Monday, August 25, 2008
Alright, now i'm feeling better. Still insecure, but at least more at ease. (Hey, there's some rhyming here.)

Anyway, it's times like these which makes me feel the urge to blog about Baron. To be honest, ever since i change my MSN nic to [Ching wants Baron], i feel like making known to the world about how much i want Baron.

But i can't.

Because i don't want any other people to know who he exactly is.

Just like how no one would know who said this to me.

Me: Thanks ar.
Him: No problem

Sounds innocent?

Yes, it definitely is. But it is whom who had said it makes me feel happy just by thinking back about it.

And no one shall know who is Baron and neither will anyone know who said the innocent 'No problem' to me.

P/s: I broke my foundation powder and eyeliner stick. I got this feeling that i'm committing suicide over here. Without foundation and eyeliner, i'm totally in no shape to go out.

Alright, i take back my words. For cliquables had seen me without either during chalet. I'm so glad that they didn't died from shock when they saw me without any makeup on and also that the fact that they are still contacting me.

Namely speaking: Haylie, Frez, Jeff, HH and GL.

Note that Ben is not in here. Cause he DID comment about me without eyeliner. So did Alia and Surayah.

Total sadness ):

And for the rest who didn't say anything, don't think i don't know. You were all laughing at me inside yourself. And so did my clique for sure.

But at least they didn't shun me and kept in contact with me. *grins*

I totally need at least my foundation and eyeliner when i go out. Either that, or you need to be really close to me to see me without either. (And no, i didn't mean close as in distance wise. But that will work too, for my momo and dada always see me without them.)

Anyway, without my foundation and eyeliner, i'm thinking how am i supposed to go out for the next few days.

Should i go out tomorrow and get some? But income wise, my money is dropping way below my standards and i'm still not allowed to touch my NETS card, so that's one major problem.

And if i'm going out tomorrow, will i have enough money for Tuesday?

All these needs detailed planning. Tsk.

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Okay. I dont want tao hua It's just a rant What luck Downtown east time Wakkie wakkies I promise... Confession Day 2 + 3 Day ONE
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