Thursday, May 22, 2008
This is a VERY wordy post. Believe me.
I have two pieces of good news to share soon. Soon people, SOON. (:

Okay, now moving on to the main entry of the day.

Around half of our class didn't come for lesson today. I wonder what happened. Was there a communication break down with our class or was it just pure coincidence? I hope it isn't that half of the class agreed on not coming to school today but the message wasn't passed on.

So people who had attended class today, let's all not go tomorrow. And let the ten odd people attend ENTERPRISE themselves.


No one would do that. Unless we're talking about science over here.


Anyway, i feel like talking about my team's presentation today. Since i didn't get a chance to present alongside with my team and i feel that there's one part which ain't very accurate.

Sodium chloride reduces the temperature of the ice to -10 d.c. whereas calcium chloride reduces the temperature of the ice to -29 d.c. Let's call ice with sodium chloride to be A and ice with calcium chloride to be B. Both ice A and ice B would still melt at 0 d.c. That's the properties of ice, it will start melting at 0 d.c. When i'm adding chemicals to the ice, i'm not lowering it's melting point, i'm just basically making the ice colder. By making my ice colder, it will require more heat (compared to Ice A or conventional pure ice) to melt them. Therefore, taking more time to melt it.

So my point in my supposed slide is that our ice (which is Ice B) can last longer NOT by reducing it's melting point but by making it colder.

Because our team had explained that point stated above as
"We had added calcium chloride to our ice, which will increase our melting point to 29 d.c. So our ice wouldn't melt at 0 d.c. but at 29 d.c."

I was damn afraid that the other two 'judges' alongside me would point out their mistake, but it seemed that they accepted their explanation. *phew*

Because i didn't know how to help them even though i really wanted to.

Moving on.

How come so many people are feeling quite emotional now. This gets me very worried. I'm talking with them on MSN now and i feel so weird. I hope this emo-ness wouldn't rub onto me. Cause i rarely get emo-ed, but if i goes into a emo-ing stage, i go into a very scary stage.

And there's even this guy who seemed to be thinking of doing something stupid. I hope he's not seriously thinking about taking panadols or cutting his wrists. Cause both results in a slow and painful death.

Panadols won't really kill you. Because we don't know how much would be considered over dosage for us. Unless you're telling me that you're going to eat like fifty of it, then THAT's a different story. But if we had done a wrong calculation of the dosage, we wouldn't die from it, but instead survive with organ failures. So if die, you theoretically die from organ failure which during that period of time, you would feel sick, then this feeling of happiness from the drugs, then sick again. Eventually dying from organ failure. It's a slow and long process. You would need at least 1.5 hours for the drug to be absorbed into the body and if you had eaten the pills with an empty stomach, we would most probably puke it out before it's being absorbed. And wrists ... ... you won't die from it.

Statistics had shown that a lot of people tried to do this, but only 1% had succeeded. But it does cause temporary or permanent damage to your hand's sensory and mobility ability.

I've once thought about this and i came up with the best solution to die.

BREATHE IN CARBON MONOXIDE. (Nitrogen and helium works too)

You die peacefully and beautifully.

Carbon monoxide is made up of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom. It has no colour, no smell and no taste. Most importantly, you won't sense it. But it'll attach to the oxygen in your body causing carbon dioxide. And you eventually die from lacking of oxygen. Which is close to dying in your sleep, with no pain at all. If you want to die glam-ly, use carbon monoxide. It's tested and proven by a lot of suicide cases. *flashes-the-best-salesman-smile* But then again, it's quite hard to find carbon monoxide now. Cause most cars are fitted with catalytic converters which effectively reduces carbon monoxide by 99%.

Fine, i shouldn't make a joke out of it right? But think about this.

If you're going to hang yourself, you don't kill yourself by cutting off the oxygen supply to the brain. You actually die by breaking your neck. But if you hung there for half an hour, you would still eventually suffocate and die. But then, it's a slow and long process. And if you're saved before either suffocation or broken necks, then you would most probably suffer spinal injuries which leads to a life worse than death.

Jumping in front of a vehicle (like a truck or train, not motorcycles or bicycles. -.-) would prove to be fatal. But it'll be traumatizing for the driver. (Want to die also don't need to be so selfish one right?) And think about yourself being ran over by a train. Gross right?

Or jumping down from a high storey. Basically you die from the impact. It gives you internally injuries like broken ribs and bones which pierced into your hearts, lungs, liver or spleen. Which presents death to you. But think of how you look after you jumped. Equally as gross as jumping in front of the vehicle.

So, if you can choose a way to die, why not choose the best way to die right?

P/s: I'm not promoting suicide over here. On the contrary, i'm asking people not to commit it

P/p/s: I think he's fine now. His MSN nick doesn't look as suicidal as it was.

P/p/p/s: How many people don't get it? I DON'T HATE GOD. I just don't like those people who loves God.

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