Sunday, May 17, 2009
My eyes are burning and i haven't fully removed my eyeliner for i'm too tired and lazy to do so. Plus, i forgot what i want to post about.Oh yes. I remembered. 在遇見你之前 所有的痛苦 在困難的事 我一個人承受都沒有問題 不過認識你之後 即使有了全世界的支持 我也不稀罕 我只在乎你是否在我身邊 Anyways, i got this feeling that i should start drawing thinner eyeliner. I've been drawing uber thick eyeliner for the past one month faithfully everyday. 28 days in total. And i've realized, that the skin of my top eyelid felt really raw today. Somehow, it seems like i had broken skin there. And oh yes. The fucking gay image is still in my head. Dang. Do you smoke? [Do you think i look like someone who does?] Do you fight? [Do you think i look like someone who does?] Do you scold vulgar words? [Do you think i look like someone who does? (Oh shit. You didn't see the 'fucking gay' thingy i wrote a few lines up.) ] Are you a ah lian/beng? [Do you think i look like someone who is?] What life means to you? [Something sucky and ends after a few decades if i'm lucky.] Did you did something wrong and you felt guity? [I was feeling uber guilty on the bus home today.] What are you thinking right now? [How about asking 'who'. :D] Think of one person that is your opposite sex. Who is that person? [Boyf] Your crush? [Theoretically no, practically yes.] How you know him? [Myspace] What you love about him? [His good points... as well as his bad ones.] What you hate about him? [Nothing for now] If he ask you for stead, will you accept? [Been there. Done that.] Who is the last person you talk to? [Mom for literally talk to and April+Wei Ren for MSN] What you last ate? [Sushi] Who are you? [A human who wishes to be a vampire ever since forever] What you did today? [Went over to Garweeee's] Who you trust the most? [My toes (apparently, i'm just being random and kidding.)] What is your family members is doing? [Sleeping] How you see yourself? [As a failure but with immense luck on her side] Someone need your help, will you help? [If it's within my power to help] Are you a heartless person? [I can be. But i learned not to be.] Last sms you received from? [Some project thingy. I rejected.] Who is he/she? [Agent] Do you feel tired about life? [I live to die.] If you have 1 wish, what will it be? [For all of us to be happy. Forever] What you want now? [Sleep eien] If you have a chance to say something to your crush, what will you say? [*muacks*] When is your birthday, how old are you? [27 December. Turning 18 at the end of this year.] Who birthday is on this month? [May ehs. No idea?] Are you intend to celebrate with them? [Err. By setting fire on their homework?] How people celebrate your birthday? [AltF5 went to Science Center, Fish & Co, and cake. Mom burnt my hand. Gary went to movies and Bakerzine] Which year of your birthday is so special till you can't forget? [The one which just passed] How about the rest of the years? [I don't exactly have people spending birthdays with me.] If you have 10 million, how you going to spent it? [Gadgets. Clothes. Makeup. Shoes.] Think of someone that is your close friend and it start with d Who is that person? [Daddy!!] What you like about him/her? [Everything] What the last thing you said to him/her? [Serious? I forgot.] What song you listening now? [A little] In school, who you always mix with? [Random people. Depending whose group i'm in.] You have stead? [Yes] Who is his/her name? [Garweeeeeee] If someone that is a lesbian/gay will you still mix with them? [Yes. I know quite a few to be honest. And one even thought i want to kiss her. O.O] Among all your cousins, who is the better? [Fang!!] How many ex-s you have? (Only those you treated them seriously) [Skip.] How many ex-s you have? (Include those you didn't treat it seriously) [2.] What their name? [Skip.] Are you a flirt-er? [Nopes. I don't exactly have a good impression on flirts anyways.] What is love to you? [Total acceptance.] Are you happy now? [Not really.] Why? [Cause my eyes felt realllllly dry now] How many siblings you have? [1] Who are they? [Zuan] What are you thinking about? [This mosquito bite on my knee] What you intend to do later? [Sleep] What you hope for now? [I can get As without even working at all. And be rich when i open my eyes tomorrow morning] What is in your mind when you are doing this survey? [That bite is freaking itchy] Last person who contact you? [Sms, call or physical talks.] What's is your favourite songs? [Random ones.] In your inbox, who is the first peron that smsed you? [First? I've no idea. Didn't save that guy's contact details.] How long you didn't clean your inbox? [Ever since that time after i re-serviced it.] What that person smsed you? [Something about asking for my blog link.] It was how long ago? [Last year.] I wanna sing!!! |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J