Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Allen: 小黑是不是在追Jo?
Me: 恩恩!
Allen: 大多少?4年哦?
Me: Errrr,應該是吧?

-after a long long long while-

Allen: 小黑嘞?等他送你回家啊?
-cues myself laughing like mad-
Cheng Xu: 不要問錯人哦
Tony: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!(imagine super loud laughter)
-cues myself still laughing like mad (I laughed so much that I couldn't breathe)-
Allen: 是你哦?
Me: -點頭-
Allen: 真的是你哦?
Me: 不是啊,不是我
-turns to Jo-
Me: 他剛才問我小黑是不是在追你,我説是啊
Jo: -cues super diao face towards me-
-cues Allen continues asking-
Jo: 好啦,他兩個都送。


While I was eating my dinner, Jo was on my right and 小黑 on my left, Allen came and ask who was 小黑 sending home all these while.

I was like, OH SHIT!! Tried to act natural and continued to eat. Then Allen was like thinking it's Jo and I was like grinning to myself, breathing a sigh of relief.

I don't know. I just find it somehow what ticklish when I tried to act natural and 默默 continued to eat without being fazed by Allen's question.


Super proud!!

And it was super awkward today. I was having supper with 小黑,and was kidding that my parents might suddenly appear. And halfway through supper, my parents really DID appear.

Both of us were super O.O for three seconds and we made our exit pretty promptly after a little while.

Super awkward.

He said he wanted to walk me home and I was like dreading it. But what can I do? Sigh.

Tried my best to walk but then finally gave in and asked him if he wanted to take a cab home instead.

While on the way, I was kidding with him that later I'll run into my parents at the floor of my block and guess what? Yep, I ran into them.

I think I can start giving 4D numbers. Or prophesy.

Okay. There are things that make me super happy as well as things that made me fume like a mad person.

And there are also one thing that made me smile like mad. Something that I longed for a bit more everyday.

Shan't talk anymore. Got to sleep now.


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Melted Belgium Truffles :( kthxbaiiii 兩万塊新幣!!! *kisses* 坏男人,好男人 hmmm. XZ~ 我創造屬於我的天堂 I'm tired Oh no.
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