Sunday, May 3, 2009
Hmms, Gary asked a really good question today.

If i can choose three supernatural/psychic powers, which would i choose?

The definite first one i would want is to be able to control someone else mind. I mean, you might want to kill me, but i can tap into your head and make sure you don't. Or be a tad meaner and make you kill yourself.

Or i can go play with your mind and make falsehoods for you to believe in and fight for me instead.

Or i can make you talk and say the things i need to know.

OMIGOSH. The possibility to me is just endless.

And the next one i would love is to be able to control air. Fire, water, earth or metal would be cool, but i still prefer air.

I mean, i would love to control all the air molecules and form it as an invisible tight wall of air molecules that is so strong that it can be a barrier.

Or i can take away all the oxygen molecules in your area, letting you die within minutes. And it'll be a painful one, i'm sure.

Or putting weird gases in your area to poison you to death.

Or creating such a low/high pressure that can crush you by controlling the amount of air in your area.

Though there is a catch that Gary mentioned. Someone else can put an illusion in my head, letting me think that i've actually already did that when i haven't. But i guess, i can always think of a counter attack.

If someone haven't turn blue/muscles are tensing, ready to move towards me even though i thought i attacked, then i'd do it again immediately. But this time, no more playing around with my prey. One swift move and ensure he's dead by then.

And for my third power, i'm really tempted to choose regeneration after hearing Gary's choice. I mean, that's one useful power to have. But then again, i guess i would still stick to my ability to manipulate ice.

For if any one day, when i want to kill myself for some reason, it would really suck to find myself healing after a few hours.

I was thinking about fire, but i doubt i would handle the heat very well. So instead, i chose ice. Furthermore, though i might look cool throwing fireballs but i would very much prefer touching someone's neck gracefully as i sweep past while turning that person into ice.

And i can't imagine me having a scarf around my neck while holding a fireball in my hand and grinning at my enemies. Ice and scarves somehow seems more compatible.

Anyways, i think this entry is boring me out. Will start again with a new entry about some other random stuff after i'm done with this.


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