Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I can't. I wouldn't
My heart broke, along with her confusion after receiving the call in the afternoon.It certainly did. XY, YOU'RE ALWAYS MY DARLING MOTHER. EVER SINCE OUR SECONDARY DAYS!!! No matter what happen, i just want you to stay strong. Even though i know that you didn't have the link to my blog, but i still want to tell you this. No matter how days might seem dark with nights without stars, Always remember that there's not one day where we left your side. Gor, Jie, Cai and me are always here. The world might not have accepted you how you are But we love you for who you are. The good points, And the bad. What makes us friends for so long? Is it the fights? The smiles? Yes, it is. Because it's also that we saw each other in a different light, People see your bad points as bad points, But we see our bad points as things we laugh and tease each other with It's never the darkest before dawn. It's only darkest before it goes entirely pitch black. Even though you're confused and lost, But we're still here. Don't forget Qing, and SY. The 3 of us will always be your guai nu er and er zi. We will never outcast you. For you are part of us. Turn to us when the world turn it's back against you. We can't heal your wounds, But we can sit together and tend to it. I'm so glad that you called me. I'm so glad that you remembered me when you need an listening ear. Even though i really can't do anything for you, But i'm still glad that you turned to me when no one else are there. That's what friends are for. That's what Qing, SY and me are for. To be there for you when no else are. We might not keep in much contact anymore, But this doesn't undermine the fact that we are still here for you. Life is such a fragile piece of glass. It was just this morning when i just wanted a car to ram into my side. But, maybe. Just maybe, not now. I still have things to do. I still have my friends to live for. XY, you too. Somewhere in this world, at some place, someone you might not even know could be crying for you right now. It's true. I swear it is. I KNOW IT IS. 心頭的絞痛 就此淚別 I can't cry. I wouldn't cry. For if i became weak, how can i ever go on supporting my friends around me. |
Previous Posts:
lagging desktops are hated
Let's rock it!!
Folicate him
Pon school but yet in school
Headset BOUGHT
Literal LONG post.
so so tired
Okay. im feeling better now.
Rushing here and there.
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That's me in the picture.And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J