Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Washing UP
Oh great. I totally don't feel like blogging now.

You know how much i don't feel like it? I honestly rather wash my contact lenses than to blog now. *pssstt, now you know why my eyes are always swelling? Sshhh.*

Anyway, i had such an awesome dinner tonight. It had been such a long time since i went out with F5 and i'm starting to miss them already. (Everyone say: "Owwww")

Somehow, Mummy Jeffina/Daddy Jeff is always so funny with Tobi. These two never fail to crack all of us up. *ouch!! My head feels... cracked.*

Anyway, i'm not sure about how the rest of F5 thinks, but i find Jeff's actions superbly funny and Tobi's imitation of Jeff's action is just as hilarious too.

I don't mean the fanning-the-eyes-in-a-bitchy-way-when-full or the HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oops actions. Seriously, i don't. HA!

And Momo Jeffina tried to use this carebear toy to scare all of us but it turned out that he himself is afraid of furry things. Almost all of us use furry toys to disturb him somehow or other. I used a furry cat to tickle the back of his neck, Ben used a toy dog to tickle his side of the neck but Tobi was the best. He almost smacked a toy cat right into his face. WOOTS!!!

But i guess all good things end. I hate it when all of us go home separately. Somehow i wish that all of us stay really close to one another. But i guess, it's only in my dreams.

Alright, moving on from this and something on what i've thought today.

Somehow, do all of you realize this?

The more you want to see/meet/accidentally bump into someone, the more you can't.

I suddenly thought of this when i really wanted to see if i can spot Zhi Jie today at the bus interchange. For i want to at least be able for either one of us spot each other for 5 days straight. (Yes, we were on the same bus or at least bus line for 4 days consecutively.)

But somehow, my eyeliner is totally ruined today and i spent TWO more minutes trying to fix it. And that two minutes made me missed my bus (the bus just went off when i just reached the bus stop. GRRS!!), and the squeezy MRT people made me missed one train because they refused to move up the stairs even if they were standing on the right hand side of the escalator. So i was still at Yishun MRT station at 8.15am, which means i missed him for sure. Cause we both normally reach there about this time.

And this led me to think about some other things.

At times when i think that i wouldn't see him (someone else, not ZJ), i will just see him. I was real excited that i was able to spot him the first time and thought it was purely my good luck. I thought it's impossible for me to spot him again and i shrug off the thought soon after. But then, it happened of a total of three or four times. I totally didn't expect to see him but i did.

And at other times, where i really hope to see someone else, i don't get to meet him. Out of so many times in my life, i had only seen him once (at the mrt station). ONCE!!! Can you believe it?

This is saddening.

Probably i should stop wanting to see him on the way, then maybe then, i will get to see him.

P/s: I love lunches with E36C. Especially when it's a huge reunion. Almost everyone was there. *grins*

But poor HH. Somehow, i feel like crying when i see him eating his curry puff. You know how alone he looked. Just looking at some random places and eating his curry puff silently. I almost cried when i see it.

YES, he looks that lonely.

And how can we not talk about Jeff's favorite ZHAP during lunches? And our R21 talks. :X


No one saw anything.

Alright, i guess i shall update again soon. My contact lenses are close to drying up next to me already.

And i need to bathe!!!


OH YES!!! How can i forget.

I'm working on something these few days and i expect it to be done tomorrow night, latest. Haylie and Ben knows what i'm working on because they saw me doing it today while waiting for Tobi.


But i totally need help on it. ):

Speaking of Tobi, i left his high heels in class. OOPS. Damn.

And the heels looks really glam for me. GAHS.


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New Blogshop will update this post again. aircon is off! Memories just smack me Durian Click, please? Roaches NOT fat Not mocking. Serious Papa Lobster Jeff
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