012 (yes, i have every single song now) 3.Do you know a secret about your last featured friend that would embarrass them? :: Maybe? 4.What is one fact about the last person who called you? :: He's an awesome daddy 5.Last time you were on the phone? :: An hour ago? 6.What's for dinner? :: He Fun 7.Ever fought with someone older or younger? :: Not physically for sure 8.How many e-mail addresses do you have? :: Tons. 9.Last time you washed your hair? :: 16 hours ago? Before i sleep, duh? 10.Do you like Oreos? :: Depends if i have any desire to munch on it 11.Can you ice skate? :: Nopes 12.Do you have a brother? :: Nope 13.Do you know how to change a diaper :: Nopes!!! 14.Do you keep a planner? :: Kinda. 15.What kind of mood are you in? :: Hoping-to-die-but-cant kind of mood 16.Do you take out the trash? :: Nope 17.What's the best part about being single? :: That you're not attached? But i still like how my status is now. 18.Do you watch "The Hills"? :: Nopes 19.Who are you thinking of right now? :: Wataru 20.Wearing any bracelets? :: Not now 21.What are you doing now? :: Doing this thingy, MSNing and listening to 12012 22.Who was the last person that helped you stop crying? :: Myself? 23.Who do you trust with your life? :: Myself? Or the doctor that's doing my operation 24.If you could change your name to anything what would it be? :: Joycelyn!!! 25.Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love? :: It depends. If he's going to pay for my tickets (and living expenses)... HERE I COME!! 26.Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower? :: Yeaps 28.What are your parents middle names? :: Guess. 29.Righty or Lefty? :: Right 30.Favorite shake? :: *sings* Shake ya bom bom 31.Have you had the chicken pox? :: Yeaps 32.Have you had a sore throat? :: Duh? 33.Who knows you the best? :: Definitely not myself 34.Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? :: Both 35.Last person to see you cry? :: Tearing and crying are different right? Tearing would be Gary with my red red red eyes and crying is momo. (Not no one this time. I feel proud ^^) Do you always answer your texts ? . Most of the time, if i remember to What’s the last song you listened to? . Lovers Did you sleep in past noon today? . Duh? Did you do anything stupid today? . I pitied myself, so yes, i did. If you could have something right now, what would it be? . to live forever at this age even if it hurts to do so Do you want someone back in your life? . Not now. Is this year the best year of your life? . With him, i think it is. Are you trying to avoid liking someone today? . Why do i have to avoid? Do you miss your past? . Nopes. Would you ever date someone who thought they knew EVERYTHING? . Nopes. Reality man, reality. What do the majority of people in your life call you? . Joycelyn/Ching/Lynnie is a new addition. Have you ever gone horseback riding? Where? . Nopes How many piercings/ tattoos do you have? . None Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? . Everything? I don't even have someone of the same sex i can do that. What are you listening to right now? . I Believe Marriage in your future? . Yea, future. Do you love anyone? . Yeaps. I do. Has anyone wished you a happy valentine? . i HAD a happy valentine Are you happy with your life? . I lived to die. Guess. What is the last thing you said aloud? . toki What is the best ice cream flavor? . Cookies n Cream, sorbet What have you learned today? . Trusting someone is the start of one's downfall If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? . Deeper into my blankets, if not, Taiwan and Japan are next on my list What are you doing tomorrow? . Either get out of my house or procrastinate and go out the day after Biggest annoyance in your life right now? . Myself Are you jealous of anyone? . Why should i? What is your relationship status? . Attached If you were abandoned in the wilderness,would you survive? . I'll just will myself to die Do you secretly like someone? . It's not a secret Think of a person (you don't need to mention his/her name) and leave a message. . I suddenly thought of so many different peeps. Howdy, how's life?: ■ Howdy, life's normal. Have you ever wondered what life would be like without your best friend?: ■ Yes. Would you risk your life to save a random stranger who was in danger?: ■ If i'm feeling suicidal enough, yes. Does the topic of celebrities bore you?: ■ Depends on which celebrities are you talking about It's March and the end of the school year is approaching. Happy or sad?: ■ Happy, for now. When restricted numbers call you, do you find it amusing or annoying?: ■ Private numbers? Neither, cause it has a high chance of being my parents Which is better: iPod, TV, or computer?: ■ Lappie Would you ever want to be a part of the army?: ■ Never Do you find Twilight a little overrated?: ■ A little. Give me hot Asian vampires!! Do you find the hard-core, I-look-stoned-all-the-time look attractive?: ■ Seriously, NO. Are you into screamo music?: ■ If it's a slight metal screamo, i don't mind. When I say "Sodapop" what's the first thing that pops in your mind?: ■ Pop. When you feel sad, how do you relieve your feelings?: ■ Pity myself, then proceed to laugh at my poor pathetic self and move on. Would you rather sing or dance in front of your crush?: ■ I rather walk away Do you like things just because your friends do?: ■ Nah. Why should i? How long can you and your best friend text before it gets boring?: ■ Good question. It depends i guess. Kanye West's newest album: a joke or pure genius?: ■ Give me his/her newest album before i judge Is life boring for you right now?: ■ Yes and no. Ever been to Las Vegas?: ■ Nopes Who do you sit with at lunch?: ■ My lappie Do you have any creepers at your school?: ■ Creepers as in the shoe type of creepers? Are you an official Facebook creeper?: ■ HUH? I guess not. If you came home with a tattoo, what would your mother say?: ■ What doing you? Do you own your favorite movie on DVD?: ■ Let me find my favorite movie first. Do you still own VHS?: ■ VHS? Would you ever hug a stranger?: ■ Depends? Do you like the Jonas Brothers?: ■ I only have one of their songs. Too early to judge ehs? Did you ever in your lifetime like Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus?: ■ Nopes. Have you ever been threatened online?: ■ I laugh. Do you have any pets?: ■ Nopes. Is the Hannah Montana movie going to be a total failure?: ■ The kids industry is indeed huge Markers or crayons?: ■ Markers. Doughnuts or bagels?: ■ Doughnuts. Are you a good speller?: ■ Apparently, NOT. Which subject is your strongest?: ■ Chinese, but i think i'm a failure at it now. Is this subject also your favorite?: ■ Nopes. Do you think Obama is doing the right thing for our economy?: ■ Ask someone else for a better answer life is: -- something for me to laugh at love is: -- a sweet feeling if both parties are true about it God is: -- me the perfect weather is: -- cooling and drizzling the best sport is: -- sleeping id like to live in: -- Taiwan? Japan? Singapore!! all i want for christmas is: -- Him a dream come true would be: -- *finger on lips* vanilla ice cream is: -- eww. i prefer? -- to doze off either in his arms or while listening to 12012's ballads guys are: -- one letter away from gays girls are: -- girls. i would die for: -- the exchange to be an underling of a freaking hot vampire i regret: -- thinking about an answer for this question i miss: -- him money is: -- power beauty is: -- something i want peace: -- is a nice way to cover the ugliness of death i lie: -- not because i want to, but because i have to the root of all evil: -- is in all of us the most interesting thing is: -- humans wars started with: -- pride life after death: -- is either with tons of heat or soil anger gives me: -- fear from other people if i could perform miracles i would: -- perform miracles i was most happy when: -- i'm happy tears signify: -- a laugh that's coming soon enough at myself from myself a smile: -- is a facade to ask someone to buzz off change creates: -- more changes my first love: -- ever received is from daddy, mummy and zeh zeh in my heart there is: -- 4 chambers ( i think) blood: -- is food my mother: -- is always under appreciated by me my father: -- dittos to mummy my worst memory: -- is locked away and forgotten my best memory: -- is always in the making people interpret me as: -- whatever they want to interpret me as i am best at: -- sleeping i possess: -- the spirit of SAness nakedness is: -- not always art. hope: -- is one huge lie dreams give: -- me hope scars signify: -- the things i've went through |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J