Wednesday, June 9, 2010
After H went offline, I happily started to play sudoku because it had been such a long time since I last played it and I got such a huge book ages ago, so might as well continue.

Was playing it and a text suddenly came over.

老婆我愛你!永遠~永遠~ 我都是你的笨老公唷 ^^

嗯嗯!!我永遠的寶貝笨老公~ 我也愛你喔!!愛得我只想儅你一個人而已的乖老婆 ^^

哈哈!恩 :-) 老婆我真的很想你… 我現在真的不能沒有你了… 我真的愛你

我也是真的很愛你呀 :) 嗯嗯~ 所以就要永遠在一起啊 ^^

哈… 我們一定會的!我的林依靜老婆 :-)

嘿嘿~ 嗯哼,一定會的!陳建翔老公 ^^

哈… 恩恩 :-) 剛剛有點小亂… 哈!也不早了老婆不去睡嗎?

嘿嘿~ 不亂不亂~ 因爲無論怎樣我都只可能愛你一個而已… 嘿 那會不早啊?現在明明就早上啊 ^^ 嗯,你也是厚…還沒睡喔? ><

嘿嘿… 恩!我們都只能愛彼此唷!:-) 哈!差不多了吧… 你也去睡啦!別讓我擔心唷 ><

嗯嗯!只愛彼此 :) 哈… 不用擔心啦… 我都睡到中午的說 ^^ 嗯嗯… 那就去睡吧… 嘿 :)

Honestly, this is unlike me.

I had the same feeling as him before. Ages ago, months ago. When he was still clubbing and stuff, I had this 亂 feeling once and I texted him. I asked him to assure me and he couldn't. He honestly couldn't.

I asked him if he can promise to never leave me, he couldn't promise me then. All he could say was that he loved me.

I know very well, loving is one. Staying is another. He couldn't assure me. I gave up.

And if it was me half a year back, I would have taken my revenge. I call it payback.

Heck!! I wouldn't even bother to assure him. I would make him feel how I felt then. But I didn't. Because I knew what I wanted to hear from him then when I was confused, and I know that feeling. And that feeling, isn't pretty at all.

I assured him. A little bit, but I tried to assure him.

I know I didn't get any reassurance from him months ago. When he wasn't that serious in this relationship, I know I have any right to get my little taste of payback on him. But I didn't want to.

Sigh. I think I really love him now. Too many signs now. Too many.

And I'm hungry. Shit. I ate so much and am still hungry? Fuck!!

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